Note: This article is no longer current. As of 6 December 2024, the National Innovation visa (Subclass 858) has replaced the Global Talent visa. Please visit our National Innovation (subclass 858) blog here for more information.
On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.
This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.
On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:
- process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
- finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.
We’ll update this as we know further information.
The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.
What is the Global Talent – Independent program?
The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).
The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.
Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:
- 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
- 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.
In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).
The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.
What is a Global Talent visa?
The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.
It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.
You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.
Am I eligible under this program?
Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:
- fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
- have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
- be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
- have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).
If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.
What are the 10 target sectors?
Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.
Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:
Agri-food and AgTech
Health Industries
Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
Circular Economy
Financial Services and FinTech
You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.
How do I apply?
To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:
- the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
- a nomination and
- the Global Talent visa application itself.
Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.
In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.
Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.
Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.
Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:
- Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
- Australian organisation
who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.
The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.
We recommend:
- reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
- sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.
Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.
The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.
The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.
The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.
How much does it cost?
The government lodgement fees for this application are:
Primary ApplicantEssential
$ 4,840
exc surcharges>18 dependent
$ 2,425
exc surcharges< 18 dependent
$ 1,210
exc surchargesOver-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.
Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):
Consultation1 hour discussion
$ 330-440
Inc GST- Written Eligibility Assessment
- Consideration of Other Visas
- Undertaken by Video Conference
$ 4,400
Inc GST- Review of Documents
- Preparation of Complete Application
- Submission of Global Talent Visa Application
How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?
The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.
Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.
The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.
What is the impact of Direction 100?
On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).
This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.
Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:
- where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
- made by Hong Kong nationals.
How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?
There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:
- undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
- if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.
What is the process once we engage you?
In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.
If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.
Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.
We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).
Common mistakes?
Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.
Frequently asked Questions
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.
What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?
What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?
- were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
- had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
- the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.
These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.
The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.
That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.
Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing.
What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?
I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?
- are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
- have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).
As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .
Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?
How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?
Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?
What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?
How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?
How do I find a nominator?
Do you assist with finding a nominator?
What are the requirements for the nominator?
If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?
How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?
I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?
I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?
What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?
Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?
With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).
We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.
With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.
Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.
Hello and thank you very much for your comments and clarifications.
We just have heard that getting acceptance in the talent visa is getting harder and harder compared to last year. is that right? I applied around seven months ago and have not heard anything yet. So could you please let us know with restrictions being removed soon in Australia, is there any changes in processing speed of the applications?
I truly appreciate your answer
Hi N,
The program is still competitive, but for applicant’s who truly are exceptional it is still not problematic.
It’s unlikely that removal of restrictions are going to change the processing speed of application since the GTI program has generally been exempt from the processing freezes.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hello Admin,
Trust you’re doing well.
Please do you know the processing time for 2nd application after rejection?
My thinking is GTI officer may already have previous apllication and outcome report and can easily identify the change in circumstances 😊 🙏
Hi Sean,
We’re not aware of any difference in expected processing time for second applications after a rejection.
As you are making a second application, make sure you are clear about identifying the change of circumstances that means your second one should be assessed differently.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
What’s the chance of an invitation after the RFI email? Could you please disclosure the average processing time after received RFI based on your cases?
Hi Alex,
The chance of an invitation after an RFI totally depends on how you respond.
In any case, usually a decision is made within a couple of weeks of the RFI response, so you seem to be almost there!
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
First of all, thank you for the valuable forum and comments.
I’m currently applying for the 858 Global Talent Visa and living in CA, USA. On the application, the request is to provide “Character History, Evidence of – the UNITED STATES”, Is an FBI or CA background check is enough or do I need to do both checks?
Thanks again!
Hi Eric,
You’ll most likely require an ‘FBI Identity History Summary’ and a State or Territory Police Clearance for each State or Territory in which you have lived for at least 3 months for the last 12 months.
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi, I got my PhD degree last month and started a postdoc position this month. My student visa was expired and now I am on bridging visa A. I have heard that I cannot apply for GTI since I am on a bridging visa. Is that true?
Given the situation is becoming tougher and the regulations in Australia are always changing, I don’t think the bridging visa holders should rely on this visa given that the issue of visa 485 takes a very long time. Don’t you think so?
Hi Mohammad,
Bridging visa A, B and C holders can apply for GTI visas (depending on their circumstances).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for further information.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Is a PhD student who has thesis submission due in 6 months still eligible for GTI or only PhD grads within the last 3 years are considered?
Many thanks,
Hi Koranat,
The short answer is that you do not need a PhD to be considered for the GTI program (you just need international recognition).
Previously claims were made for international recognition on the basis of a PhD student within the last 6 months of submission which is no longer sufficient.
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Thanks so much for the reply.
So if I have the internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement (e.g., publications) but do not have an income which meet FWHIT, I will satisfy the criteria by only having completed the PhD within the last 3 years?
Hi Koronat,
That’s right, recent PhD graduates in the target sector (those who completed PhD’s in the last 3 years) won’t need to show they are earning an income about the FWHIT.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you require further assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hennan and All,
Anybody applied for the Australian citizenship on the basis of GTI 858 visa as the Govt will relax the requirements for the GTI visa holders?
Any updates?
Hi Ali,
The special residence exemptions for citizenship do not apply for individuals who received an invitation through the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program (only those who obtained one without an invite). See here:
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello how long its takes to get endorsement from task force team before submitting EOI
Hi Shrutik,
It depends as to whether they think you have a good profile (but can be very quick).
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew Lawyers,
Great and informative blog post! I wanted to ask if I should consider applying for the GTI visa now or wait for a few years. I am in the last 6 months of my PhD in Australia and have several internationally recognised publications at top tier conferences and journals in Robotics and AI. I also have two international patents for a device created while here in Australia, and a startup that I co-founded. Do you believe with this background it is worthwhile pursuing the VISA application now or should i wait until graduation. However after graduation do I need to go onto the 485 then apply for the GTI or do I go straight to a bridging VISA?
Thank you for you advice and I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind Regards,
Hi Aakash,
Thanks for reaching out.
If you have a start-up and patents you might be able to argue that you have international recognition regardless of your PhD and apply now.
However, you still should still pursue a 485 as the GTI is not guaranteed and can take a significant time to process.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Have you seen any movement in the December applications?
Hello..I am working in the field of designing and manufacturing tools and machines for wood and metal industries..I also have a patent in this field..I have several other innovative ideas.Please guide me how I can in good condition to Immigrating to Australia. I am also married and have two children aged ten and sixteen
Hi Masih,
You can either apply for the GTI EOI yourself through or contact us at [email protected] and one of our lawyers can assist.
Good luck either way!
Hannan Tew
Dear admin,
I am an ophthalmologist with many international achievements. However, I do not have any Australian nominators. I have heard that some Australian organizations can nominate applicants for this visa. Is there any organization that can nominate my EOI as an ophthalmologist physician?
Thank you in advance,
Hi Behzad,
There’s no specific process (unlike for ACS or Engineers Australia) but you can try and contact:
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Having a PhD in the target sector within 3 years is enough for this? What is the success rate?
Hi Nisha,
We’d need more information to be able to assess your circumstances (and the success rate depends on the quality of the candidate).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi admin, there are many people who get GTI visa in previous easily. But I am not sure about the current situation. Do you have any information who are recently get GTI visa? I have submitted the EOI in January 2021 , but I didn’t receive any news so far. If the GTI is still available then Could you please provide me the update for the requirements of GTI application.
The requirements of the GTI haven’t changed recently (and are listed on our blog) but processing time can be significant.
Many applications from late 2020 are still processing.
Feel free to email us if you feel your EOI was not complete.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Hannan
I want to appreciate the good work you are doing. I lodged my EOI since March, 2021 as offshore applicant with no current job as at the time of lodging. Now, I am currently employed offshore with salary below threshold. I have updated the department about this new engagement to show my prominence in my field. Moreover, I initially applied under Education sector but later see I falls under Resources sector; I updated the department to consider me under Resources. This is my profile:
Phd in Chemical Engineering in November 2019
Publications: 74
Citations: Over 1100
H-index: 19
Reviewers of over 30 high-impact journals
Contribution by UNESCO-EOLSS to a book
Nominator: Distinguished Professor in my field of study in Australia
Offshore applicant
Please, how will I know if the department has updated my profile with the new update on current job offshore and change of sector? Likewise, it has been 8 months of waiting, how much time can I be expecting response from the department?
Thanks and looking forward to your response
Hi Rutty,
As long as you email the Department with the correct identifying details they should be able to update your application.
Processing for most applications has unfortunately slowed down, so many applications from late 2020 are still processing.
Good luck, keep updating the Department as things improve, but otherwise it’s just a waiting game.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I got an RFI about my previous GTI application which was about the evidence of the thesis submission. I provided the evidence about the thesis submission after 6 months and my EOI got rejected. I am about to thesis submission now and I already got a postdoc offer at CSIRO with a salary of about 100k. What is the chance of getting an invitation this time if I reapply again?
Hi RR,
It’s definitely worth applying again – though your prospects depend on your overall international recognition.
Having that Postdoc job offer definitely helps.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I have lodged GTIP visa on Nov 16th. Got the medical examination request immediately and was cleared in a few days. However, I see that my application status is still shown as received. No s56 or any other emails. I was going through other related forum and is not hearing any recent visa grant updates. Do you think the recent new outbreak will delay the visa grants? And also is it normal to stay the application status in ‘Received’ status for a long time?
Hi Sram,
Firstly, congratulations on your invite.
Secondly, a few weeks to process is not too much of a concern for the GTI application. Just make sure all relevant documents are uploaded so you don’t have a request for information.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
thankyou Hannan.
Hi Hannan
I received my GTI visa granted in March this year. I am in India and I am supposed to make my first entry to Australia by March 2022. My intended state to enter is WA (where I used to work and have great network). Given the current circumstances, I am bit doubtful whether I can make the move (with an infant). Could you please guide me whether I could get extension on my first date of entry.
Your answer will be very helpful.
Thanks, Pushpa
Hi Pushpavalli,
Firstly, congratulations on your GTI grant.
Current Department policy is: “Where a person holds a skilled visa and condition 8504 has been imposed, their visa grant letter will advise the date they should first arrive in Australia (initial entry date). Holders of skilled visas should try to enter Australia before their initial entry date. However, we understand that, because of COVID-19 related impacts on travel, some visa holders have been unable to enter Australia by their initial entry date. In this case, holders of valid skilled visas can still enter Australia after their initial entry date. Visa holders should try to arrive as close to their initial entry date as they can, subject to travel and border conditions.” (see here).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I am doing my phd in Australia and i have a student visa. I have a fulltime job offer. However, I need to start the job in late January22. I wanted to submit my thesis in ate January and right after that, start the fulltime research fellow job. i was wondering if it is possible to do so? i mean right after i submit my phd thesis, is it legal to do a fulltime job? should I change my visa to bridging visa?
I really appreciate if you advise me. Thanks.
Hi Hanna,
Students who have commenced a masters by research or a doctorate course may actually work unlimited hours after commencing their postgraduate research course so this is likely to apply to you (double check your visa condition).
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Thanks so much for the great information.
I am still in the Phd program (hope to submit my thesis next 3 months). I see that PhD student with international recognition is still acceptable for the GTi. Is that correct? I saw many ppl got the invitation after submitting their EOI while others are under processing. Do you have any advice or idea on that? If so I would like to ask you team to help with my application. Thanks.
Hi Tam,
Thanks for reaching out.
You can still apply as a PhD student, but your prospects are generally low unless you can show international recognition notwithstanding the PhD study alone (a higher threshold than PhD gradutes).
If you want to speak to us about your prospects, feel free to email us at [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I submitted my EOI with ACS nomination in Feb 2021 and still haven’t heard back on the outcome. Any suggestions what might be the reason?
Thank you!
Hi Shalu,
Thanks for reaching out.
Applications can take 12+ months to process. If you believe you have compassionate or compelling reasons for priority processing, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
My brother has completed his Phd and waiting for conferral award in Victoria , Australia.His PhD is in Information systems and he has international publications ,citations and is a reviewer in many journals. He has a full time job in IT sector .What is his prospects for Global talent visa.His salary is not meeting the threshold .
He is an adjunct fellow in his university..
Hi Mandeep,
There’s nothing stopping PhD candidates from applying, but they have more onerous assessment criteria. They must show that they have a prior internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in a priority sector prior to their studies. PhD graduates are exempt from the salary threshold (for up to three years after graduation).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for a formal assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for the information
What achievements you are talking of prior to studies
Publications are during the course of PhD .
Can you plz elaborate on this?
I am very confused sir.
Hi Mandeep,
Please email one of our lawyers at [email protected] if you’d like further advice.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I got a one-year contract in university as a lecturer. Salary is 90k annual much below the threshold. Rest my profile is really good. Do you think I can be considered despite this low salary? Regards
Hi Ali Khan,
You might be able to apply if you are within 3 years of your PhD graduation.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi there,
My name is Jasmine and I completed my PhD (officially conferred) in Pharmacology from University of South Australia in August 2021. I had submitted my EOI with all the required documents (including a nominator willing to support my application) outlining my academic and professional achievements for the global talent visa on 16th November 2020 and still have no response (more than 13 months now) on the outcome of my EOI. I have been employed full time since November 2020 and work with an Australian biotech firm in Adelaide. Would appreciate if some advice is given on the EOI processing timeframes for this visa.
Thank you.
Kind regards,
Hi Jasmine,
Thanks for reaching out. The Department is currently processing most November 2020 applications, but there is a significant slow down during the end of year break.
I’d expect you receive a decision early in 2022, but feel free to update the Department if you have had significant changes since you submitted.
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi there,
Following my post in the comment section here on 07 Jan 22, I received my GTI invitation to apply on 12 Jan 22, 14 months after I submitted my EOI.
So if there is anyone still waiting out there, don’t give up hope.
Congrats Jasmine!
Thank you!!
Thank you Hannan Tew. Your response is highly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Hi Hannan:
I recently finished my PhD in Economics in Sydney. I have a number of working papers on topics such as environmental issues and trade policy. I have more than 3 years experience in tertiary education at both levels (under and post grad) as a lecturer and tutor. I have a MS in Economics and Finance (honors) and BS in Mathematics. Does my area as a University lecturer in Economics fall under Global Talent Visa Program in Australia?
Hi Isaa,
At first glance, your challenge will be meeting a target sector (e.g. you could look to Circular Economy if your advice is used by the industry).
Secondly, whether or not you are eligible depends on international recognition (e.g. the citations of your papers, employment, media presence).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi – I came to Australia in JULY 2019 on a 4 year subclass 482 visa which was granted on MAY 2019. In JAN 2021 I received DISTINGUISHED TALENT 858 VISA
I saw a information about fast tracking citizenship for distinguished talent visa holders. Am I eligible for the citizenship to be applied in 2022?
Under normal circumstances I would be eligible on July 2023 .
Hi Arun,
Unfortunately this new exemption excludes Distinguished / Global Talent visa holders who received an invitation from the Department to apply. Effectively, this means that the above special residence exemptions do not include individuals who obtained their Distinguished / Global Talent visa via the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program and you will have to wait until you meet ordinary general residence provisions before applying. You can read more about this here:
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Kindly guide me at earliest. Can 482A apply for 898 global talent via in 2023/2024?
Many thanks.
Hi Ayesha,
Yes, at this stage you can still apply for the Global Talent visa if you hold a 482 visa.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
If I received an invitation from the Department to apply for the Global Talent program – how likely is the application going to be granted? Is it mainly dependent on your health examination outcome and character clearance/assessment or are they also going to review your eligibility (international standing, achievements etc)? I am assuming the eligibility part is done during the EOI review process? Thanks.
Hi Anna,
Generally speaking, once you have an EOI invite you should be able to get the visa without too much difficulty.
That being said, we have seen additional documents being requested at visa stage when the EOI was not too detailed.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance, otherwise all the best (and congratulations on the invite).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I’m currently on bridging visa A as I have applied for my 485 visa in last September and it is still in the processing stage. I’ve received the GTI invite in December and want to apply for the GTI visa. However, as I understand I will be granted bridging visa C if I apply while on bridging visa A. It will not allow me to work in Australia as GTI visa is not listed as a substantive visa for C. Am I missing something or what can I do to apply for GTI while keeping my work rights?
Thank you very much
Hi T,
The Bridging Visa C won’t come into effect until your BVA is no longer in effect, so even though it might me granted, it might not impact your work rights.
In any case, you can also consider applying for removal of the work restriction in certain cases.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like further information.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Can I include the email evidence for the invitation of reviewing papers and invited talk and manuscript for the journal to show I have international recognition?
Hi RR,
That is certainly one factor.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
Following my invite, I applied for the visa last week. The Global Talent Officer has raised some queries regarding the ability to obtain future employment. Currently, I hold a PhD and am employed in the health industries sector but do not meet the salary threshold of $158K. The GTO has suggested I could provide evidence of job advertisements demonstrating that I could potentially meet the salary threshold in the future.
I would highly appreciate if you could provide me with some guidance/share your experiences on what other documents apart from job adverts I can show? I have 28 days to respond to their query.
Look forward to your response.
Hi Jasmine,
Congratulations on the invite!
You can use things like job offers, market rate data, job advertisements, salary surveys and past contracts.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Dear admin,
I am thinking to apply for the Global Talent visa and I am not sure if I am eligible to do that.
Could you please check my profile below and let me know if I am eligible for GTI?
As you know everywhere in the world, there are problems that society suffers from, so it is important to identify a problem and think carefully about finding a solution to it or mitigating the effects of this problem.
1. I have been working in the Jordanian Ministry of Education since 2009 and I have a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics.
2. Since my childhood, I have been thinking about solving some problems, and I have succeeded in solving some of them, and I have not succeeded in others.
3. I live in a place far from the city center, so 22 years ago I set up a private store in the town and learned to maintain and sell computers and laptops, and I achieved very great success. In 2009, I developed my business and worked in selling mobile devices and Special communication cards in mobile phones and also succeeded a great success, and in 2017, I launched an application similar to the Uber application, but it did not succeed due to the complex conditions in my country, and I turned it on for a short period and then stopped it and it is still successful until now.
4. In the year 2020, I obtained an agency from the Jordan Telecom Company (Orange) to become an official agent for the Orange Money Wallet. I also obtained the agency of the Dinarak portfolio company and the agency of the Jordanian Company for Payment Solutions (Madsooatkom ), and it succeeded with great success.
These wallets are used for money transfers and to pay bills, and this helped people a lot and saved time and effort in going to the city center.
5. Also, a year ago, I myself designed and launched an application and website that sells recharge cards to telecommunications companies, PlayStation cards, international games and some services, and achieved sales of more than 16,000 sales through the application.
6. A short while ago, I called one of my friends in Australia and he talked to me about the Global Talent Program. I am very excited to identify a problem in areas far from the main cities in Australia and study and analyze this problem and try a lot to solve this problem or mitigate its effects and help people even Their lives will be easier and better.
Also, I am very excited to develop my current business and do similar projects in Australia. I am excited to come to Australia and do anything that is good for the community and the people there while keeping my business here in Jordan.
I am 39 years old now and I have a lot of time to do a lot of useful and good things.
Many thanks,
Broadly speaking, successful app developers are able to access the GTI program.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to undertake an assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
I submitted my EOI on Feb 2022, and updated the GTI email address around 2 wks ago with my recent publications and the letter about my thesis submission. And GTO replied my email last Friday asked me if I have finished my degree and can provide them my completion letter, however, I told them honestly that I just submitted my thesis will need another 3-4 months to get my completion letter. Then just replied me that currently they don’t approve EOI without PhD degree, and asked me to send him my completion letter as soon as I get it, he will be very happy to look at my EOI.
So my questions are : 1. since they normally don’t reply emails, and GTO replied my email and asked my degree, is that means they are interested in my application ?
2. After I get my degree, do I need to join the long waiting queue again for them to look at my case or they will process my EOI as soon as I get my completion letter?
I mean submitted on Feb 2021 (not 2022, wrong type)
Hi June,
They are right in that they don’t generally process non PhD academics (unless they have exceptional talent notwithstanding the PhD).
So you have one of the following options:
(a) respond to the Department with evidence of your “exceptional talent”;
(b) wait until the you complete your PhD and if the EOI hasn’t been decided, update the Department, or if it has been decided, lodge a new EOI application.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew Lawyers,
I submitted EOI in late December 2020 for Digitech field as a professional with outstanding skills. But I haven’t received any feedback from GTI. Could you please share some updates about the progress in that GTI officers are processing EOI? Did all EOIs submitted in December 2020 receive results?
Hi Tracy,
The GTI automated emails indicate that they’re processing most applications lodged in December 2020.
It might be providing an update and seeking a follow up?
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
I’m a Vietnamese civil engineer working in Singapore for more than 10 years. My main works are designing metro systems, both in Vietnam and Singapore. I only have master degree in my field and I’ve just received offer from my current corporation in Australia with salary above the threshold. Do I have a chance of getting GTV since all metro construction projects considered international recognization.
Hi Thuan,
You may have some prospects, but it is not simply a case that working on any metro construction projects mean you have international recognition. You too should have awards, media attention, and / or leadership roles. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan
Is there any age restriction in applying for GTI program? Holding a Ph.D. degree from UNSW and Being an academic full professor, what is the chance of getting through.
Whit Thanks
Hi Mohammad,
There is not a hard cap to age, but if an applicant is aged below 18 or above 55, an exceptional benefit to the Australian community needs to be established.
In short, it’s more challenging, but feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want us to undertake an assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Will the fact that a candidate is working in their field in Australia and not currently earning above the FWHIT preclude them from being considered for the program? I understand that there are several factors that come into the assessment, but am stuck on understanding this particular requirement. If your current income falls a bit short and you show data that you could receive income above this threshold with another employer, can you be considered? Or will the fact that you are currently working in your field in Australia below the FWHIT be taken as a reflection of skills and talent?
Hi Anastasia,
The requirement is what you could earn (and not what you actually earn) so there are definitely situations where you can convince the case worker you meet the FWHIT even if you are earning less than that in Australia.
One simple example is start-up founders who are bootstrapping so purposely keep a low salary.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I submitted my EOI in Feb 2021 and the nomination form by ACS in August 2021. I got a response yesterday again asking for the documents proving my achievements.
I am a little confused as all the evidences are already submitted. Please advise.
Hi Shalu,
That generally indicates that you do not have sufficient evidence (or it was unclear).
Feel free to book a consultation with one of our lawyers here to discuss in more detail:
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks Hannan. I resubmitted few of the old evidences and provided some new evidence as well. I received the invitation to apply today!
May I check if IELTS is a mandatory requirement for GTI visa before I proceed and lodge my visa application?
Hi Shalu,
The English is not a time of application requirement, but the visa is processed pretty quickly so you should just have everything ready at time of lodgement.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, Hannan,
I submitted 188B application a year ago. Recently, I note there is GTI program andmay be qualified. Can I apply to GTI program while waiting for result of 188B. Thanks
Hi Wenyne,
Yes, you can apply for the GTI program whilst waiting for the 188B to progress. Just bear in mind that we have seen instances where the Department case holders have said that they generally avoid issuing invites to people who have other pathways to permanent residence, and in that case you need a compelling reason as to why the invite should be issued.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
I got my 858 visa several days ago. The visa states the first entry day (within one year ). However, because of Covid-19 and some business, I can’t leave China. Someone told me that sending them an email would have no restriction on the date of first entry. Is that right? Will the 858 visa be cancelled because it cannot be activated within one year in the future?
Thanks for your help.
Best Regards,
Hi Stephen,
For now you can use the facilitation notice here, however bear in mind this will not apply indefinitely, so you should still aim to enter Australia as soon as reasonably practical.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I got the invitation and lodged the 858 visa application on 1 Apr and the police clearance was sent the Australian consulate on 20 Apr, how long do you think it takes for the visa to be granted? And I assume there won’t be any further question from Home Affair given they already sent me letter requesting the police clearance?
Hi Lili,
Processing time is usually within a few weeks of responding to any requests for information.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
I have completed phd in feb 2019, it is almost 3 years and 3 months. Currently working as assistant professor in a public university in india. I have 2 years teaching experience and 8 moths post doc experience in Australia with some publications, conference presentations. Stil am i eligible for GTI application from offshore?
Hi Lisma,
It’s not that just completing a PhD would make you eligible, so we’d need to review your situation in more detail.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
If I receive the invitation to apply for the GTI visa, how much time do I have to gather and submit all the documents, in particular the english certificate (e.g. IELTS) of my spouse?? Thanks in advance.
Kind regards,
Hi Laure,
Congratulations on your invitation.
The invitation is valid for 12 months, but we suggest you lodge as soon as possible.
Good luck, and feel free to email us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thank for the info and sorry for the misunderstanding. I have not received the invitation, it was just a supposition to set the question.
Best regards,
Dear Hannan,
I have a quick question: if I get invited by GTI and during visa lodgement process, I would like to change my nominator from an individual in Form 1000 (I haven’t submitted form 1000 with my EOI, just a recommendation letter) to an Aus organization (CSIRO), is it possible to do that? I have an individual as a nominator in my EOI (without form 1000) but would like to change to CSIRO after I get invited during my visa lodgement process.
Hi Viv,
You can actually change the nominator after the EOI invite (but before the visa application).
Just be aware that you can’t change the nominator after visa lodgement.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
I saw the post from June above and have similar situation. I am now doing my PhD and expected to graduate this December. I plan to apply for GTI in around July this year, and I would like to ask how do you think is exceptional talent notwithstanding the PhD. In my case I am doing medical research, I have six publication and participate 3 well-known conference, and receive 6 grants (research grants and travel grants) during my PhD. Plus I may get an postdoc offer from an Australian University. Would you recommend me to apply?
Hi Kenric,
Thanks for your enquiry.
As a general tip, you should apply after you complete your PhD since the GTI program is already competitive amongst PhD graduates.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss more in any case.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi there,
Can I include my retired parent who does not have evidence of functional English as part of 858 visa application? Elderly Parent is dependent on me.
Can there be a mixture of outcomes for a single 858 visa application such that one dependent doesn’t get visa while other dependents do?
Hi Prab,
Unfortunately you can’t include a parent on your visa application (unless you are the Global Talent recipient under the age of 18).
You might be able to consider visas after your permanent residence grant, so feel free to contact us at [email protected].a if you’d like to consider.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear ??
Thank you so much for this important article. A lot of important information has been presented.
I have one question regarding this statement:
“Over-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.”.
The question is: If I receive the invitation to apply for the GTI visa, Can I include my wife who does not have evidence of functional English as part of 858 visa application?
Best Regards
Hi A.S.,
Yes, you can apply even if your wife does not meet functional English (you will be asked to pay the second visa application charge before visa grant).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I am Asma Najibi, and I like to apply for Global Talent Independent Program in Australia. As a matter of fact, I would like to ask an immigration officer to endorse me so that I will be able to be invited for a Global Talent Independent Program (Fast Tract) as a talented researcher in the shortest time possible. I would like you to help me with this issue by introducing me some Global Talent Officers whom I can request to endorse me for this resident program.
Best regards,
Asma Najibi
Hi Asma,
We can’t directly connect you to a Global Talent Officer but feel free to email us at [email protected] if you want to discuss how to make the best possible application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Is IELTS a mandatory requirement for GTI visa application?
Hi Sappy,
English is not a compulsory requirement, but over 18 applicants need to demonstrate functional English or pay the additional government fee of $4,890.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have the GTI visa, but my first entry date is approaching (September 5, 2022). At the moment I can not enter Australia and might be able to do the first landing by the end of 2022. Is it allowed? I sent an email to GTI and the reply is a confusing automatic PDF file which says we have to stick on the first entry, but in the end it signals that they will not cancel the visa just for this reason, do you have any suggestion? Thank you in advance.
Hi Albert,
The position is that the Department can cancel the visa if you miss your first entry date but they have indicated that they won’t at this stage.
The advice is that you should enter as soon as possible, but if you miss it you take that letter with you when you travel.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you require further information.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I have submitted the EOI for GTI visa in May, 2021, when I was ready to submit my Ph.D thesis. I submitted my thesis and work as a postdoc from Sep.,2021. And then I got the completion letter in January, 2022. All the information has been updated to immigration office. People around me get identifier code within 3-6 months if they submit EOI after receiving completion letter. Since I have waited around 14 months, is it possible to have a new application? Or any suggestions?
Thanks so much and I’m looking forward to your reply!
Hi Ashley,
There’s no formal expedite process so the best way to proceed is simply to ensure you update the Department with any further information.
We can look at your application for you in a consultation, but the best approach is usually just to wait.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Is the GTI application for onshore closed? I hear the news that Australia is giving priority to “OFFSHORE” Permanent Visas.
I am looking forward to hearing your response regarding the Onshore application.
The GTI process is not officially closed for onshore applicants, but there are suggestions that this soon may be the case.
We will make an update when there is any formal news.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Regarding the “functional English” of the Global Talent visa for additional applicants. My wife completed her Bachelor’s degree in computer science, and 4 years of full-time study from a college in 2000. The study was in the English language. I can have a certified letter of completion study from her college that prove her study was in English during the four years.
The question is: Can upload this certificate into the system and use it as “functional English” for my wife?
Looking forward to hearing your response.
Kind regards,
Hi Shihab,
Without reviewing the documents that should be sufficient.
You can see what functional English is here:
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan
I applied the EOI of GTI in Mar 2021, but no reply until now. I am not PhD degree, but I have over 8-year experience, some overseas patents in renewable energy field and a job offer in renewable energy field in Australia which meets the salary requirement, but I stayed in stage of entrepreneurship after submitting the application. Since I applied the EOI, I also obtained some patents and international awards in same area. And recently, I have a thorough business plan in clean energy field to find incubator or investment in Australia. Now, I heard that other people applied the EOI in the same period have received the feedback at early time but I didn’t get any reply. Could you tell me what should I do next? Should I give up to wait and reapply again? Or choose another visa?
Many thanks
Hi Molse,
Rather than renewing the application, one suggestion might be to update the Department and let them know that your application still has not been processed (particularly since they are processing applications lodge din April 2021 right now). Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you would like us to assist with this.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
First of all, I want to thank you for the information. I want to apply for the task force. Should I email the task force team before submitting the EOI or after that?
Hi Shabham,
You should only email the task force team if you have high prospects, and we generally do this right before submitting the EOI.
Good luck!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
I applied EOI of GTI online form yesterday. But I didn’t receive any confirmation email. Is that normal?? Or Should I receive email after finishing the online form.
Looking forward to hearing your response.
Kind regards,
Hi Ali,
That’s right – the system doesn’t issue any acknowledgement letters and the Department will only write to you when they are ready to make a decision (or request further information).
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
For the character certificate from the USA, in the requirement, it says “US temporary residents and visitors ‘FBI Identity History Summary’ issued by the FBI and if you resided in the US for at least three months in the past year, a State or Territory Police Clearance for each State or Territory in which you have lived for at least 3 months during the last 12 months.” My question is: If I did not live in the USA for the last 12 months (I left USA in 2017 ), do I still need a state certificate?
Hi Sunil,
You will need an FBI Identity History Summary if you lived in the US for more than 12 months in the last 10 years.
You won’t need a State or Territory police check unless you lived in a particular State in the last 12 months.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannah,
I am doing my PhD in one of the Gr8 University of Australia, and I am planning to submit my PhD by December 2022 (I am able to complete my PhD within less than 3 years). I have 41 research publications in reputed journals so far, attended many scientific conferences, . I am a director of the regional chapter of an international society, and won grants. I am also currently working as a casual senior research assistant. My PhD work is on antimicrobial resistance (which is listed as number one under Health industry). I am a member of the Australian Society for Antimicrobials, and Pacific Region Infectious Disease Association, and other . Expert professor in infectious disease will also nominate me, and I can also get support letter from other experts in the area.
How do you rate my chance of being successful with GTI from your experience?
Do you think it is a good idea to submit EOI after submission of my PhD thesis and getting confirmation of submission (to save time) or after getting conferral letter (which will take additional 3 or 4 months)?
Looking forward to your reply
Thank you so much
Kind regards,
Hi Bel,
Without knowing about your application, looks like you’ll meet the minimum criteria after you lodge your PhD (and usually the best strategy is to lodge after you receive your conferral letter).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I have received an email from the department saying need more information to assess my application as follows:
“Evidence of status of nominator”
I am not sure I can provide the evidence on time (deadline is 28 days), because my nominator is not available right now.How can I request more time to give the information?
Hi Karan,
The best way to request more time is to simply upload a statement explaining the reason for the delay and how much more time you reasonably need (e.g. 28 days).
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I would like to ask, will the GTI officer know if we have received another visa when processing our EOI?
Thanks in advance
Hi Y,
We’ve received RFI’s from caseworkers when a person has had a visa so we assume they must be able to determine your visa status.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks a lot
I was wondering what is endorsement from Global talent officer, does it mean that I will get invitation for sure?
In that case how much time it 5akes to get invitation?
Hi SG,
Congrats on the endorsement, though that does not mean you will get an invitation (it means you will get priority processing).
Usually priority processed applications are decided within 1-2 months.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Do you know which month they are processing?
Hi Jane,
The Department is still processing most EOI’s lodged in May 2021(!).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Thank you for your reply! I really appreciate it!
Hi Hannan,
May I know if there are any recent changes to the final visa processing priority for GTI?
Hi Sappy,
Visa processing is around 1-2 months from lodgement.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
After an Invitation to Apply is received what other considerations are still remaining to grant the GTI Visa?
If the medical check and police clearance are both positive is it certain that GTI Visa will be granted (may take time but will get a visa)?
Thanks, Manish
Hi Manish,
After an invitation, technically the entire application is reassessed at visa stage (including health and character, but also the nominator and your supporting documents).
Usually we ensure the EOI application is prepared with sufficient detail and clarity that the same or slightly amended submissions can be used in the Global Talent visa application.
Hope that helps.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Hannah,
I have received my EOI since September 28th, I’ve been busy traveling as I have tight schedule for the end of year.
Would like to confirm if it doesn’t expire and if it does, how long does it take.
Thanks for all, I’ve really gained a lot ok this platform in my waiting period
Hi Royalty,
Firstly congratulations on your invitation.
We understand that the most recent batch of invitations do not have an expiry date (though an older iteration had 12 month periods).
In short, you should apply as soon as possible because the program can fluctuate / your documents can lose relevance.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannah,
My EOI was rejected recently after waiting for 20 months. I requested for priority processing and has refusal on my EOI and closure of EOI. I know someone who had exactly similar case and profile, he got refusal for invitation after he requested for priority processing. However, he contacted GTO via LinkedIn and requested him to review it by sharing a powerpoint presentation on his profile and achievements, and within few days, he was invited. I could not find my GTO on LinkedIn and i was wondering if it is a wise decision to reply to the same email from which i got email about refusal on my EOI? I believe the GTI email is not monitored by a single officer or is it monitored by a single person who can forward it to the concerned GTO? can you shed some light on it? Also, would you recommend if it is wise to ask for review via email (though EOI outcome is not reviewable) and any such email will have any consequences on future EOI lodging (be it GTI or 189 etc)? I was thinking to drop a polite request to review by sharing a powerpoint presentation about my profile to my GTO. Your expert opinion will be much appreciated.
Hi Shezan,
Our current understanding is that the GTI program is no longer eligible for priority processing.
In any case, we do not recommend sending additional correspondence to the GTO inbox unless you are certain you are an exceptional candidate / are making relevant updates.
In your case, the most appropriate method might be to apply for the GTI EOI again.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to consider this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, would recent PhD graduates (provided that they fall under the sectors be eligible to apply for GTI?
Hi Aeson,
Recent PhD Graduates don’t need to show that they earn above the FWHIT, but apart from that benefit, they still need to demonstrate that they have international recognition etc. So yes, recent PhD Gradutes can apply, but their invitation depends on their personal circumstances. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Do you know which month they are processing?
It would be helpful and appreciated if you could kindly update the processing month in this website page according to the automatic response email.
Best regards.
Hi Toby,
They are currently processing EOI’s submitted in February 2022.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannah,
I recently submitted by PhD and secured a postdoctoral research fellow in cancer research with a salary of $90, 000). It has been two months since I started my new position at a prestigious university in Australia. I have 43 research publications in reputed journals and have attended numerous scientific conferences. My PhD research has garnered media attention and recognition from international organisations, including the World Health Organisation. I am a member of several international societies and professional associations, including the Public Health Association of Australia, and the Australian Society of Antimicrobials. Additionally, I co-founded and direct of the regional chapter of an international society dedicated to cancer prevention and research. I have also been successful in securing research fundings or grants. During my PhD study, I worked as a casual research assistant and academic tutor, and prior to my PhD, I worked as a lecturer in medical health sciences.
I am planning to submit a GTI application, but I have not received my PhD conferral yet as it takes some time to process, I would appreciate your recommendation on this?
Thank you so much.
Kind regards,
Hi Admas,
As you are currently not earning at above the FWHIT, we would generally recommend you wait until you have you obtain your PhD conferral.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannna Tew
In general, how much faster can my application be processed if I am HK citizen and in the healthcare sector? I just submitted my application in Jan 2022.
Hi May,
HK citizens in the healthcare sector can expect priority processing of 3-6 months.
Feel free to reach out to us directly if you want to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Is the PhD graduate eligible to submit EOI for GTI Visa? I am looking forward to hearing your response.
There is no specific qualification requirement for the GTI visa, and simply having a PhD is not sufficient to apply for the GTI visa.
Ultimately, you will need to demonstrate you have international recognition (a PhD is one of the factors in this assessment).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
After the first entry date, for how long do I need to stay ? Can I just make a week long visit to activate my PR status?
Thanks and Regards,
Hi Sandy,
Even one day of entry is sufficient to mee the first entry date requirements.
Just bear in mind that your Global Talent visa would have a 5 year travel facility, and to extend this you usually need to be present in Australia for 2 of the last 5 years.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] for further information.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hanna,
hope to receive your help.
I lodged in all my docs. for 858 Visa in Dec. 2022. health checked as their request and submitted all required docs. Then i got one email from HomeAffairs to ask my lungs checked one more time. Then i completed all in Jan. 2023
But up to now, after more 5 months, i have not yet received any information for my Visa.
What should i do ? and any problem to my case ?
Thank you so much
Hi Rose,
Thanks for reaching out.
Additional medicals can be requested when the MOC finds a potential issue in your first tests.
We’d need more information to know what the issue is, but one piece of good information is that the Global Talent visa has health waiver provisions.
Feel free to reach out at [email protected] to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
For the Global Talent Independent Visa (For Asian candidates), where should it be sent to? I was planning to send it to South Asia Officier. Can I still send it to their corresponding email ([email protected]) or submit my EOI on immi page?
Hi Arun,
Visa applications must be submitted through your ImmiAccount (
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
I am planning to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) for the Global Talent Visa now that I have received my PhD. In 2020, I submitted an EOI while I was still a first-year PhD student, holding a master’s degree. However, the outcome was that they stopped accepting applicants with master’s degrees by that time and advised me to reapply after completing and receiving my PhD. Now that I am preparing to submit my EOI again, I am wondering if I should mention my previous unsuccessful application. Unfortunately, as you know, the EOI application does not provide an opportunity to explain the reasons for previous unsuccessful applications; it only allows for selecting one option. I am concerned that this might have a negative impact on my current application. Despite having an excellent CV with awards, recognitions, Many quality publications, grants, conference/international meeting participation, and securing a post-doctoral fellowship, I worry that my previous application might still affect my chances. I would appreciate your recommendation in this situation?
Thank you so much!
Kind regards,
Hi Admas,
You can include an explanation for your previous EOI refusal, and the changes that now make you eligible, as an attachment to the application.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance with this.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I am planning to submit EOI in the end of the year because my graduation will be complete in November form Bangladesh. Actually, I am working with a Australian company for the last one year therefore they want me to join their team. But the problem is the company is pretty small you can check if you want ( ) with very few workers. so if I apply for working visa will it be acceptable? in the same way I would like to get to know the process very well so that I won’t be rejected. I hope you may help me by informing.
Hi Mahmudal,
A job offer on it’s own is not sufficient to receive a GTI EOI invite (you would still need to meet other criteria demonstrating international recognition).
However, a job offer may be used to obtain an employer sponsored visa.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
Do you know which month they are processing?
Best regards.
Hi Won,
The Department is currently processing EOI’s submitted in March 2023.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
Do you know which month the department is processing?. I have submitted my EOI in early September.
Thank you so much?
Kind regards,