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1 July 2024: Upcoming changes to Australian immigration

By 26 June, 2024No Comments5 min read

1 July 2024 changes to Australian immigration

1 July represents the beginning of the new Migration Program year (2024/25). While this time of year generally involves tweaks to the migration program, this year has a particularly large range of measures to be implemented.

These are set out in further detail below:

1. Lodgement Fee increase

On 1 July each year, the government lodgement fees typically increase by single digit percentage.

Notably, the lodgement fees to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal will also increase (see here).

2. TSMIT / FWHIT increases

The Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT), being the minimum salary to sponsor a person for a TSS Subclass 482 visa, will increase to $73,150 (see here).

The Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), which in an immigration context may be used for an employer-sponsored age exemption or the minimum salary threshold for the GTI program (see here), will increase to $175,000 (see here).

3. Graduate 485 visa Changes (and closure of 476 visa)

A wide range of changes are coming to Graduate 485 visas lodged on or after 1 July 2024, including a reduction in the age limit, and a reduction in stay periods. You can read more about these changes here.

There will also be a renaming of the relevant streams and a closure of the “replacement” stream. The 2-year “select degree” pathway will also close.

The Subclass 476 visa (predominantly for engineering graduates) will also be closed (see here).

4. Working Holiday Maker Changes

There are two main notable changes to the Working Holiday visa program, including that:

  1. UK nationals no longer need to satisfy the 3 months of “specified work” to get their second or third Working Holiday visa; and
  2. Philippines nationals will be able to access the Work and Holiday (Subclass 462) visa – see here.

5. Family Violence Provisions – PM and Partner

A new instrument will take effect (see here), which broadly:

  1. improves access to provisions to allow application and grant of an onshore Partner (Subclass 820/801) visa in certain circumstances where the relationship between a visa applicant and sponsored has ceased – including notably for holders of a Prospective Marriage (Subclass 300) visa (who previously had to have married their sponsor to apply for the Partner visa under the relationship cessation provisions);
  2. aligns the criteria for these provisions, and the location at time of decision requirements, between the offshore and onshore Partner visa subclasses; and
  3. updates terminology relating to applicants “experiencing” family violence.

6. Visa conditions 8107, 8607 and 8608 changes

Changes to conditions for TSS visas (and other employer-sponsored visas) will be introduced that will allow sponsored visa holders who have ceased employment up to 180 days to find a new employer (up from 60 days). It will also permit them to work during this time.

You can read more about these here

7. Infringement Notices – Strengthening Employer Compliance

A new instrument (see here) amends the Migration Regulations as a follow on from amendments made by the “Strengthening Employer Compliance Act” (SEC Act).

It effectively amends the Migration Regulations to increase the amounts payable under infringement notices, provide for infringement notices for contraventions of new civil penalty provisions implemented by the SEC Act, and removes half-penalty amounts (for “first-time” contraventions).

8. Legacy 457 worker age exemption to be used by 30 June 2024

The age exemption for legacy 457 visa holders to apply for employer-sponsored permanent residency via the Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) Subclass 186 visa (see here) will end on 30 June 2024.

All such applicants should apply by then.

9. Visa hopping (Student Visas) – Visitor/Graduate visa holders can’t apply

From 1 July 2024, Visitor (Subclass 600) visa holders (and eVisitor/ETA visa holders) and Graduate (Subclass 485) visa holders will not be able to apply for a Student (Subclass 500) visa while onshore in Australia.

This means that such visa holders would need to apply for a Student visa outside Australia, and wait until a decision is made before being able to enter Australia.

This change formed part of the Migration Strategy to stop “visa hopping” onto the Student visa program.

See here for further information.

10. Closure of BIIP (formally)

The Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) will be formally closed to new applicants from 1 July 2024. This was announced as part of the government’s budget (see here).

It will be replaced (along with the Global Talent visa) with a new National Innovation visa in “late 2024” (see here)

11. Health examinations – mandatory Hepatitis B testing for individuals from certain countries

From 1 July, individuals over 15 years of age who are born in “high risk” Hepatitis B countries will be required to undertake mandatory Hepatitis B testing as part of the visa health examinations.

More information?

If you need legal assistance or have an immigration related query, get in touch with our experienced team. Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at +61 3 9016 0484.

This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.
Jordan Tew

Author Jordan Tew

Jordan is one of less than 50 lawyers who are Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law by the Law Institute of Victoria, and less than 100 nationally. Accredited Specialists undergo a vigorous assessment process, and make up about 1% of all registered migration agents.

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