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What’s the status of children born to Australian citizens, permanent residents, or temporary visa holders? (Updated: 23 January 2025) ChildCitizenship

What’s the status of children born to Australian citizens, permanent residents, or temporary visa holders? (Updated: 23 January 2025)

What happens when an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or temporary visa holder has a baby? The immigration status of the child can differ depending on where the child is born. Children born in Australia Where at least one parent is an Australian citizen Under s 12 of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 (Cth) (Citizenship Act), a child born in Australia…
Mihan Hannan
23 January, 2025
Australian Citizenship by Conferral Document Checklist australian immigration practiceCitizenship

Australian Citizenship by Conferral Document Checklist

Australian permanent residents can become citizens through an application by “conferral”. This document checklist acts as a guide for the documents required to facilitate a smooth application. Am I eligible for Citizenship by Conferral? To be eligible for Australian citizenship by Conferral, some common criteria include that you must: be a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen when you…
Emily Young
10 October, 2024
Ministerial discretions for the general residence test in Australian citizenship by conferral applications Citizenship

Ministerial discretions for the general residence test in Australian citizenship by conferral applications

Broadly speaking, s 21 of the Australian Citizenship Act (2007) (Cth) (Citizenship Act) allows for applications for Australian citizenship by conferral in 7 situations, with the most common being that an applicant satisfies the general eligibility criteria. Within the general eligibility criteria, applicants are required to pass one of the four residence requirements at the time of application, being the:…
Mihan Hannan
22 May, 2023
New pathway for New Zealanders to acquire Australian citizenship CitizenshipHealthNew Zealand

New pathway for New Zealanders to acquire Australian citizenship

The government recently announced the long-awaited pathway through which New Zealanders can more easily acquire Australian citizenship. Starting from 1 July 2023, New Zealand citizens will be eligible to directly apply for Australian citizenship without having to first obtain permanent residency. What is changing? Currently, an applicant for Australian citizenship must be in possession of permanent residency. Upon arrival, New…
Edison Zhang
1 May, 2023
New Special Residence Requirements for Citizenship australian immigration practiceCitizenship

New Special Residence Requirements for Citizenship

On 14 September 2021, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migration Services and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Alex Hawke announced that the government would streamline pathways to Australian citizenship for certain talented permanent visa holders. The relevant instrument giving effect to this announcement came into force on 11 October 2021, which represents a very limited broadening of those who may be…
Jordan Tew
15 October, 2021
A welcome guide: permanent residence in Australia CitizenshipImmigrationPermanent ResidenceResident Return Visa

A welcome guide: permanent residence in Australia

First of all, congratulations on your Australian permanent residence. In some cases, this could be the culmination of years of effort and dedication. Whatever your journey, welcome to Australia. Now that you are here, this guide provides a few pointers on what it means to be a permanent resident in Australia, and if you choose to, take the next steps…
Mihan Hannan
8 May, 2020
Australian citizenship and permanent residence for New Zealanders: A Quick Guide CitizenshipImmigrationNew Zealand

Australian citizenship and permanent residence for New Zealanders: A Quick Guide

New Zealanders who enter Australia on a New Zealand passport are granted a Special Category (Subclass 444) visa (SCV) upon arrival. This visa enables New Zealander to remain in Australia indefinitely, work without restriction, and study. New Zealanders in Australia enjoy access to many benefits which are not available to citizens of other countries, such as eligibility for Medicare, or…
Edison Zhang
29 April, 2020
Australian permanent residency for New Zealand citizens who arrived on or before 19 February 2016 child migration australiaCitizenshipImmigration

Australian permanent residency for New Zealand citizens who arrived on or before 19 February 2016

Provided they meet certain health and character requirements, New Zealand citizens are automatically granted a Special Category (Subclass 444) visa on arrival which enables them to remain in Australia indefinitely, work and study. However, except for in limited circumstances, Australian citizenship was only previously available to New Zealand citizens if they followed the regular channels to first become an Australian permanent…
9 August, 2017