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Global Talent IndependentGlobal Talent SchemeInnovation

How do I apply for a fast tracked Global Talent visa? (updated: 5 December 2024)

By 5 December, 2024December 10th, 20242,147 Comments19 min read
As of 6 December 2024, the National Innovation visa (Subclass 858) has replaced the Global Talent visa. Please visit our National Innovation (subclass 858) blog here for more information.

global talent scheme

On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.

This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.

On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:

  1. process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
  2. finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.

We’ll update this as we know further information.

The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.

What is the Global Talent – Independent program?

The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).

The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.

Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:

  • 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
  • 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.

In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).

The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.

What is a Global Talent visa?

The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.

It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.

You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.

Am I eligible under this program?

Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:

  • fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
  • have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
    • be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
    • have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).

If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.

What are the 10 target sectors?

Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.

Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:


Engineering, Geology, Metallurgy, Waste Management, Energy Saving Technology, Extraction and Processing

Agri-food and AgTech

Seed technology, nanomaterials, biofuels, supply chain and packaging, wearable technologies


Clean energy, resource robotics, computational metallurgy, geostatistics, beneficiation, battery / energy storage

Health Industries

Medical and biomedical technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine research and development, IT biochemistry, digital health, implantables and wearable devices, genomics

Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space

Astrodynamics, satellite systems, rocket and avionics systems, urban mobility, military equipment acquisition and sustainment, automation and robotics, nano-manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing and life-cycle engineering

Circular Economy

Bioenergy, sustainable production, recycling, waste treatment, waste to energy technology, emissions technology, ecologically sustainable manufacturing


Quantum computing, cyber sciences, cyber security, artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, big data, disruptive technologies, smart cities, machine learning, network engineering, cloud computing


Water infrastructure, Energy infrastructure, regional development


Travel and tourism infrastructure

Financial Services and FinTech

Neobanking, payment systems, wealth and regtech, blockchain


Cutting edge skills in emerging fields of the industry, developing advanced educational systems and curricula, improving the education infrastructure in Australia, digital data and eResearch platforms

You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.

How do I apply?

To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:

  1. the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
  2. a nomination and
  3. the Global Talent visa application itself.

    Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.

    In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.

    Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.

    Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.

    Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:

    • Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
    • Australian organisation

    who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.

    The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.

    We recommend:

    • reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
    • sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.

    Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.

    The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.

    The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.

    The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.

    How much does it cost?

    The government lodgement fees for this application are:

    Primary ApplicantEssential

    $ 4,840

    exc surcharges

    >18 dependent

    $ 2,425

    exc surcharges

    < 18 dependent

    $ 1,210

    exc surcharges

    Over-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.

    Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):

    Consultation1 hour discussion

    $ 330-440

    Inc GST
    • Written Eligibility Assessment
    • Consideration of Other Visas
    • Undertaken by Video Conference



    $ 5,500

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Support Letter
    • Submission of EOI

    Contact Us


    $ 4,400

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Complete Application
    • Submission of Global Talent Visa Application

    Contact Us

    How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?

    The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.

    Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.

    The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.

    What is the impact of Direction 100?

    On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).

    This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.

    Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:

    1. where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
    2. made by Hong Kong nationals.

    How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?

    There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:

    1. undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
    2. if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.

    What is the process once we engage you?

    In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.

    If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.

    Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.

    We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).

    Common mistakes?

    Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.

    What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?

     On 14 November 2020, the Department passed legislation that removed the offshore Subclass 124 visa and made some major amendments to the onshore Global Talent Subclass 858 visa application. You can read a summary of these changes here.

    What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?

    From 20 January 2021, Bachelor (with Honours) and Masters graduates are no longer eligible for invitation to the GTI program on the basis of those qualifications alone. This replaces older guidelines which considered applicants who:
    1. were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
    2. had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
    3. the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.

    These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.

    The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.

    That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.

    Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing. 

    What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?

    On 27 February 2021, the Distinguished Talent visa was renamed the Global Talent visa.  The Subclass and criteria remained the same.

    I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?

    Our experience has been that the Department have a strong preference for PhD graduates who:
    • are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
    • have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).

    As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .

    Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?

    Once you select “Submit”, an acknowledgement message will be displayed. You will not receive an email confirming that your EOI has been received. The Department will be in contact to either request further information/documents from you, or issue you a unique identifier.

    How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?

    See the section above – the general answer is that it varies and unfortunately, the Department do not publish their processing times. Presently, we’ve been receiving outcomes in about 3 months.

    Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?

    The Department have indicated that they will advise EOI applicants whether they were successful or not. Please see our interview with a Global Talent Officer on this point here. This has also been our experience.

    What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?

    The GTI program is specifically to target people in those sectors. If you clearly do not meet these sectors, then this program is not for you. However, there are many instances where an individual may meet one of these sectors without realising it. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you that you may be a candidate but are unsure as to whether you meet one of the sectors.

    How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?

    This is quite a subjective assessment. Consider whether you have had significant academic or professional accomplishments that are not in the “ordinary” course, look at what we’ve described above as successful candidates who have received EOIs. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you may be such a candidate, but are unsure as to whether you might qualify.

    How do I find a nominator?

    This is the most common question we receive from offshore EOI applicants and the answer depends on your personal circumstances. It could be your employer, an industry colleague, an academic colleague, or even an industry body. Various skills assessing authorities also now offer this service including the ACS, Engineers Australia, Institute of Managers and Leaders, and the Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists. You can apply for these before submitting your EOI.

    Do you assist with finding a nominator?

    Where engaged to assist with the GTI EOI or Global Talent visa, we provide recommendations based on an individual’s profile. However, we do not source a nominator for you.

    What are the requirements for the nominator?

    The criteria to be a nominator is set out above and we have  written an article that helps explains what this means for them here. The nominator will need to provide the Form 1000 and some evidence to demonstrate that they have a “national reputation” in the same field as you.

    If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?

    No, it does not. You still need to meet all the criteria for grant of the actual visa, including health and character clearances.

    How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?

    Most applications are finalised in 9-12 months, largely depending on how complete the application is (i.e. whether documents were missing) and availability to undertake health examinations.

    I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?

    On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa. Amendments were made such that applicants may be either inside or outside of Australia at time of lodgement. This was later renamed the Global Talent visa.

    I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?

    Yes. On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa (and later named the Global Talent visa). These changes also now allow applicants to apply onshore so long as they hold either a substantive visa, or a Bridging Visa A, B, or C.

    What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?

    On 17 December 2020, the Department issued Direction No. 89 which outlines the order of consideration of the Global Talent visa.  Relevantly, it listed out revised target sectors. You can read a summary of the differences between the old target sectors (largely focused on tech) and the new, existing target 10 target sectors here.

    Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?

    The Department has set 4,000 positions for the 2024/25 migration program year, indicating that this is the last year before it is replaced with the “National Innovation” visa. This number represents a slight decrease from 5,000 spots the year before, confirming their intention to leave this as a “niche” pathway for very strong candidates. The program is in high demand, so we encourage eligible applicants to apply as soon as possible to take advantage of the positions.


    With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).

    We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.

    With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.

    Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.

    This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.
    Jordan Tew

    Author Jordan Tew

    Jordan is one of less than 50 lawyers who are Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law by the Law Institute of Victoria, and less than 100 nationally. Accredited Specialists undergo a vigorous assessment process, and make up about 1% of all registered migration agents.

    More posts by Jordan Tew

    Join the discussion 2,147 Comments

    • Saddam says:

      I am chemical engineering and I have a number of patents and publications and I have applied under the Energy and Mining Technology Sector on 25 May and I have not gotten any reply.

      In my EOI, I have written 700 words instead of 700 characters, Could this affect my application. What should I do? Should I lodge a new EOI? What do you suggest?

      • admin says:

        Hi Saddam,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Rather than the world length impacting your application, usually delays are because of either not meeting the criteria or simply because there is a back log. Given your application was lodge don 25 May, it is very possible that your application is just waiting for a case officer. We’d need to review your EOI before advising further, but one of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
        Hannan Tew

    • AS says:


      I have a query regarding my friend’s application. He is Ph.D. student doing research in the medical technology field (Biomedical image processing) in Australia. He is awarded a prestigious international scholarship, published several articles (7) in his filed, presented his studies (conference) in 3 continents, and got a letter of intent to submit his thesis in six months. He applied for Global Talent Independent (GTI) expression of interest and got a mail that the information that he has provided doesn’t meet the GTI requirement. So I would like to know whether he can submit one more expression of interest clearly providing all the information?

      • admin says:

        Hi AS,
        Yes, if he didn’t meet the criteria at that time he can certainly apply again with the correct information (just be clear to avoid providing conflicting information because that could raise an issue of providing false or misleading information).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Dhrubo says:

      HI Hannan TEW,

      I have just received an invitation. Do I need to lodge the visa before the end of program year 2019/2020?. I guess it takes time to collect the required documents and depends on the other body. Thanks

      I really appreciate your suggestions.


      • Joy says:

        Hi Dhrubo,

        Congratulations. May I ask, when did you submit your EOI? Thanks in advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi Dhrubo,
        First of all, congratulations on your invitation!
        In relation to lodgement, it’s not absolutely clear that an application must be made by the end of the program year. From what we understand 5000 places are available to be filled and if you have an invitation, you would still be able to lodge past that date. That being said, we have no confirmation from the Department to that effect, so if you’ve reached an invitation we’d certainly recommend going ahead with lodgement (especially since lodgement fees increase from 1 July).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ali says:

      Hope you are doing well.
      I have recently completed PhD degree from Australia and I have more than 70 published research papers, book chapters. I have also awarded best PhD award for my research work. Further, I am working in a university as post-doc research fellow with over 100K salary per year. I had also awarded fully funded scholarship for my PhD studies.
      I have lodged EOI recently 10 days ago and waiting for the response.
      Should I expect to be contacted before 30th June?

      Best regards.

      • admin says:

        Hi Ali,
        Thanks for your notes.
        Assuming you are eligible and have completed your EOI appropriately, we would hope you do get an invite.
        Should we get further updates from the Department about what will happen from 1 July 2020 we will update this page so you can be notified.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if you need us to review your existing application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Yujie says:

      I received feedback and I was given the identifier number for priority processing, I have attached all the documents except for the birth certificate because I don’t have it at the moment they are still processing a new one back home. So is it possible for me to submit? Because I have other documents in support of my identification (Driver’s licence and National ID) together with the passport.

      • admin says:

        Hi Yujie,
        Your birth certificate is not compulsory (evidence of identity is) so you can instead provide primary photographic evidence such as the passport, drivers licence and national ID. One of our lawyers will be in touch in case you want our assistance with the visa application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Yujie says:

          Okay, thank you. Because I saw something on the checklist I received for the Distinguished Talent Visa application …that documents needed for efficient priority processing include a birth certificate.

    • Yurie says:

      I lodged in my application (single applicant) and I included my family members back home(sisters, mother and brothers) in terms of having a family I am not alone, then I submitted but the system is showing they are also applicants and I need to submit their documents as well. This difficult for me in that they live in the village I cant get all the necessary documents. Is there a possibility to remove them from the application after I have lodged it in?…then maybe later on in life add them…because I don’t want the process to be delayed?..

      • admin says:

        Hi Yurie,
        It is possible to withdraw applicants after you have lodged, though there are certain requirements if they are considered members of your family unit that need to be considered. One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ayesha says:

      Hi, i have submitted my eoi on 6th so do you know what is the current expected time to receive response?

      • admin says:

        Hi Ayesha,
        Thank you for your post and congratulations for submitting your EOI.
        The times can vary depending on whether you are onshore or offshore (or whether you meet the eligibility requirements). If you do meet the eligibility requirements we are seeing a processing time of about 3 to 4 weeks.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Esh says:

      Hi Joy,

      Is there a place to mention that are you currently submitted your PhD or 6 months for the submission? I can only see that there are only 2 options to select (PhD or masters). Am I looking at the incorrect application? Can you provide the link for correct application? Thanks

      • admin says:

        Hi Esh,
        You can select “Yes” to the question: “Are you currently studying a PhD and will submit your thesis in the next 6 months?” in the contact form here.
        We’ll be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • H says:

      Dear concern,
      I have completed BSC in Management and IT and MSc in Computer Forensics and Cyber Security. My results are 2:1 or merit in both. I also an IEEE conference publication. I also have experience of more than two years. I am confused about whether I am eligible or not.


      • admin says:

        Hi H,
        Thank you for your comment.
        Based on a quick glance you could consider a visa under the Cyber Security stream. Even if you are a recent graduate, you would still need to demonstrate an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement”. This would need a review of your full CV. In case you aren’t eligible for the GTI, you could consider a general skilled migration application.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regarsds,
        Hannan Tew

    • Shahzad says:

      Hi, I am near to finish my 3rd year of PhD and will submit my thesis within 6 months. I would like to know more about submitting my EOI whether it’s appropriate or not.

      • admin says:

        Dear Shahzad,
        Thanks for your comment.
        In addition to being a recent PhD graduate (or someone completing it in the next 6 months) you would need to demonstrate an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in one of the relevant categories. We’d need to review your full CV to consider, and one of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • TK says:

      Hi. I have submitted my EoI on 24th May and still haven’t yet received any response. Any idea on the response time recently?

      • admin says:

        Hi TK,
        We’re seeing about 3-4 weeks for processing assuming all documents were provided correctly and you meet eligibility eligibility.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • KSR says:

        I have submitted my EoI on 22th May and haven’t received any response till now. Please update here, once you get the response from them. Thanks

        • MSB says:

          TK and KSR,

          Have you received any response by now?


          • TK says:

            Yes. I received the invitation response today (26th June)

            • MSB says:

              Thanks TK for sharing the information, and congratulations on your EOI success.

              For others,
              One of my colleagues also received the EOI yesterday(26 th June), who submitted EOI on 25th May. I am still waiting for it.

            • KSR says:

              Thanks TK for the update regarding your application. Congratulation bro!

    • Chami says:

      Is there an expiry date for the unique identifier number?
      How long that invitation is valid? Can I keep it for another year and apply for PR?

      • admin says:

        Hi Chami,
        We haven’t seen any expiry dates on the unique identifiers but it is important to note that there are only 5,000 positions slotted for the current program year. If the positions are filled, and the government does not extend the pilot, then you could miss our on your opportunity under the current visa stream. Given the fluidity, we recommend any individuals who are eligible go ahead and lodge the application.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist you with the application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • chami says:

      Dear Hannan,
      What do you mean by current program year?
      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Chami,
        The current program year is the the period from 1 Jul 2019 to 30 June 2020.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • what are the screens in immiaccount form for GTIP visa subclass 124 right after document upload? I’m waiting for few docs to upload and proceed but need to be prepared for arranging further info if needed, after document upload, is there any other screen apart from payment ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Rakesh,
        Once you’ve uploaded document there should not be any other information required apart from payment (you have already provided the information and documents for your application). Good luck with your visa application!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Anne says:

      I am a PhD student and submitting a thesis in the next 3 months in diagnosing cancer using novel analytical methods. My supervisor gave me a recommendation and graded me highly. However, I don’t have any publication yet. I am confused. I got a university scholarship to study PhD. Please reply if I Am Eligible for a global talent visa.

      • admin says:

        Hi Anne,
        It certainly sounds like you are doing important work – even if you are a recent PhD graduate you would still need to show that you have international recognition. This doesn’t necessarily have to be publications (you can refer to referees from the top individuals in the field for example). In any case, it might be worth you submitting an EOI based on your current results and any other record of achievement to see if the Department does select you?
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mohsen Esmaily says:


      My wife has recently (two days ago) submitted her EOI. Given the current situation, it is unlikely that she receives a decision on her EOI application before July 1 (the end date of the current programme). Is it possible to apply for the actual visa (585) without the unique identifier?

      Thank you for your advise,
      Bests, Moe

      • admin says:

        Hi Moe,
        It’s a good question as it is not clear. What we know is that the Department has 5000 positions to fill for the 2019/2020 program year. Given that the Department has not made much of an announcement around this, we are under the impression that if the Department invites you, and the 5000 positions have not yet been filled, and you submit your application before they have been filled, you might still be eligible under the GTI program. However, this is subject to any updates by the Department. You can choose to apply for the Distinguished Talent visa without a EOI but that means you will not be assessed under the GTI program (which has the priority processing).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • joji says:

          Hi I have recently received my phd degree from UNSW. I have 8 publications and 14 conferences with 2 best presentation awards. I submitted my EOI on 5th June.But, I am still waiting for the invitation. How long does it take get the invitaion.

          • admin says:

            Hi Joji,
            Thanks for your comment.
            We’re seeing anything between 2 weeks to 3 months.
            Good luck on your application!
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • TA says:

      Hi Everyone and Admin,
      Any idea of last date to submit GTI EOI? I assume this program is for 2019/2020 fiscal year. Can any one submit in July 2020?


      • admin says:

        Hi TA,
        Given the visa program is designed for the 2019/2020 program year, we suggest that EOI be submitted by 30 June 2020.
        Let us know if we can be of assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • MSB says:

      Hi everyone,

      I lodged my EOI application for visa 858 on the last week of May. It has been four weeks now and I have not received any response. So I have following queries:

      1. Will the unsuccessful EOI applications be responded?
      2. How long was the wait time for the recent applicant with successful outcome?
      3. Since the current program year ends on 30th July, should I lodge the visa (assuming positive outcome of EOI) before that date? or the deadline of current program year is for EOI only for this visa subclass?

      • admin says:

        Hi MSB,
        Good luck on your EOI application.
        To your points:
        1. If the application is incomplete or without merit you will not hear back from the Department. That being said, we are aware that some individuals have received unsuccessful responses.
        2. Our most recent EOI took about 4 weeks;
        3. What we know is that the Department has 5000 positions to fill for the 2019/2020 program year (ending 30 June). Given that the Department has not made much of an announcement around this, but our recommendation is to submit any EOI prior to 30 June.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can be of assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Rakesh Sharma says:

      what is Registration / Licensing / Professional membership requirements, is it applicable for ANZSCO code 262112?

      • admin says:

        Hi Rakesh,
        Registration requirements vary depending on your location, occupation, and even the specific position duties.
        We’d need to review your circumstances in more detail to consider this so feel free to book a consultation through here if you’d like to discuss.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jnanamurthy says:

      Hi I submitted eoi May 23rd. Its been one month now, still no response. I graduated my PhD in ICT last year in Australia. Could you provide more information regarding this.

      • admin says:

        Hi Jnamurthy,
        Thanks for your comment.
        It’s hard to say, but there could be a number of reasons for the delay. For example, the application may be incomplete or without merit or there could a delay in processing due to an influx of applications. The best thing you can do is ensure that your application was submitted with correct and detailed information to meet the relevant criteria.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Joy says:

        Hi Jnanamurthy,
        Have you received any response yet?

    • Ping says:

      Hi Tew,
      I graduated with Australian PhD in Chemistry focusing on the development of chemical libraries for early stage drug discovery in July 2018 and I continue be employed as a postdoc researcher until 12/2018. I went back to my home country in 2019 for 1 year. Now I am currently working at Australia university as a research fellow. I am not quite sure that my field of study will be fit with Medical technology sector or not and am I able to apply for this program?
      Could you please give me some advice?
      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Ping,
        Thank you for your comment.
        Our understanding is that the Department is quite liberal with the meaning of the sectors and usually there are ways to further explain your duties to fit under Medical technology. The more difficult aspect is to show that you have an internationally recognised reputation. One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can review your CV and consider your eligibility.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Manoushak azad says:

      Hope you’re doing great.
      I am an artist with rich background and has some exhibitions and awards in here Australia, the USA and also the Middle East. I noticed there is no specific category for art in Industry/ Sector section when we want to put an EOI. Which category should we apply among 7 sections ?
      Also for annual salary for someone in art filed it depends how many art works they can sell also sometimes there is no sale specially in the current situation, so how we can write an exact number in that section too?
      Looking forward hearing from you.
      Thank you so much in advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi Manoushak,
        Glad to hear of your success.
        Unfortunately the GTI is not designed for artists at this stage (as it focuses on STEM subjects) but you might still be eligible for the standard Distinguished Talent visa if you have international recognition.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Rocio Sierra says:

      Should we consider that we are not invited for the program 2019/2020 if they do not invite before June 30? Until what moth invitations are expected tobe issue?

      • admin says:

        Hi Rocio,
        Thanks for your comment.
        It’s not clear yet whether or not the Department will extend the pilot beyond 30 June 2020 so our advice is just to submit the EOI prior to 30 June if you consider you are eligible.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Shahzaad says:


      Do you see any clients whose GTI is successful and they are in 2nd year of their PhD program in Australia? Also, they completed their Master’s degree more than 3 years ago.

      • admin says:

        Hi Shahzad,
        That totally depends, an individual can be eligible irregardless of whether they have a PhD or Master’s Degree (if they can show they have sufficient international recognition). The recent PhD / Masters requirements are just additional requirements for individuals who are trying to avoid the FWHIT salary requirement (though of course high academics can also indicate international recognition).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help in your circumstances.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mohamed Farh says:

      I have a highly graded PhD in Biotechnology, in 2017, specifically done in Agricultural research and I have been working as a postdoc since I graduated in research connected somehow to my PhD work. So I think I fit with AgTech sector. So far, I had published up to 26 scientific papers in renowned international journals, which is generally an exceptional number considering the graduation date. My wife is also a PhD holder in Biomedical Engineering field, just graduated this year with a record of good publications, so she might fit with Medical Technology sector. If I am the main applicant, am I eligible for application considering that my PhD is recently awarded. Can my PhD primarily considered as recent? How properly can I find the nominator considering I am an offshore applicant? Your answers to my inquiries will be highly appreciated.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mohammad,
        At first glance, it certainly seems as though you are a high achiever. To apply under the recent PhD criteria (and avoid the FWHIT threshold) would need you to have completed your PhD in the last 3 years (being before June 2017). The nominator challenge is a bit more difficult, but we would suggest you speak to academics in your field within Australia. This might involve contacting universities and other research colleagues to find a “nationally reputed” Australian citizen / organisation.
        One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can assist.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Michael says:

      Hi Tew,

      Many thanks for your great updates and thoughtful response to everyone. In terms of my case, I have submitted my EOI for GTI on 5th of June, but haven’t received any responses from CO (3 weeks already). I graduated Master of Philosophy at Wollongong Uni Australia last year with High Distinction and currently I am a second-year PhD at UTS. I have lodged EOI with Energy Sector since I am working on energy and nutrient recovery from waste, and an investigator of Australian Research Council Hub for Energy-efficient Separation. I have 8 international journal publications. I am not sure whether I have made any information mistakes in my submitted EOI. Do you know any ways I can do to check or update my current EOI? or Could you advise me whether I should submit a new EOI before 30/06/2020, please?
      Many thanks for your kind response in advance
      Kind regards,

      • admin says:

        Hi Michael,
        No worries, and thanks for getting in touch.
        It’s not unheard of to take more than 3 weeks for an invitation so it may simply be the case that you are sitting in processing. The Department will usually respond to you (unless you have provided an incomplete application or without merit). We could review your EOI and consider if it is worthwhile putting in another application? One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Michael says:

          Many thanks Hanna Tew for your kind and thoughtful advice. Your customer service is really great. Strongly recommend

    • Thiru says:


      I got my GTI invitation today. Onshore application. I submitted the EOI on 24th May and received the response on 26th June. So it is now a days, the response time can be 4 to 5 weeks.

    • Sudhakar Deeti says:

      Dear Admin,

      I am doing PhD in Macquarie University, in next 5 months I am planning to submit my thesis. I have done my masters in bio molecular and bio medical sciences and now I am doing PhD neuroethology. Just wondering am I eligible to apply for this visa, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

      • admin says:

        Hi Sudhakar,
        Thank you for comment.
        We’d need to review your CV in order to confirm, but at first glance you appear to be in the correct field (MedTech) and could potentially apply under the recent Masters Graduate pathway or the PhD pathway. Don’t forget you’d also need to demonstrate that you have a “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement”.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sara says:

      I completed my PhD in business school in May 2020 and I had IPRS scholarship during my PhD, also I’m working as a lecturer and I meet the income threshold. My research includes data analysis, also I published one book chapter, journal article and acceptance on international conference. I have submitted my online EOI (700 words) on 22nd June and it is unlikely that I receive a decision on my online EOI application before 1st July (the end date of the current programme). At the moment I’m on bridge visa because I applied for students Visa in February and till now I didn’t get any response from them, I’m eligible to apply for a graduate visa but I’m waiting for the result of my EOI. Am I still be eligible under the GTI program since he Department has 5000 positions to fill for the 2019/2020 program year? Do you think that I get a response before 1st July?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sara,
        Thanks for your detailed comment.
        At a cursory glance it appears you have a strong claim to meet the criteria.
        Regarding the EOI processing, we are yet to hear from the Department as to (1) whether they will extend the program (2) permit people to continue applying after the program year has ended (as long as 5000 positions are available). Our position is if you are eligible you should put in a complete application (which you appear to have done) and wait for a response. We’ll update this page should we hear further.
        In the mean time, one of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help with any other potential visa application (for example general skilled migration).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Rodrigo says:

          700 words? I think the limit is 700 characters

        • Techsav says:

          Hi admin,

          My question is if they have updated new criteria for phd salary threshold: recent phds have to show salary of 153000 criteria and it is excempt only for phds less than 6 months away from submission and who submitted ( I got to know this from a post from another one in this thread), will the new criteria apply for the candidates who sent EOI in June?

          Also, 5000 positions are already met for the past year, but I have applied late June and did not receive a response from Immi yet. In that case if they open up positions after Oct 6th budget, will they still consider the applicants who applied in June or do we have to send another EOI? Thanks

          • admin says:

            Hi Techsav,
            Thanks for your comment.
            To your first question, as far as we are aware, it’s not correct that recent PhD’s have to show the FWHIT. If any rule changes are confirmed we’ll update our blog post. There are changes to the form though.
            To your second question, yes, should new positions open up we expect the Department to continue processing previously submitted EOIs.
            Good luck,
            Hannan Tew

      • John says:

        Hi Sara,
        Have you received any response to your EOI? Also, you mentioned that you have submitted online EOI (700 words) on 22nd June. Isn’t it suppose to be 750 characters that are allowed in the online form? Have a nice. Hope you’ll reply to my comment.

    • vikas kumar says:

      i got EOI in Feb 2020 but planing to lodge visa this month, is the EOI has an expiry or condition that within some time period after EOI, we should lodge application as with 189/190 visa, because in my EOI, time period not mentioned?
      Is form 80 or photographs also needs to be submitted event though not asked during lodging?

      • admin says:

        Hi Vikas,
        Are you talking about an invitation for the 189/190 visa or the invitation for the GTI program? They are separate visas and one invitation does not permit the lodgement of the other.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jahid says:

      May be out of the topic. Just wondering whether you know any update of subclass 485 visa for those who are eligible to apply after completing study but currently stranded outside of Australia.

      Sincerely yours,

      • admin says:

        Hi Jahid,
        That’s a bit complex since you need to be onshore for the 485 application / decision.
        It MIGHT be possible for you to apply for a travel exemption (read here) and then come to Australia on another visitor (say Visitor visa).
        Let us know if we can be of assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Tiana says:

      I got UID number for GTI program last week. Should we lodge the 858 visa before July 2020? Because I am waiting police check from Japan, it might take 2-3months. I am afraid that the policy will be changed after July and wondering to submit application right now. Could you please give me any advice?

      • admin says:

        Hi Tiana,
        Congrats on your invitation! You also don’t need to submit the police clearances at time of application (they are a time of decision requirement).
        To avoid risk, we’d recommend that you apply for your visa prior to 30 June 2020.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Miraz says:

        Hi Tiana,
        Congratulations on your invitation. May I ask you when did you submit your EOI?

    • abhijit saxena says:

      do we need to provide form 80 or 1221 while lodging visa in GTI -subclass 124 application in immiaccount? i don’t see it is mentioned there in upload section.

      • admin says:

        Hi Abhijit,
        Thanks for your comment.
        You do not need to ordinarily include a Form 80 or Form 1221 (which are effectively the same thing). However, the Department do have a discretion to request this, and can do so for individuals from “high risk” countries. To your point, you can lodge without it, and if requested upload or email it to them separately.
        Let us know if you require assistance with your visa application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Alessandra yokota says:

      Hi Hannah Tew

      I am just wondering if you guys have heard of any successful application for the unique ID in June? I have applied for the GTI 5 weeks ago and have not heard from them until now. I heard the processing time is longer than usual recently due to COVID-19, however, is there any chance that my application was not suitable for the program? Would they notify me if I am not eligible or my application is not successful? I was feeling very positive about it at the beginning and thought my CV was ticking all the boxes, but getting a bit disappointed with the waiting period.

      • admin says:

        Hi Alessandra,
        We have seen some invitations being released in June. Waiting 5 weeks is not unheard of because of the delays caused by COVID-19, and you usually will be notified if your application was not suitable. The only time you would not get a response is if your application was not complete. Usually it is just a matter of waiting (we know this is tough) but we can review your application if you’d like to give you further guidance.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hana says:

      If my partner receives this visa(858), and my wedding will be after recievning the visa, can can I receive a visa as his wife?

      Best regards,

      • admin says:

        Hi Hana,
        You wouldn’t be able to prepare the application on the basis of being his wife, but you could be included as a “de facto” partner as long as you are able to provide evidence of your genuine relationship according to that criteria.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Xeri says:

      Good Day Admin. My name is Xeri. I submitted an EOI on the 27th of May. Today is the 29th of June and I have not gotten a feedback. At the time of submission, I was awaiting my PhD result. Thankfully, I got my PhD result just last week. With the 30th June deadline looming, do I quickly send in another EOI, this time with my PhD result? Does 4-5 weeks of no response spell doom?


      • admin says:

        Hi Xeri,
        The PhD might not be the key document in your application (evidencing that you would submit your PhD thesis in the next 6 months is sufficient). In addition to that, you need to show that you have an international recognition (so published articles, patents and awards becomes more important). One path forward might be to simply contact them and request that they add further information to your application.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Rhea says:


      I am a third-year P.hD candidate, majoring in artificial intelligence. My wife is also a third-year P.hD candidate, majoring in telecommunications.
      We want to lodge the GTI first. But I do not know how many papers or how quality papers is sufficient.

      Thank you!

      • admin says:

        Hi Rhea,
        Thanks for your comment.
        You are both potentially in suitable sectors (Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT) so if you are submitting your thesis in the next 6 months you could potentially avoid the FWHIT. In terms of how many (published) papers, I would suggest you reference all of them.
        In short, you appear eligible, it’s a race against time because the program year ends today so we are unsure how the Department will treat new applications, but we’d need to review your documents to confirm.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Rhea says:

          Dear Hannan,
          Thanks. I submitted EOI on 3/July in Australia.
          Can I leave Australia and go back to my home country now?

          Best wishes,

          • admin says:

            Hi Rhea,
            There’s no requirement in the EOI that you are onshore or offshore so we don’t think that should be problematic.
            Bear in mind that if you go offshore and are invited, you would only be able to lodge the offshore visa (unless you had another visa to come into Australia).
            Good luck with your EOI, and have a safe trip home!
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

            • Rhea says:

              Thank you.
              When I filled the EOI form, there is a question in the GTI form, ‘Currently living in Australia?’, and I selected ‘yes’. So I wonder if the UID I applied in Australia can be used for applying for 124 Visa.

              Best wishes,

            • admin says:

              Hi Rhea,
              Thanks for your comment.
              The location of where you filed your EOI from won’t limit where you can apply for the visa from.
              That is, once you have the EOI you can lodge a 124 or a 858.
              Feel free to get in touch if we can help, otherwise good luck with the EOI!
              Kind regards,
              Hannan Tew

    • Eddy says:


      Thanks for the informative post.
      I have 5 years work experience in the ICT sector (security/cloud architect/network engineering) and have some advanced IT Certifications.
      I got a job offer in Australia that pays above the documented AUD148,700.
      I applied for and got the 482 visa but got caught in the immigration travel ban before i could fly in.
      I got pointed in the direction of this visa type recently by a friend and i plan to apply for the Subclass 124 (since i am currently offshore).
      I saw in a previous comment where you called out a ‘discussion’ with a GTO who adviced that the scheme/processing EOI has been suspended for overseas based applicant.
      1) can you confirm the above i.e is it suspended for offshore applicants ?
      2) if this isn’t suspended i plan to get my to-be manager as a nominator, is this possible or is there a conflict of interest here (employer-employee) relationship ?

      Thanks again for the informative post.

      • admin says:

        Hi Eddie,
        Thanks for your comment, and I’m glad of your interest in the GTI program.
        The same GTO has advised that they’ve recommenced processing of the backlog of offshore EOIs, which as you can probably imagine is likely to be fairly substantial. We’re aware of instances where individuals who lodged their EOIs several months ago have been contacted with unique identifiers.
        The only legislative requirements for a nominator is that they are an Australian organisation or individual and that they have a “national reputation” in the same field as yours. There is no conflict for an employer to be your nominator, and we’ve indeed helped numerous individuals who have been nominated as such.
        One of our lawyers have reached out to you to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mehreen Shahid says:

      I have heard 189, 190 visas have been suspended as a result of new policies (in effect from July 1, 2020 onward).
      What are the revised policies for 858 and 124 visa (GTI Program)?
      I want to submit my EOI for 858 visa (on-shore). Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mehreen,
        The GTI program was still processing in June 2020 (we have grants in that period) and even though the program year ended on 30 June 2020 our understanding is that there are still positions available. As of today the EOI page is still accepting invitations, so our advice is to submit if you are eligible.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sara says:


      Could you please let me know if a nominator can nominate more than one applicant?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sara,
        From our understanding, there is nothing precluding a nominator from nominating more than one applicant (they just need to meet the relevant criteria being that they are nationally recognised and an Australian citizen).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help with any other aspect of the EOI or visa application stage.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • oshodi oluwafemi says:

      Hello Team!
      I Recently completed my Master in Animal science with academic standing of 84.3 % . I also hold a post graduate diploma in Agriculture and bachelor in Agricultural Science as well. I have a skilled assessment in my field from Vetassess and also got a good grade in my English exams IELTS. Do I stand a chance for GTI invitation?

      • admin says:

        Hi Oshodi,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Though you should be commended for the achievements, unfortunately the skills assessment and the English assessment have minimum probative value in the context of the GTI program. What would be more relevant for you in terms of documentary evidence is published articles, patents, authored books, media articles referring to you or professional positions / accolades.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist (if not Global Talent you might want to consider alternative visas such as one in the general skilled migration program).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Giddi says:

      Would applications commence processing before health examination reports are received? I cannot do my health examination until 10 August even though I lodged my distinguished talent 858 visa application on 28 June.

      • admin says:

        Congratulations Giddi!
        A visa can be approved as fast as one month, but if health examinations are outstanding the Department will contact you at that stage and give you 28 days in which to respond. You ca usually seek an extension of time based on COVID-19 delays.
        All the best!
        Hannan Tew

    • Aziz says:


      I have a question and hoping to get your kind advice – I’m currently based in Australia and I have lodged an EOI about 6 weeks ago but I haven’t had any emails from the Department informing me whether I was/was not successful in my application. What should I do now – do I contact the Department and ask them regarding this or should I just wait?

      Thank you!

      • admin says:

        Hi Aziz,
        Thanks very much for your comment.
        Waiting 6 weeks is not unheard of because of the delays caused by COVID-19, and you usually will be notified if your application was not suitable. The only time you would not get a response is if your application was not complete. Usually it is just a matter of waiting (we know this is tough) but we can review your application if you’d like to give you further guidance.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Praveen says:


      I am a Cloud Architect and DevOps Engineer with an overall 16 years of IT Infrastructure experience. As part of ICT, does my profile eligible for the Global Talent – Independent program?

      • admin says:

        Hi Praveen,
        You’d need to demonstrate more than just experience (you need to show you have an internationally recognised level of success) but there is no reason why you couldn’t meet the criteria on the basis of that position title alone. In the alternative you might also want to consider general skilled migration. In any case, we’d need to review your CV, so one of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mike says:

      I submitted application for visa 858 from 29 June. Do you know how long I can receive the contact of CO for police check, medical and other requirements? I saw some friend receive s56 request within 1 day.

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Mike,
        Congratulations on your submission!
        You can actually complete your police checks and medicals prior to making a request (you can do health examinations as soon as you’ve submitted the application). We’d actually recommend doing these as soon as possible to avoid delay in processing.
        In any case, what we’re seeing is that the request for information is quite quick (usually within a week).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • LILY says:

      Is it ok if we make an application for multiple visas at the same time?

      • admin says:

        Hi Lily,
        You are permitted to have multiple applications lodged (bear in mind that multiple applications means multiple lodgement fees). You would have to track the matters though, as one visa could potentially overwrite a preferred visa if you have multiple processing.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to get further information to see if we can help answer your question more specifically.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Nivedita says:

      Hi I have applied an EOI for the global talent and am awaiting a response. If I receive a positive response am I completely sure that the visa will be granted. Are you aware of any situations where the EOI was successful but not the final visa?

      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Nivedita,
        Thanks for your comment.
        If you receive an invitation that means your claims meet the criteria. You still have to submit the actual visa application (and provide the documents that would support your claims and the visa criteria). We haven’t worked on any applications where the visa was refused, but of course it’s possible if the documents don’t add up at that stage.
        Feel free to get in touch if you require our assistance at visa application stage.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Praveen says:

      Thank you for the response. Based on my skill, I have worked in the US for about 4.5 years with reputed organizations like Microsoft.
      I am not sure if this can be considered for international experience apart from my home country.

      • admin says:

        Hi Praveen,
        The short answer is it can be.
        The level of the work will also be relevant.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • LILY says:

      Is the 1000 number capacity allocated to seven sectors equally? I mean will this number be divided into seven for each sector?

      • admin says:

        Hi Lily,
        There is no indication that the 1000 places are divided by the seven sectors.
        If you are in a relevant sector and want to go down the highly graded student pathway, we’d submit lodging an EOI.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Nusrat Laila says:

      Hi Hannan
      I would like to know the eligibility for GTI. I am a recent graduate from Western Sydney university, I have completed Masters of ICT with 84 percent CGPA and awarded a position on Dean’s Merit List. However, I am not working at this moment because of the Covid situation. Is there any chance that I can be eligible for Global Talent visa?


      • admin says:

        Hi Nusrat,
        Thanks for your response!
        You would appear to satisfy the “student” cohort of this program being a recent highly graded graduate in the field of ICT. Not having employment does not affect your eligibility for this program, but it is worth keeping in mind that it’s a highly competitive program and most of the successful individuals that we have assisted have the achievements outlined in our article (i.e. academic/general publications, awards, spoken at conferences etc.).
        One of our lawyers will get in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Dhrubo says:

      Hi Hannan Tew,

      I have lodged the visa recently. I have received automatically generated health request mentioned that I have 28 days to respond. but I am unable to that due to no available slot near me. later I have received another s56 request and got 70 days to provide that. In that request, the department also mentioned that I don’t need to contact the department regarding health examination extension as they have aware and consider the current delays. Could you please suggest me what should I do in this case?



      • admin says:

        Hi Dhrubo,
        Based on the above you just need to schedule your medicals when possible.
        Specifically the Department have advised that: “Our visa processing officers are aware of the disruptions. We will take the extended timeframes into account when considering your visa application.” See here.
        Hope that helps,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

        • Dhrubo says:

          Thanks, I have already booked on 21 August, which is most earliest near me. Should I inform the department about my booking?


          • admin says:

            Hi Dhrubo,
            As 21 August is within your 70 day time frame I see no reason for you to contact the Department.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • John says:

      Hi Joy,

      Have you received the invitation?

    • Nana says:

      Hi. Thank you for your information. May I submit 2 contact from with different job categories at the same time? Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Nana,
        Thank you for your comment.
        There’s nothing that prevents you from doing that, but there really isn’t any point. It’d be better for you to select one of the categories, but in your cover letter and supporting documents indicate that your profile across can be applied over multiple targeted sectors. Submitting multiple EOIs could actually delay your processing.
        Let us know if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Melanie Etse says:

          I hold a Civil Engineering Diploma (six-year degree program) and I am a Doctor of Engineering (finished on April 2017), currently working as Research Fellow at Curtin University.
          I have published +25 papers in international conferences and high-impact international journals in subjects concerning numerical modeling, geotechnical and mining engineering, constitutive modeling, damage/fracture mechanics and structural analysis.
          I have a nominator that is a permanent resident in my field.

          However, currently I don’t gain above the FWHIT so i was going to submit 3 job advertisement where i fit with the requirements and are above it. Is this enough? there aren’t many advertisement with the remuneration. What else do you suggest?

          • admin says:

            Hi Melanie,
            Thanks for your comment.
            Correct, you don’t necessarily need to show a salary of above the FWHIT (though it is extremely helpful if you can). You can put together job advertisements, remuneration data or even be creative (letters from companies saying they would hire you for a position at above the FWHIT but for your lack of work rights for example).
            Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want to discuss further.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Sarah Sabau says:

      Hi, which skills are considered under Energy and Mining Tech. Does Heavy Duty Diesel Fitters considered as high skilled workers?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sarah,
        That kind of depends – if you are an internationally renowned Heavy Duty Diesel Fitter then there might be some merit. However, full disclosure, we have not worked with any one in that position and would generally recommend highly skilled workers (as opposed to internationally renowned professionals) consider the general skilled migration categories. Either way, one of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Have a great weekend!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Jerry says:

        Hi Sarh,

        Have you received your invitation? And how long does it take you?

    • HKhan says:


      Thanks for the very informative discussion thread.
      I am a PhD student and have submitted EOI on 26 June. Just wondering does it still come in the 5000 spots for 2019/20? Is there any deadline for this?
      When can I expect to receive the outcome of my application?
      Please let me know.

      • admin says:

        Hi HKhan,
        Indications are that there are 1000 positions for the student cohort (our of the 5,000 overall positions).
        The challenge is again that the positions are to be filled in the 2019/20 program year so you’ll just have to wait and see if the Department invites you (ideally in 1-2 months). Do let us know if you require our assistance should you get an invitation.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Tahid says:

      Hi Hannan, I have received PR invitation for GTI (I am in Australia). My family members have valid visa for Australia as my dependent and they are now stuck in my country for Covid-19.
      What is the process to include them in PR visa application?
      Any information would be appreciated.


      • admin says:

        Hi Tahid,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Your situation is a bit complex. Unlike most visas which allow for families to be in different locations at time of lodgement – the Distinguished Talent visa has both an offshore and onshore version (Subclass 124 and Subclass 858). To apply for the onshore version (Subclass 858) you all need to be onshore – so if your family is abroad, you won’t be able to apply for this (or you can, but they won’t be considered to have made a valid application). Just be aware that if you were to obtain PR without your family, for them to obtain permanent residency you’d likely need to lodge a Partner visa to sponsor spouse and children for PR. The lodgement fees are quite high ($7.7k + children) and the processing times are significant.
        One of our lawyers will get in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Don Nguyen says:

      Hi there,

      I just wonder that 5,000 visas are allocated for main applicants only or for applicants plus their own families? If that number (5,000) is also counted for accompanying people, the number of successful applicants would be reduced significantly and fewer chances left for those who intend to apply for this visa.

      Kind regards,

      Don Nguyen

      • admin says:

        Hi Don,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Our understanding is that the way Australia’s migration programme is structured, the figures account for all visa grants (main applicants and dependents). While we’re not 100% sure as to the GTI program, you’re right in that the 5,000 spots may well include family members, rather than solely 5,000 invitations.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ashad says:


      I am studying at an Australian University and will be submitting my masters thesis in August and will get my results by November hopefully.

      Has this 858 stream closed after June 2020 or will it be continued for 2020/2021 also? If this continues then will there be another 5000 new seats?


      • admin says:

        Hi Ashad,
        Thanks for your comment. We don’t have absolute clarity whether the program is continuing for the 2020/2021 year since there has been no announcements. At this stage however, we see that the EOI process is still open so we recommend anyone who is eligible go ahead and apply. Hopefully you obtain a high grade in your Masters program and can consider this option in November. Let us know if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Oli says:


      I am not sure whether I am eligible for the GTI program under Recent Graduate pathway or not?

      I graduated from USYD in IT in 2018 with “almost” Distinction Average (74.7/100.0). Distinction average of USYD will be above 75.

      Currently working as a software developer with a company in Australia. My salary is very far behind the threshold and I don’t have any publications or international recognition.

      However, I am representing my company to work with a number of federal government organisations such as CSIRO and Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE).

      Could you please provide any suggestion?

      Best Regards,

      • admin says:

        Hi Oli,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Given the competitive nature of the program, I’d say that unfortunately an “almost” Distinction Average is not sufficient for you to avoid the FWHIT.
        That being said, you could submit an expression of interest in any case given there is no cost for that process. Ultimately, a more appropriate pathway for you might be to consider a graduate visa followed by a general skilled migration visa (here) and / or employer sponsored visa (here).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Felix Dang says:

      Hi Hannan Tew,
      I submitted my EOI for MedTech on 29/June. in March 2020, I got my Ph.D. in biomedical engineering and my projects were about implant therapeutic devices. I published 8 papers (in 5 of them, I’m the first author) and presented my work in 4 international conferences in Asia and Australia ( poster and oral presentations). Currently, I’m working at a university in Sydney as RA and my salary is below the requirement.
      I have a couple of questions:
      1. Do you think that I have any chance to get the invitation? and is my EOI still in the 2019/2020 program year?
      2. When should I expect to receive it?
      3. Is it quicker to contact GTO (via Linkedin)?
      4. In your observation, do you know if there are any invitations in the Medtech sector for the EOI submitted in June 2020?
      5. Did you observe an increase in number of EOI in June, if yes, is it significantly higher, say 2 – 3 times higher than the previous period?
      6. Is this visa “first come first serve” or they will access a bundle of EOIs at once and then give the invitation for the selected?
      Thanks for your help

      • admin says:

        Hi Felix,
        Hope you are well.
        Your background certainly sounds like you have a suitable profile. However, it is just worth noting that the key criteria is for this visa is demonstrating that you have “an internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your profession. This is a highly competitive process, and the successful applicants which we’ve assisted have been able to demonstrate achievements in addition to their professional careers such as you’ve outlined: publications (academic/journal), patents, awards, speaking at conferences, media coverage, testimonials from distinguished people in the field etc.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if they can help with regard to the other questions you have.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Bdoor says:

      I was just wondering anyone in this group received invitation for recent Master Graduate.


    • Jimmy says:

      Dear Hannan,

      I submitted my EOI on June 11 and have not received response yet. Is it required to submit the info (e.g. passport bio page, etc.) of dependent applicant (wife and child) when submitting EOI? If yes, what can one do if he/she did not attach them?
      During waiting for the response, would be better to apply for health examination and police check or the time after invitation is enough?

      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Jimmy,
        Thanks for your comment.
        You do not need to put in info of your dependent during the EOI. You are also generally within processing time so if you submitted the correct information, then all you have to do is wait. You also can’t undertake health examinations until the invitation (though you can get police clearances if you are willing to take on the cost in case you don’t get invited).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Lucy says:

        Hi Jimmy,

        I have lodged my EOI on 14th June and I haven’t received any reply yet.

    • Jami says:

      Hi Hannan,
      I have submitted my EOI on the 2nd of Jun and still haven’t yet received any response.
      Any idea about the response time recently?

      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Jami,
        Based on our best estimate, that seems to be int he processing time (3-6 weeks).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Evelyn says:


      I just graduated from master of biotechnology at UQ in 12/2019 and got a job as research assistant in brisbane, but my salary is only around 50K as a new graduate. My GPA is 6.625/7.0 with two semesters’ Dean’s Commendation for Academic Excellence (four semesters in total), while I don’t have any publications as first author. Do u think my case is suitable to apply for GTI.

      Thanks in advance!

      • admin says:

        Hi Evelyn,
        Thank you for your comment. As a high scoring graduate you won’t need to demonstrate that you earn the fair work high income threshold but you still need to show international recognition. If you haven’t had articles published, you would need to rely on reference letters. It’s certainly worth a shot!
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Yusuf says:


      Just wondering whether anyone got an invitation in July? I submitted my EOI 28 May and still no response. A friend of mine submitted 20 May and got the UID 24 June.

      • admin says:

        Hi Yusuf,
        Thanks for your comment.
        We haven’t had any invitations since 30 June yet but we do have a number in the pipeline.
        It will certainly be interesting to see if anyone else on this blog received invitation since the program year ended.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Hossein says:

          I’ve also submitted my EOI (onshore) on May 29th and am still waiting…
          Since still the GT contact form is open, I think there is a low possibility that they stop the program and UID!! May we have your opinion?

          • admin says:

            Hi Hossein,
            It is a waiting game unfortunately!
            We haven’t had any invitations since 30 June but we are hopeful that it will come in shortly OR there is an off chance the program is extended.
            Do let us know if you get an invitation!
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

            • Alessandra says:

              Hi, I have received my invitation with UID on the 7th of July. I submitted my application on the 24th of June. Good luck to everyone who is waiting for the response for GT officers!


            • admin says:

              Congratulations Alessandra!
              Do get in touch if you require assistance with the visa application.
              All the best!
              Kind regards,
              Hannan Tew

      • Frustated GTI applicant says:

        Hi Yusuf,

        I also submitted EOI on 28th May and awaiting response.

        My friend who submitted EOI on 24th May got their invitation on 26th July. I have not known anyone beyond that getting invitation. It is likely that 500 onshore quota (I have not found official sites indicating this quota but a couple of blogs) have been filled. No other option than waiting.

      • Jami says:

        Hi Yusuf,
        Did you get a response yet?


    • Santosh Khanal says:

      Hi, I am Santosh Khanal. I have completed MSc in Geotechnics and Geohazards from Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. Prior to that, I have worked as a Civil Engineer for 1 and a half years overseas. I have worked as a Geotechnical Engineer overseas for 1 and a half years after my MSc completion. I also have experience as a part-time lecturer. Moreover, I have completed MEng from the University of Technology Sydney with average Distinction (3.44 out of 4). I have worked for couple of months as a Geotechnical Engineer based in Sydney. Recently, from February I have started PhD at the University of Technology Sydney. I was just wondering, do these parameters/criteria qualify me for GTI visa? Thank you!

      • admin says:

        Hi Santosh,
        Thank you for your email.
        You may meet the criteria for a GTI on the basis of being a highly graded recent graduate (though you would also need to show international recognition). However, the challenge now is whether submitting an application now will be successful given the program year has ended. Our advice is to go ahead and make an expression of interest just in case they send out more invitations, or even better, extend the program.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • MSB says:

      I also submitted EOI on 21st May, but no response till now.
      Do you think it will be fruitful, If we contact them ask for the reason? Admin, will they reply?

      • admin says:

        Hi MSB,
        Thanks for your comment.
        We are aware that processing times are quite long now (and we haven’t had an invitation since 30 June).
        In terms of your question, we wouldn’t recommend harassing the case officers (given you are relying on their discretion). Of course it’s up to you.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Thiru says:

          I know a friend who got the invitation on July 8th. He submitted the EOI on 25th May.

          • admin says:

            Brilliant Thiru!
            That’s really helpful news – means there is still hope!
            It will be interesting to see if anyone who submitted after 30 June also received an invite.
            In any case, our advice remains the same – if you are eligible you should lodge an EOI.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

          • Khaled says:

            Hi Thiru,

            Thank you for the update.

            Would you mind to share more info about your friend profile if possible.
            Such as target sector he/she applied for. . .whether s(he) met the FWHIT threshold?. years of experience ? PhD or Master research recent graduate ?


            • Thiru says:

              Hi Khaled.

              I can share my profile. I also got my GTI invitation.

              EOI Submitted: 24th May
              EOI response: 26th June
              Sector: Data science
              Salary: Threshold not met
              Years of experience: <1
              Ph.D. thesis submitted for examination.
              14 publications. Some of them are in Top-5 journals in the field of data science. Had strong references.

    • Femi says:

      Hi, I’m trying to apply for the Global Talent Program, but I am kidda stuck, I do not have a nominator with a PR or Australian Passport, I was referred to this blog by a friend. Can anyone be of help

      • admin says:

        Hi Femi,
        Thank you for your comment.
        Depending on whether you are based in academia or in industry, it might be worth considering contacting universities, industry lobby groups or even your current employers HR. Otherwise maybe someone else on this blog can direct you to people they know (even worth scouring LinkedIn?).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help with the EOI / visa process itself.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Khaled says:

        Hi Thriu,
        Thank you very much.

        Would you mind to provide some information about your friend profile if any?


    • LA says:

      Hi, I also submitted EOI on 28st May, but no response till now.
      I contacted them two weeks ago. They noted that due to COVID-19, the Department is experiencing delays in responding to Expressions of Interest received via the Global Talent contact form.

      • RS says:

        Hi LA,
        Have you received an invitation? I applied on May 20 but haven’t received an invitation. I am receiving the same reply as yours when enquiring about the fate of my application. My friend applied on 27th May and already received an invitation last week. I think the State you apply from also makes a difference? I applied from NSW (likely to have a high volume of applications) and my friend did from Queensland (~ likely low volume of applications)?

    • Emma says:

      I’m working as a postdoc now. I’ve submitted my EOI on 3 June but no reply until today. Just share this info with worried people.

    • SKR says:

      Hi admin,
      I have question regarding my friend, when he submitted his EOI on 20 may, his Master degree graduation date was under 3 years (graduation date 30 June 2017), but from the 1st july he master degree date above 3 years.
      Today GTI officer contacted him, and asking from him, Is your Master degree is under three years? Can He mention at the time of submission his master degree was under three.
      OR he disqualify from GTI? Thanks In advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi SKR,
        Thanks for your comment.
        We haven’t dealt with that specific issue yet, but our approach would be to argue that at time of application he was a recent graduate.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jamie Le says:

      Hi, i am wondering whether Actuarial Science can be considered closely related to those target sectors, for example Data Science? Since i have a bachelor degree in Actuarial and planning to do Master/PhD but i am still choosing between Actuarial or Data Science. Many thanks

    • Alan Lee says:

      Hi, I got 20 years experience in ICT and I’m working in a US based software vendor. I’m now based in Hong Kong and my salary exceed the FWHIT threshold. I got friend who’s New Zealand citizen as well. Am I eligible to apply the GTI? And can I submit EOI again if I’m not invited after 1st submission?

      • admin says:

        Hi Alan,
        Thanks for your comment.
        At first glance it looks like you could meet the criteria.
        There is also no bar from lodging an EOI a second time, though of course its best to get it right first time given it’s a race against time.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Brijesh says:

      Do you know what is timeline for offshore 124 visa, have u heard anyone got recently and how long after visa lodgement?

      • admin says:

        Hi Brijesh,
        Thanks for your comment.
        In our experience, once an invitation is received, the processing time is similar to the onshore applications (approximately 2 weeks).
        Do let us know if you require our assistance with the lodgement of the application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Adnan Farooq says:

      Hi, I want to know that If a person is offshore and have completed Masters by Research in the area of MedTech more than 3 years ago. Also currently working in a company. I want to know that is he eligible to apply for EOI and for the nomination can I contact ACS?

      • admin says:

        Hi Adnan,
        If your Masters was completed more than 3 years ago you would need to demonstrate an income above the FWHIT and have evidence of international recognition.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help (perhaps in another visa if the GTI is not appropriate).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Tara says:

      I submitted my application at the end of June, but I wrote 750 words instead of 750 characters in EOI. Do you think that I need to contact them and send the shorter version of my EOI for them?

      • admin says:

        Hi Tara,
        We haven’t had issues with EOI applications that have been more than 750 words.
        We also do not recommend emailing the Department unless there is a valid reason (it is best to prepare a complete application rather than send multiple emails which could delay processing).
        All the best with your EOI.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Tara says:

      Also, my paper accepted after submitting my application, can I email and inform them?

    • Jack says:


      I have submitted my EOI for the GTI program on the 10th of July, which means in the new financial year. I was wondering how much waiting time should we expect to get an outcome for the EOI at the beginning of this new financial year.

      Thanks in advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi Jack,
        Thank you for your comment.
        If the Department does issue invitations for those who lodged after 30 June, we would expect invitations to follow the same processing times as other applications (around 1-2 months). Though this is of course an estimate as the processing times are being impacted by COVID.
        Good luck with your EOI and do keep us posted if you receive an invitation!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Khaled says:

          Hi Admin,
          How about the ones they have submitted their EOIs in May / June and they haven’t receive their UID yet? are they going to be considered in 19-20 quota or 20-21?


    • Alex says:

      Hi Khaled,

      I applied onshore in March – Never heard anything yet.

    • Anuradha says:


      I have a overseas bachelors degree in computer science and engineering with good grades. I have also worked at various pharmaceutical companies at different global locations gaining a very unique skill within pharma domain and my current annual income is 1,78,000. Am in eligible for GTI program?

      • admin says:

        Hi Anuradha,
        Thank you for your comment.
        Depending on what you actually do in the pharma companies, given your background you might be able to slot into the ICT category.
        Bear in mind that in addition to your income, you would still need to show international recognition.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jami says:

      I am just wondering whether anyone got an invitation recently.
      I submitted EOI on the 2nd of June and still waiting for the response.


      • HA says:

        It is questioned by many (scroll to the top of the page) whether they stop inviting temporary (since late June) or experiencing a long delay (1.5-2 months) or….. ?!

    • Syed says:

      Hi, I have done PhD in energy management (Electrical). Published 20+ research articles including books, journal articles in peer reviewed publishers. Presented work in leading conferences from IEEE. Since two years, working in corporate sector in energy domain specifically EPC services for microgrid/energy storage deployment around the world. Also continuing research as post doctor with couple of patents and a national grant. Skill assessment result is positive after doctoral degree from Engineers Australia. Couple of past awards in study and research. Let me know what is the next step to proceed and is there any need for the recommendation to submit EOI?

      • admin says:

        Hi Syed,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Your experience suggests that you’d be eligible under the Energy category (provided you are either a PhD Graduate in the last 2 years or can demonstrate an income above the FWHIT). The next step would be to submit an EOI. You also do not need a nominator at the EOI application stage (though it helps).
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sher says:

      Hello, I have completed my Masters 2 years ago in Biomed (Microbiology) & have a Bachelor of Science (also Biomed). Since graduating, I have worked in various industries. The most relevant I can think of is working as a biochemist/molecular biologist in a group based in the university that is currently developing a point of care device for various genetic diseases. We are also looking to extend our research to include applications for COVID (ongoing research). I do not meet the salary bracket and I currently do not have any published papers. Just wondering if I would qualify for this program or should I be looking at other options?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sher,
        Thanks for your comment.
        The short answer is “depends”. If you have a high grade in your Masters program you won’t need to show the FWHIT but you will still need to show international recognition.
        It might be worth considering the GTI in addition to other visas.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Khaled says:

        Hi Admin,

        In the last 2 years or three years ?


      • Dian says:

        Hey Sher, have you gotten an invitation? Thanks!

    • LILY says:

      I have a question about EOI for the GTI program. I have heard that applicants can go to the Australian embassy in some countries ( such as England; London or China shanghai ….) to fill the form and follow up on their application. is that right?

    • Lucy says:

      I am a PHD candidate learning medicine. I lodged my EOI on 14th June and await for the response.

    • James says:

      Hi Tes, did you get your EOI?

    • Md Ariful Islam says:

      Hi, I submitted EOI on 29th May and target sector FinTech. My highest qualification is PhD (waiting for the degree all process completed) and I have also 7+ experience as Financial Investment Manager. Can you advise me how long it will take to get the response?

      Can you also advise me should I send email to the global talent office to know the status of my application?


      • admin says:

        Hi Ariful,
        Thanks for your comment. Based on your brief description you appear suitable for the program and a 2 month processing time is not unheard of.
        We wouldn’t recommend emailing the global talent office unless you had an incomplete application (further unnecessary emails simply delay the process).
        Your best option might just be wait at this point in time, but feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you want us to review your application documents (or other visa options).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hi,
      I am a masters graduate in Data science major. I have achieved 6.43 GPA (80%) and was in the deans merit list three times . I did one of my university projects in Queensland health cancer alliance related to cancer patients. I did 3 months internship in data science in Uniqlo and finished it 30th of June. Currently I work in Uniqlo as a store manager. Uniqlo has a mission of transforming to a digital company in coming years and my plan is to join that projects a s a data scientist where I put my initial step of doing my internship of three months. In Uniqlo they do not usually recruit people from out side straight for their positions and the career starts from the Store Manager and they can move to head office or any department they like to progress. I am wondering whether I am eligible to apply for Global Talent Independent visa?
      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Thamalee,
        Thanks for your comment.
        We’ve responded directly to your email enquiry.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Zara says:

      Hi Team
      I have done my master’s in 2016 in biomedical fields. since then, I’ve published 3 articles and have national awards. I did 2 projects with the potential to become a great medical startup. I just one to know am I eligible for this visa? another question is right now I’ m not working and I want to start my Ph.D. next year. I don’t know am I fulfill the requirements for income? and can I change my nominator? because maybe they change their mind. Thank you if you help me with these inquiries.

      • admin says:

        Hi Zara,
        Thanks for your comment!
        We’d need to review your CV and documents to confirm eligibility more broadly – but given that you’ve completed your Masters over 3 years ago, you’d need to be able to demonstrate that you’d be able to attract a salary at the FWHIT. Bear in mind that it is still a highly competitive program and successful applicants we’ve been assisting have had publications, scholarships/awards, spoken at conferences, have contributed to patents etc. In your case you probably want to make firm inroads as to what you’re doing next, i.e. will you be moving towards commercialising your MedTech start-up, and/or will you be pursuing your PhD (or both). In terms of the nominator, you can change it prior to application lodgement.
        One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Khaled says:


      I have gone through the news in this link
      It is looks it will have impact on the processing time for invitations? is that correct? since hongkongers visas are going to be prioritised ?

      What the interpretations for this news ?

    • Khaled says:


      I have gone through the news in this link
      It is looks it will have impact on the processing time for invitations? is that correct? since hongkongers visas are going to be prioritised ?

      What the interpretations for this news ?

    • LILY says:

      Is anyone aware of the other visas, such as 189, 190 whether they are available to apply or are suspended because of COVID-19?

    • Amir says:

      Hi Team
      Do you know anyone who’s over 55 years old has gotten this visa?
      Best regards,

      • admin says:

        Hi Amir,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Applicants over the age of 55 years of age (or under 18 years) must demonstrate that they would be of “exceptional benefit to the Australian community”. Under Departmental policy, its expected that this “exceptional benefit” would be a contribution that would elevate the international standing of the particular area in Australia – and that this benefit would be immediately realised and ongoing in the future. We have assisted a cyber-security professional (over the age of 55) and demonstrated that they had worked for some of the largest organisations in the world, was considered at the forefront of the industry, did not intend to retire soon, and was held in the highest esteem of their colleagues (who themselves were at the peak of the industry).
        Feel free to get in touch with us if you would like our assistance in such a submission.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Reem says:

      I have finished my study Master of Business by research. I have done a thesis related to sustainability accounting. I have published some papers. if I want to apply for this under what category should I apply .
      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Reem,
        Thank you for your comment.
        On the face of it, it’s challenging to fit you in one of the relevant categories with an accounting / business initself. We’d need to review your thesis and CV in more detail to confirm but the GTI program might not be suitable for you at this stage. You could certainly look into general skilled or employer sponsored migration pathways instead.
        One of our lawyers will get in touch to see if we can help.
        Kind regrds,
        Hannan Tew

    • Shawn says:

      I have submitted my EOI to an officier on July 9th directly. I got the reply that I will be notified shortly but I haven’t received any replies until now. I am a recent Ph.D. and have international reputation supporting materials: international conference/university lectures, journal reviewer invitations (more than 80), pubs (30), citations (>350), and featured research work on websites. Mynominator plays a leading role in the field in AU.

      Is this program year (20/21) different and should I let my nomiator email the officer of GTI? Not quite sure about how does ‘shortly’ means in AU.

      • admin says:

        Hi Shawn,
        Thanks for your comment (it’s helpful to us too to see how matters are tracking).
        From your description it seems that you meet the criteria (though we’re happy to review your documents if you’d like) and assuming you provided the correct documents it’s just a matter of processing. We’re seeing at least 2 months before invitations at this point in time so you are well within that timeline. We don’t recommend applicants contact the case officer after a complete lodgement as it usually just delays the process, but it’s up to you if you feel something is missing.
        Good luck with your application and do let us know if you get a response from the Department.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Vinay says:

        How you apply directly to Officer ?


        • Xiang Ma says:

          GTI has serveral offices in India, China, U.S….. Each regional office has an officier and a team. Sometime the regional office would have seminars propagating GTI. Keep an eye on the office in your region.

    • Muzamal says:

      Has anybody who submitted EOI in June has got any response?

    • Mert says:

      Hey Team !!

      Great website, I’ve found me on the forum, Hope you guys are doing well.

      I have almost read the comments had an idea of what’s going on about the visa, and my path doesn’t look like any other, So, I have decided to ask you.

      So, I had an – Electronic and Communication Engineer- bachelor degree from overseas in 2016, and overall 2.36, I have an honorary degree for the last semester and I have also held a master’s degree without a thesis in 2018 from the overseas, Obviously, I don’t have any international recognition. Maybe, it would need a reference letter which I could get it. I also have Microsoft System Expert certifications with me ( MCSA, MCSE ). Overseas I have 2.5 months’ experience, and in Australia, it is going to be almost 1.5 years experience end of the year. The company I am currently working at, they are all good with me.

      So do you think it is worth to apply for this visa option for me? or It is just time-consuming and should I look for other visa options ( and what options could I have )?

      Thank you, team !!


      • admin says:

        Hi Mert,
        Thanks for your comment (and compliment!).
        Is your Masters Degree from 2018 highly graded? In that case you could avoid the salary requirement but you are right in that you would still need to show international recognition. In some cases, this can be proven by quality reference letters even early on in the career (e.g. if Bill Gates was to say that you are the most promising Microsoft expert he has ever seen). In the alternative, and since your company might be willing to support you, you can consider a TSS visa and / or 186 visa. Those might be easier pathways to temporary or permanent residence in Australia in your circumstances.
        In any case, one of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we an help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Mert says:

          Hey good afternoon Hannan

          My master degree in 2018 overall is 3 out of 4 ( %75 ) plus my bachelor is on %25 scholarship, and my salary is now 60K

          For the other options, I cant go with the TSS because I don’t have 2 years experience, however, If I get the 5 month-experience more, after 15th of November which is going to be the end of my visa, then I can eligible for the TSS, so I’m thinking how could I gain 5 moths experience more? or I am not eligible for 186 visa as well because it needs ” have at least 3 years relevant work experience unless you are exempt ”

          1. Do guys think, due to the corona, maybe they just can drop the standard about the TTS ( maybe we don’t need 2 years experience anymore?? or something like that ) and in the normal situation, if I want to get 5 more months, 2. How would I able to extend my visa ( Should I stick with the coronavirus visa for 5 months or should I be the on the student visa while at work at my company 20 hours per a week and 3. even If I work a part-time with my company, after the 5th months, Will I be the eligible for the TSS? I am not sure whether my work experience as a part-time count or not )?

          4. or can my master’s degree without thesis considered as employment for the 482 TSS visa, If I choose a suitable occupation in my field?

          Thank you so much team !!


          • admin says:

            Hi Mert,
            Thanks for your comment.
            There are quite a few questions there, so feel free to book a consultation here to discuss further.
            Kind regrds,
            Hannan Tew

      • Angie says:

        No, I submitted the EOI on the 30th of May and still no answer. I am waiting a little longer to resubmit my EOI(maybe it was not complete) because they say that 2 month is not unheard of.

    • Chathurika says:

      Hi Team,
      with regard to the fin tech, having a masters with 78%, membership of two professional bodies (CPA, CIMA UK- ACMA, CGMA), and 8 years experience as Accountant and tax accountant in Dubai and Australia would qualify to apply for this visa ?

      Thanks !

      • admin says:

        Hi Chathurika,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Our understanding is that if you are trying to avoid the FWHIT, your Masters of 78% will not be sufficient.
        If you do have a salary above the FWHIT, then your challenge will be linking your accounting career to that of FinTech (and of course showing your international recognition).
        One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if they can help.
        Kind regrds,
        Hannan Tew

    • AAAA says:

      Hi, has anyone changed the nominator after submitting EoI and before the visa submission?
      Is it possible to change the nominator after you get the UiD and before visa lodgement? Will it affect our visa grant?

      • admin says:

        Hi AAAA,
        Our understanding is that it is possible to use a different nominator at visa application stage to that declared in your EOI.
        Let us know if we can be of assistance at either stage.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • AAAA says:

          Thanks for your response Admin.
          Do we need to specifically mention that we changed the nominator when we submit the visa application? Has anyone come across the same issue?

          • admin says:

            Hi AAAA,
            The visa requirement is that you have a valid nominator, not the same nominator. If you are worried, you can certainly attach a declaration explaining the change.
            Do let us know if we can help.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Shaun says:

      Hi Hanna

      I have reviewed all the threads, but there seems like contradictory answers to one question:

      Will people get notified if their EOI is unsuccessful (except for the case where PhD has more than 6 months to submit their thesis)?

      I also saw from other source that People will get notified when a GTI officer starts reviewing their EOI, and also get notified if fails, also this means your second EOI will become harder to succeed if your profile is not significantly different from before.

      Please may you clear the rumour if they indeed are?

      Many thanks

      • admin says:

        Hi Shaun,
        Thank you for your comment.
        In an incomplete form or an application with minimal information is provided, you will not receive a response. However, in most cases you will receive a response.
        In any case, the best way to go forward is to provide a complete and detailed application at initial stage.
        One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we can help.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • shaun says:

          Thanks. I submitted an EOI on June-7th, just for the sake of trial (I really regret on this). I did not put a nominator in there, is this considered an incomplete application? I heard from other sources that , to date, on EOIs submitted before June are reviewed if it is not a medtech background. Is this true? – I think it might worth withdrawing my EOI before anyone viewed it.

          Also – do you know what happens to second EOI is the first is not invited (if no response rather than a notified failure), will the second EOI be affected?

          happy to discuss further if my second EOI won’s be affected – otherwise I do not think it worth a second trial.

          with many thanks

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