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858Global Talent Independent

Global Talent Independent (GTI) program document checklist

By 8 June, 2022December 10th, 2024No Comments7 min read
As of 6 December 2024, the National Innovation visa (Subclass 858) has replaced the Global Talent visa. Please visit our National Innovation (subclass 858) blog here for more information.

GTI document checklist

On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa.

The Global Talent Independent (GTI) program is a streamlined immigration pathway to attract highly skilled migrants to work and live permanently in Australia. The program targets specific, high value sectors and utilises the Global Talent (Subclass 858) (858) visa to grant permanent residence. You can read more detailed information about this program in an earlier blog here.

What are the stages of the GTI program?

There are two stages in the GTI program. This includes the:

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI), where the applicant must demonstrate to a Global Talent Officer (GTO) that they meet the GTI requirements and obtain a unique identifying and code; and
  2. Visa, where the applicants demonstrate that they meet the eligibility requirements and pay the relevant government lodgement fees.

What are the eligibility requirements of the GTI program?

Broadly speaking, you are eligible for the GTI program if you have:

  1. experience in one of the target sectors (Resources, Agri-food and AgTech, Energy, Health industries, Defence advanced manufacturing and space, Circular economy, Digitech, Infrastructure and tourism, Financial Services and FinTech, Education);
  2. an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement”;
  3. have an Australian nominator with “national recognition“; and
  4. either:
    1. are able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000 or
    2. are a highly rated recent PhD graduate.

What documents are required for the GTI EOI application?

There is no exact list of documents set out for the program, as the specific requirements depend on an individual’s achievements. However, a general guide is listed below:

Evidence required
Document type


  • Passport

Connection to target sector

  • Employment contracts
  • Position description
  • Cover letter setting out claims

Evidence of qualifications

  • Qualification certificates
  • Academic transcripts
  • Scholarship grants

Evidence of employment

  • Resume / CV
  • Employment contracts
  • Organisational chart
  • References from current and past employers, or prominent business peers
  • Updated LinkedIn page
  • Presentation decks
  • If self-employed:
    • Evidence of investment in your business
    • Evidence of agreements / contracts with prominent organisations
    • Evidence of business plans

Evidence of research (if applicable)

  • Google scholar page
  • Books published
  • Articles published
  • Peer review
  • Research grants
  • Patents / Trademarks
  • References letters from notable academics
  • Presentation decks of your research

Evidence of media / awards

  • Invitations to be a speaker at events
  • Media articles in relation to you
  • Blogs posted by you
  • Industry awards and accolades


  • Form 1000
  • Nominator’s passport / citizenship certificate (if an individual)
  • Nominators ABN extract (if company)
  • Nominator’s LinkedIn / online bio
  • Evidence of nominator’s reputation (e.g. online links)

Ability to earn above the FWHIT

  • Current payslips / tax records
  • Job offers in Australia
  • Job advertisements in Australia
  • Letter from a recruitment consultant who understands the Australian market

Importantly, there are no government lodgement fees for this application, you do not need to provide any information of secondary applicants, and the application can be made through the Department’s online form here.

What documents are required for the GTI visa application?

If you are invited to apply for the GTI visa, you will receive a unique identifying number to be used in the subsequent visa application form.  The specific documents required for the 858 visa application will depend on the unique circumstances of the nominee and their family members, however a general guide to the documents required is outlined in the table below:

Document required
Primary applicant
Secondary applicants

Passport and other identity documents (e.g., national identity card, change of name documents)

Evidence of relationship to primary applicant (e.g., marriage certificate or birth certificate)

Evidence claimed at EOI stage, including nominator (see above)

Police clearances from every country you have spent 12 months or more in the past 10 years (since turning 16 years of age)

Evidence of functional English

(for applicants aged 18 years and older)

Health examinations

The above is a general checklist, meaning further information may be required. Notably, additional documents will be required you are seeking to rely on an English exemption.

What are the processing times?

Processing times for the GTI EOI application can vary (ranging from less than a month to over 1 year). To improve your processing times, you should try and submit a complete application.

Processing times for the GTI visa is generally within 1-2 months from lodgement. For the latest updates on processing times, you should refer to the Department’s website here.

Who can be included in the 858 visa application?

Members of the family unit can be included in the 858 visa. This includes a spouse or de facto partner, dependents under 18 years of age, and dependents over 18 years of age in certain circumstances.

To include dependents over 18 years of age who are not a spouse or de facto partner, an applicant must evidence that they are dependent on the primary applicant or the primary applicant’s partner. In general, dependency refers to a substantial reliance on the primary applicant to have basic needs met. For dependants under 23 years of age, this includes evidence that:

  • they live with the primary applicant (demonstrated by bills or a lease agreement);
  • they are a full-time student (demonstrated by course enrolment); and / or
  • they require financial support (demonstrated by bank statements).

Only in limited circumstances can a dependant over 23 years of age be included in the 858 visa (i.e., they have a recognised disability).

There are also specific provisions that allow GTI primary applicants under the age of 18 to include their parents.

How much does it cost?

The government lodgement fees for this application are:

Primary ApplicantEssential

$ 4,840

exc surcharges

>18 dependent

$ 2,425

exc surcharges

< 18 dependent

$ 1,210

exc surcharges

Over-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.

Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):

Consultation1 hour discussion

$ 330-440

  • Written Eligibility Assessment
  • Consideration of Other Visas
  • Undertaken by Video Conference


$ 5,500

  • Review of Documents
  • Preparation of Support Letter
  • Submission of EOI
Contact Us


$ 4,400

  • Review of Documents
  • Preparation of Complete Application
  • Submission of Application
Contact Us

Do you require further assistance?

If you require assistance with your GTI EOI or 858 visa application, or have any other immigration related queries, our experienced team can help. Contact us by email at [email protected] or by phone at +61 3 9016 0484.

This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.

Mihan Hannan

Author Mihan Hannan

Formerly a Senior Associate in one of Australia’s most reputable immigration litigation and review practices, Mihan is solutions focused and well versed in all aspects of Australian immigration law. Mihan also has a subscription addiction, being obsessed with tools to improve the firms immigration work flow.

More posts by Mihan Hannan

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