On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.
This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.
On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:
- process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
- finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.
We’ll update this as we know further information.
The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.
What is the Global Talent – Independent program?
The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).
The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.
Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:
- 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
- 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.
In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).
The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.
What is a Global Talent visa?
The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.
It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.
You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.
Am I eligible under this program?
Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:
- fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
- have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
- be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
- have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).
If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.
What are the 10 target sectors?
Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.
Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:
Agri-food and AgTech
Health Industries
Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
Circular Economy
Financial Services and FinTech
You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.
How do I apply?
To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:
- the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
- a nomination and
- the Global Talent visa application itself.
Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.
In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.
Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.
Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.
Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:
- Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
- Australian organisation
who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.
The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.
We recommend:
- reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
- sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.
Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.
The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.
The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.
The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.
How much does it cost?
The government lodgement fees for this application are:
Primary ApplicantEssential
$ 4,840
exc surcharges>18 dependent
$ 2,425
exc surcharges< 18 dependent
$ 1,210
exc surchargesOver-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.
Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):
Consultation1 hour discussion
$ 330-440
Inc GST- Written Eligibility Assessment
- Consideration of Other Visas
- Undertaken by Video Conference
$ 4,400
Inc GST- Review of Documents
- Preparation of Complete Application
- Submission of Global Talent Visa Application
How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?
The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.
Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.
The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.
What is the impact of Direction 100?
On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).
This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.
Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:
- where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
- made by Hong Kong nationals.
How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?
There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:
- undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
- if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.
What is the process once we engage you?
In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.
If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.
Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.
We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).
Common mistakes?
Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.
Frequently asked Questions
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.
What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?
What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?
- were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
- had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
- the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.
These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.
The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.
That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.
Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing.
What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?
I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?
- are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
- have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).
As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .
Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?
How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?
Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?
What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?
How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?
How do I find a nominator?
Do you assist with finding a nominator?
What are the requirements for the nominator?
If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?
How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?
I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?
I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?
What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?
Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?
With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).
We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.
With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.
Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.
Hello, I am currently doing a Master of Research but I will submit my thesis in two months. Can I still apply now? Or do I have to wait to graduate to apply? Cheers
Hi Isabel,
Thank you for your comment.
Completing a Master’s thesis is not a compulsory requirement of the GTI (but graduation is is compulsory to avoid the FWHIT).
That is, if you have a high enough salary and have international recognition you can still apply for the GTI.
If you don’t, then you need to wait until you complete your Master’s program and obtain a “high grade”.
Do let us know if we can be of assistance (including for considering other visas).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Do I necessarily have to express interest (and be invited) to apply for the distinguishged talent visa? I initially expressed interest in the Global talent visa program on 24 May thinking that I would qualify since I had a few published papers on technology even though my qualifications are in Education. However, after submitting the EOI, I realised that I may not have sufficient information to support my application. I read more about the distingished talent visa and realised that I was more qualified for that visa stream. I went ahead and applied for the distingished talent visa with all the supporting documentation (thinking no expression interest was required). However, this morning, I received an email from the global talent team asking for more information about the EOI I lodged in May. I am to respond to the information in 28 days or the EOI will be considered closed. I am confused as I cannot provide all the information they are requesting. I am also thinking that responding or not responding to the request might affect my application. Your advice will be greatly appreciated.
Hello Giddi,
Thanks for the info regarding your EOI status. I’m interested to know what further info is required from you, as I also got my research in education and interested in this visa. I’ll like to reach you. Pls, shoot me an email: library [email protected]
Hi Giddi,
Thanks for your comment.
The GTI program basically is basically a layer that utilises the Distinguished Talent visa application, but specifically targeting people in the tech sector. If you’re invited under the GTI program then you get access to fast-tracked processing.
However, as you mention, you can apply for the Distinguished Talent visa application without an EOI – but you would not get fast tracked processing and you would still need to meet the visa criteria. Individuals that apply under this stream are a wide range of individuals including academics, athletes, professionals etc. If you’ve received a request for further information, we would recommend responding if you can because it may mean that you’d be issued a unique identifier which would enable you to apply for the Distinguished Talent visa under this program. If you do not respond, then you would miss out on this opportunity.
One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we can assist further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
It seems that GTI program is unfair for early/mid career researchers (PhD ~ 5 years), as they are neither in categories: recent PhD (<3 years) nor meet salary threshold (150k. Actually, 150k salary range in academia in Australia is for at least senior Associate Professors or even full Professors (Academic lecel C-D, who obviously do not need this kind of visa).
So, what is the chance for a 5 years PhD with good track records (publications, achievement, projects) but salary is far less than the threshold?
Hi Tan,
Thank you for your comment.
As it stands, unfortunately you are right in that if you are not a “recent graduate” you are prevented from the application without evidence that you would “be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $153,600”.
Though not clear, it might be worth making an application with job advertisements from industry showing that if you weren’t in academia you would be able to earn the threshold.
Alternatively, you could consider other visas at this stage such as the TSS or general skilled migration visa.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help with any of the other options.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for the suggestion. It is a good idea to look beyond academia.
I have already been on TSS, whereas the inflated GSM visa is far to reach. I just feel it is ridiculous that one might be qualified at 3 years PhD no matter what their salary is, and then disqualified the next year because they couldn’t have an (almost impossible) salary raise by $50k in 1 year to meet the requirement.
Hi Tan,
No worries, and yes, we definitely understand your frustration.
It is worth noting this is a pilot program at the moment so if they do formalise it into an established visa program then the Department would like address these additional concerns.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I have master of research from Australia which I will complete three years Mid of Aug. I submitted my EOI four weeks ago.
I’m working at the moment but I don’t meet FWHIT.
I have international recognition, good publications and scholarship.
If I didn’t receive the UID before the Mid of August, I won’t get the UID? or my EOI will expire or will be rejected?
Hi Zhang,
Thank you for your comment.
Assuming you provided a complete application you should receive a response so the Department will clarify at that stage whether or not you are eligible. As this is a pilot program there is not much information in relation to nuances like that (until an application has been made to test it). As such, we aren’t sure whether the Department will apply the recent graduate rule as “last 3 years” at time of application or time of decision. If time of application, then the Department may issue your EOI even if August passes. Once you obtain your invitation, based on how the Department is processing our existing applications, our position is that if you are able to evidence the same information as in your EOI you should be able to obtain the visa.
I hope that provides some assistance (though unfortunately no certainty).
Do let us know if we can be of assistance at the visa stage – good luck on your EOI!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thank you very much .
I am also wondering. Me not.
Hi Hannan
My name is Mohamed Khather. I have heard bout GTI recently. I have Ph.D. in Petroleum Engineering (Carbon Dioxide capture for environmental and economic purposes). I finished my study in 2019 with high grad I got congrats latter from Chancellor shows that my thesis is an exponentially high standard and add credit to Curtin University.
I need your advice regarding my qualification. Am I legible to apply for this Visa?
Hi Mohamed,
Thanks for your comment.
Looks like you might fit under the Engineering and Mining Technology category, and given your graduation date you could avoid the FWHIT.
You would still need to show international recognition, which can be through any further published papers or your rise within your employer (if you have one).
We’d be happy to assess your eligibility further, and one of our lawyers will reach out to you directly to discuss.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, I submitted EOI on 28st May, I just received an invitation on 29st July.
Congratulations! Good luck with the visa application!
Which sector? and your profile plz?
14 Journal papers and 9 conferences. I am submitting my thesis in 6 months.
Congratulations LS!
May I ask your target sector, and if you are onshore or offshore?
Thanks and all the best
MedTech. Onshore
I have a PhD in Australia and graduated in May 2020. I submitted my EOI in 9th June for AgTech steream. I have also 18 publication in very good journals and in majority of them first author. Furthermore, I have three IPRS scholarship and Research graduated (RA) assistantship from USA. I have also 2 years work experience in my country which were assessed by VETASSESS as an agricultural consultant. But, the only problem is that I have not job at the moment because I have been graduated for 1 month before submitting EOI. So my question is that does this lead to the rejection of my EOI? How many days later may I get feedback from GTI?
Hi Amir,
Thank you for your comment.
Since you graduated in May 2020 you do not need to show you have a job right now (you also don’t need to meet the FWHIT). However, you do need to show international recognition. Not having a job doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have international recognition, but it does mean you need to focus on reference letters from others prominent in your field or from past employers etc. Standard processing time at this stage is about 2 months (though sometimes faster or slower).
Good luck with your EOI!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Gents/Ladies,
For your information, See below for my GTI timeline.
1/6- Submitted EOI
11/6-EOI received
18/6-Application submitted
19/6- Received s56
29/6- Submitted required documents
26/6- Visa granted
Good luck
Congratulations ThirstyCamel! That’s a fantastic result!
We’re sure you’ll make an excellent addition to Australia and your lighting fast processing shows how amazing this program an be.
Take care,
Hannan Tew
26/7-Visa Granted
Your EOI was pretty fast, just within 10days!
Dear sir or madam,
I have heard about GTI recently.
I would appreciate it if you could take a look my situation…
I have 2 M.Sc. degree in physics and biomedical engineering. In summary my resume is:
Ms.c. in biomedical engineering defended in 2019(gpa:18.65 out of 20)
Ms.c in physics defended in 2013( 15.00 out of 20)
Bs.c in physics( 13.96 out of 20)
Top talent academic awards, from national elite foundation of IRAN,in 2015 and 2016.
Ranked the first in national university entrance exam.
1 isi publication with 14 citation from 2019 up to now. And one pubmed paper with 4.
Am I have a chance for GTI?
The most challenge for me is: finding nominator, I would appreciate if you kindly guide me since I don’t know any professors or any companies in Australia😞
ACS nominate applicants for computer science.
Is there any companies like ASC for nominate MED TECH applicants?
Thank you in advance for your consideration…
Hi Ali,
Thanks for your comment.
Based on what you’ve outlined you seem to be a highly graded recent Masters graduate and so eligible to apply. However, being eligible to apply does not guarantee that you would receive an invitation as it’s still a highly competitive program so you need to provide evidence of the international recognition (in addition to evidence of the awards and publications you should have reference letters from significant people within your field). What you’ve outlined in relation to finding a nominator is a very common issue with offshore applicants. You could consider academic colleagues, work colleagues, employers, and industry bodies in Australia (such as https://www.mtaa.org.au/). One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, I had submitted EOI before 5 days ago, and I am completing my PhD soon in October. I am in Australia. I had applied in MedTech sector, however, my PhD degree and experience fit also for ‘data science’ sector. Now, I wanted to change the sector I applied to. Is there any chance to update my application? Or the application assessor would advise me to change my sector if they found it that it fits for another sector?
Thanks for your comment.
If you want to change the sector, we’d suggest emailing the global talent officer to clarify.
Feel free to reach out at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
im an argentinian lawyer, and i receive an invitation, and now im filling the form and i have almost complete it, but i have some questions
1.- When it says that you have to complete all your travels since 10 years ago, it really means all your travels, there are a lot of traveling to countries inside MERCOSUR that i dont remember the dates.
2.- How i should prove that i have functional english, and how my childrens and husband?
3.- how do i prove de character form?
Thank you in advaced!!
Hi Alex,
Congratulations on your invitation!
Re the travel history, you should put as much as reasonably possible (I don’t think you would be refused if you unintentionally missed out on a few).
Re English, you can read the meaning (and evidence) of functional English here.
Lastly, we’re not quite sure what you mean about the character form? Generally you will need police clearances to evidence your good character.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help with the application process.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Immigration requires Form 80 and 1221 as part of character documentation. I found the info in the step by step tab here https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/distinguished-talent-858#HowTo.
Hi Alessandra,
Only certain applicants (for example certain citizens or certain character issues) need to submit the Form 80 and 1221.
That is, they are not compulsory.
Kind regards,
Hannna Tew
Alex, as you are a Lawyer, what was your targeted sector? Your answer will be highly useful for me. Thanks
Hi Team, I was wondering if a reference letter from the nominator is crucial to submit with the EOI or is it just required after receiving an invitation to apply ? I have submitted my EOI on the 10th of July but without a reference letter from the nominator (I just indicated the name of the nominator and their position). In case a letter is crucial, is it possible to email it to a global talent officer to add it to the documents attached to my EOI ? if yes should I use the following email: [email protected] ?
Hi Alex,
Thanks for your comment.
It’s not compulsory to have a reference letter from the nominator at the nomination stage (but our position is that it helps to make your application as complete as possible).
If you have now obtained a reference letter, and want to provide further information, the above address is the correct one for provision of further information.
Good luck with your application, and feel free to email us at [email protected] if we can be of assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Did anyone who submitted the EOI in early June receive a UID?
I submitted EOI on 14th June.
There is at least candidate who has (ThirstyCamel submitted on 1 June).
Good luck with your EOI, and feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you require any assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Only the nomination letter or form 100 as well to submit with EOI.
Hi Ali,
The Form 1000 is not required at the EOI stage.
We do recommend that you have reference letters from relevant persons in your EOI however, as this is a way of evidencing your talent.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like our assistance ([email protected]).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi everyone,
Anyone get invitation who are submit the EOI after 16th June?
Hi Rox,
Thanks for your comment.
We’ve had one applicant who had her EOI approved having submitted on 30 June 2020.
That being said, there are other equally competent candidates still waiting from submissions prior to that.
If you’ve prepared a complete application, it’s just a matter of patience.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi admin,
Do we need to arrange prior or have to submit the police verification report while filing the visa application after getting the Invitation from EOI ?
Hi Veekaay,
You can actually submit your visa application without the police clearances (though they must be provided before a decision is made).
We recommend decision ready applications for fastest processing.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannah Tew Team
In relation to required documentation, is it common for the immigration to grant a permanent residency visa without medical history (exam)? All clinics are closed in Victoria due to COVID-19, and there is no other option but wait.
Hi Alessandra,
Thanks for your post.
As it stands the Department won’t approve the visas until the medicals are completed (although the application can be validly submitted without medicals).
This means you’ll have to wait I’m afraid, but assuming you lodged with appropriate documents the good news is that the visa is processed quite fast (once the medicals are obtained).
Good luck,
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
My name is Sahar and hong Kong permanent resident.I am physiotherapist and master in biomedical engineering in 2015 from Hong Kong ranking university. I have five years research experience in my field. I have some publication and some chapters published. Would I be eligible for GTI?
Hi Sahar,
Thank you for your comment. Although physiotherapists in themselves are not generally eligible, you could consider Med Tech depending on your research and use of your biomedical engineering degree. One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help. Bear in mind that as you are no longer a recent graduate you would need to demonstrate a capacity to earn at the FWHIT.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Rox,
I submitted on 12th June. Still no response.
Is there anyone submitted their EOI in July/August and got invitation? I have not seen anyone getting any invitation who have submitted EOI after june and afraid if this visa is still open or not.
Hi Ashad,
Majority of June people didn’t receive their EOI including myself.
I have applied on 9th of June (MedTech) and haven’t received any response yet!
I also applied on the same day, but not heard any response as well.
Do you know anyone submitted on 1st June and onward and received their UID?
Yes, one submitted on 20 July and received UID on 4 Aug.
Ok, what what the target sector of your friend?
I submitted an EOI on June 15 and received an IUD on June 19. Our visa was granted on August 10. Sector is Energy & Mining.
Hi Ashad,
As it stands we haven’t seen any invitations for applications lodged from 1 July onwards, but we’ve now had quite a few invitations from June (including one from 30 June). If we see any invitations post 1 July we’ll certainly update this post so keep an eye out.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
One of my friends who applied on 27th or 28th June received UID on 30 July. I applied on 20th and am yet to receive it. Neither accepted nor rejected. But very few people who applied after around June 15 seem to have received a UID.
Hi RS,
What it your friend target sector?
Also s(he) is recent PhD ./ master graduate ?
Hi Zhang, it is MedTech. So a PhD in biomed.
Hi Hannan Tew,
I submitted EOI in early June, but still haven’t received any response yet. Since lots of GTI candidates who submitted EOI in June got invitations, is it mean my application is more likely to be unsuccessful?
I’ve heard several super-fast “Hongkong” and medical invitation cases (submit EOI in late July). Some successful applicants told me that GTI officer will send rejection letters to all unsuccessful candidates in batch in later time and priority is given to Hongkong and medical applicants. Is this true? Thanks!
Best regards,
Hi Josh,
Thank you for your comment.
Have you seen applications submitted in July get invitations? We have not yet.
Re your second paragraph, Hong Kong applications are prioritised but we don’t know anything about your other rumours.
Ultimately all an applicant can do and should focus on is submitting a quality EOI.
Do let us know when you hear from the Department.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Thank you for your reply. Yes, I agree with you. The latest invitation I’ve heard so far: EOI submission on 20 July and invitation received on 4 Aug (Mining technology). Thanks to your website comments, I also notice lots of people who submitted in June did not receive any responses. That’s why I’m confused. Anyway, I am happy to share any information if I got response.
Best regards,
I received GTIP response with request for additional information:
• Can you please provide some clarity over the organisational structure and where the role of Software Developer sits in the structure.
• Please provide any additional information on your internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement and how this places you at the top of your field of expertise (in approximately 200-750 words)
The first point is a factual one – but what are they really trying to access / determine here?
Is the second point a standard one with every request for additional information ? Or indeed they were not convinced enough with what I had already provided and they are simply providing me another chance to provide more information to make a more compelling case?
Hi Anand,
Thank you your comment.
It’s good that you’ve received an EOI in that a case officer has started processing your application.
In relation to your points it means, a request for information means that as it stands you have not evidenced that you meet the criteria. Not all expressions of interest receive the request for information so you should provide detailed responses to ensure that you do not miss this opportunity.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you would like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Anand,
Can I know when did you submit the EOI?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Anand,
Are you onshore or offshore ? when did you submit your EOI? what is your target sector?
Hi, Today I got UID!
Congratulations Denny!
Hi Denny,
Congratulations. May i know when you submitted the EOI?
Congratulations Denny, whats your target sector ? and when did u submit your EOI?
I am currently in my last year of a PhD in agricultural and environmental sciences (from a Spanish university). I graduated in food science and technology (2016) and in 2017 I finished a master in food safety management. I have two research publications in internationally recognized journals, and a research stay at the University of Melbourne. The sectors are not very clear to me and I wanted to ask if my profile would fit into one of them and if I could be eligible for the 124 visa (Distinguished Talent visa).
Thanks so much in advance.
Dear Nuria,
Thank you for your comment.
The sector you could apply for would depend on the specific nature of your journals (and of course your work history).
From a first glance your Masters in itself doesn’t appear to fit clearly. It may be the case you should consider another visa.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I submitted EOI in early June, got an email for requesting further documents in 26th of July, submitted all documents on august 5 and today they provided UID.
Hi Denny,
Congratulations, Denny! I wish you a successful visa application.
Please, what sector did you apply for and what kind of documents was requested from you?
Hi Denny!! Congratulations !! Good News actually !!
Can you please tell in which field you applied and in which category (Like PhD student , recently masters or PhD Graduate or as professional ? )
Congratulations Denny. Could you please share with us your profile? Thanks
I have a question, I’m onshore and unfortunately my husband is offshore. In which stream of this visa I should apply?
Hi Parisa,
Thank you for your comment.
Depending on your circumstances, if your husband is not onshore, it may be most suitable for you to lodge the offshore version of the Distinguished Talent (Subclass 124) visa, noting that you would need to travel outside Australia for the approval.
If you applied for the onshore (Subclass 858) visa, your husband would not be able to be included in the visa application. If you were granted PR without your husband, then he would need to apply for another visa to become a permanent resident (such as a Partner visa).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Jordan,
Any idea If immigration authorities have started processing EOI (for offshore category) after 6th October announcement? Submitted EOI on 9th August and still waiting.
Hi Arif,
It’s not 100% clear. We had an unusual one where we submitted an EOI for an applicant in early October who received their unique identifier a few days later but it could be because the person was a highly distinguished candidate in MedTech. We still have plenty of clients with EOIs submitted in June/July who are still waiting.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew Lawyers
I was also anxious. Share with you…..
EOI submitted on July 10 2020, UID receiced on Aug 11 2020;
Recent Ph.D.;
~30 pubs;
~370 citations;
~90 review invitations;
~several conference/university lectures/poster invitations;
research featured on professional websites;
two stong letters from professors at prestious unversities outside AU (not my nominator);
nominator is authoritative in AU.
Note: My background doesn’t fit MedTech perfectly, so I asked two letters endorsing my backgroud which I think are quite useful
Thanks for providing those details – and congratulations on your EOI!
Good luck on your visa applicaiton!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Maxi,
I am a recent on-shore PhD graduate with Best PhD award from the Uni, over 70 research publications, best PhD paper award, almost 2000 citations, hundreds of reviews and their recognition, Post-doc fellowship, strong nomination etc. It has been two months since waiting for the UID.
Hi Ali, what is your target sector?
I am just wondering what kind of documents can I provide to support seniority at my company?
Hi Rocio,
Thanks for your comment.
The documents to provide depend very much on your circumstances and what type of companies you’ve worked for. For some individuals it’s self explanatory based on their resume due to their employment history and titles, for others it’s about providing an employment reference (either from company HR or a colleague) attesting to it. You could also provide things like organisational charts, employment contracts etc. It’s also worth noting that your seniority is one aspect of their consideration. If you were the COO of a 10 person company, it may not necessarily be equal to for example a Vice President of a 1000 person company (and potentially vice versa) depending on the scale of company and other aspects.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you require further assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin & everyone,
Has anyone been advised recently that they were unsuccessful? I am just wondering even if they have received/reviewed my application or not. I submitted EOI in early June and it is really frustrating just to keep waiting.
Hi Athira,
I appreciate your frustration!
We haven’t had any of our clients have refusals yet (though we do have some EOIs processing for close to 2 months now).
We have seen people come to us for consultations who received refusals however, so not having one means you can still be optimistic.
Hang in there!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Admin,
Please do you want to share the reasons for the refusal that you have come across?
Maybe such info would help some people.
Thank you
Hi Sean,
Sure – we’ve seen refusals for a variety of reasons including the Department not accepting that an applicant met the requisite criteria, applicants who are on Bridging Visas, applicants who have exaggerated their claims and were unable to provide the evidence of their achievements, and applicants who did not fit one of the 7 targeted sectors. Hope that helps.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
My Profile:
Target Sector: Energy and Mining
Submitted EOI 10 June, still waiting for the response
Work Exp: 5 years offshore ( Academic and Research), presently studying 2nd year of my Ph.D. in Australia with a full scholarship.
Total Publications: 10 SCI Journals, CITATIONS: 80, Recognized reviewer for many journals, 6 International Conferences, Awarded with research and travel grants from international bodies.
I guess the process is a bit slow now, keep your fingers crossed.
Applied on 12th June: No response
Field: Ag tech
Completed 2 years of PhD Full RTP and CSIRO scholarship, Recent Master graduate Percentage 90, Excellent Master thesis award, Total 14 publications with around 200 citations Attended numerous conferences, Experience 2 years overseas (research)
Looks like process is quite slow these days. Finger crossed 🤞 everyone!
Hi All,
I submitted EOI on 13th June. But no response yet.
My student visa will end soon. So I have to apply for a new visa and I will be on bridging visa from then.
If the UID is not given before I apply for my next visa will my EOI be rejected because I will be in a bridging visa?
Thank you
Hi, What is your experience, please?
I am in a similar situation- which is why I applied for the 485 visa. I applied for it because I don’t know when or if I am gonna receive UID. Better to be safe than sorry. I applied on June 20 and haven’t heard anything back from the case ofRSRSficer.
Hello RS,
Have you got the 485 visa granted? If you can please let me know how long it took you for any approvals? I applied 485 recently and did not hear anything yet. Now it is nearly one month. I appreciate your comment on this.
Thank you
I received in a very short time. Like within a day post medical. Looks like all applications are progressing very slowly. Hope you get it soon.
Hi Uvs,
We’ve seen a number of instances where individuals were advised that their EOIs were unsuccessful as they were the holder of bridging visas. This is because there are very limited situations where you’d be able to lodge an onshore Subclass 858 whilst the holder of a bridging visa. You might want to explain the reason you are going onto a BVA in your EOI but from what we’ve seen, the EOI may be rejected (unless it’s successful prior to your Student visa expiring). In this case you would need to resubmit an EOI after your subsequent substantive visa is approved.
Get in touch with us at [email protected] if you would like further assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Did you get response? Similar profile here
Hi, I sent my EOI on 26 Jun and haven’t response yet. I got new publications, do you think it would be good Idea to email to update or send new EOI?
Hi Brenda,
Thank you for your comment.
We wouldn’t recommend submitting a new EOI, but you might want to email the global talent inbox with your updated publications.
Just be careful that you don’t make a confusing set of emails as you want it to be easy for the case officer to review and approve your case.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
I am planning to apply for the GTI program. Does anyone used or uploaded pitch deck in support of CV and international recognition. Is it compulsory.? Any suggestions.? Thanks
Hi Anand,
A pitch deck is not compulsory but it may be helpful if relevant (for example if you are applying as a founder and you have a start up).
Ultimately it is case specific and will depend on your sector – e.g. it might not be necessary if you are an academic in which case you would focus on your publications and presentations.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks, admin.
How to justify the salary component of $153600 in academics, where an Associate Professor (Level D) or higher can only receive that much salary and job posts in a particular field (AgTech) is rare to find.
Hi Hannan,
Thank you for the suggestions.
Hi Can I show 153,000 salary cap with multiple jobs?
As I got one full time job and another casual Job combining 153000 Aud.
I also got a PhD scholarship of 28000 Aud per year. I just want to apply now Although I just started my PhD.
Hi Shakhil,
There is nothing in the Department’s notes excluding a person who has multiple jobs (assuming the jobs are related to your industry). For example, if you were working on multiple contracts in an appropriate field then an argument can be made to utilise the full years salary from all of your contracts. However, if your relevant field salary is $140k and you are topping up the salary with money coming from driving an Uber, then this would not be appropriate. Ultimately the Department wants to see that the work in the occupation should be paid above the FWHIT.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Uvs, What is your profile if you don’t mind sharing? Thanks.
My profile,
Onshore, Recent PhD, Currently doing a postdoc and the area is Data Science.
Have top publications, experience as a reviewer, few public talks etc
Hi admin team, seems this blog is very helpful. I just want to know that when showing the FWIT salary, can we include any fixed bonuses as well. I am earning $120k fixed + $20k (fixed bonus)
+$10k (variable bonus) + Stock options. Would it be fine and according to the requirements?
Hi Sam,
Thanks for your comment.
As this is a pilot program, there is no clear definition of what counts towards the $153,900. A clear way is if you just show your last years absolute salary. If not, then you need to make a submission as to why that salary is appropriate (for example if you are in a start up, you’d make a submissions that start ups get equity due to the high value growth). You can also then show other positions you could ordinarily fill.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hiii sir;
I’m Mathematician, Is mathematics research fit for this talent visa : I’m onshore . Qualifications M.sc(Maths), B.ed, B.Sc.
Hi Goldy,
We’d need more information but generally Mathematics in itself is not included. You’d to strategically fit it into another sector (if possible) – for example Data Science.
One of our lawyers has reached out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew
I am doing my post-doc (Agriculture scientist) with an Australian science organization. I am offshore now as I left Australia for maternity leave last December. My current TSS medium-term visa is valid till Dec 2020. Due to COVID 19 situation, I couldn’t return to Australia.
I completed my Ph.D. in May 2016. I carried out my Ph.D. research in an international institute in collaboration with Australian Universities and then landed in Australia for my post-doc in a project that has collaboration with several research institutions within Australia and around the globe. Apart from this, I did received grants from international and national funding agencies including world bank. I do have published in international peer-reviewed journals, gave talk/ presented posters in international seminars. My current salary is AUD92000. As few others mentioned earlier, as an early career researcher, its impossible to find an example to quote where I could attract 15300 in near future (in Agsector) and its been more than three years since I completed PhD. However, I submitted my EOI to the GTI stream yesterday.
Out of 5 referees, four of them I listed are working in different Australian institutions and do have high reputation in Ag sector. Is it important to list more referee’s outside Australia too? Does it matter?
I wish to know, how strict is the immigration dept. about an individual satisfying recent PhD time line/ 1,53000 income threshold rule?
Is there anyone you know/ someone in this thread received invitation where they are in between like me (PhD over three years but income less that 1,53,00), though I understand this a pilot program.
Hi Pushpavalli,
Based on what you’ve outlined it sounds like you unfortunately just missed the 3 year deadline to be considered under the “student cohort”, and your current salary is not at the FWHIT which means that you’re not presently eligible.
However, these are all Departmental policy considerations, and you may wish to try submitting an EOI anyway showing job advertisements of positions that you could potentially work in.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I submitted my EOI on 29th of May and received my unique identifier on 12th of Aug. Just wanted to share this for those who are waiting for their EOI results.
Congratulations Anindita!
Good luck with your visa application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks, Ani. Congratulations and best in your visa application.
Please, could you provide more context like degree, publication and target sector.
While submitting your EOI, what was your response to the question: “Do you have a nominator?” Did you mention “Yes” or “No?
Can we submit EOI without nominator and contact nominator (ACS) once we get unique identifier?
Hi Faisal,
You would select “Yes” or “No” depending on what your circumstances are.
You can obtain a successful EOI without a nominator.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello, I am a general practitioner. I have my medical registration in Australia with a signed job contract but yet to commence work due to COVID. I have prospects to earn above the minimum thresh-hold, I am also a registered nurse with Australian qualifications. I do not have any publications but have been involved in research. I have experience with technological applications with delivering healthcare. Am I eligible for this visa route? Thanks
Hi Anto,
Thanks for your comment.
At first glance, I think you’ll have a challenge applying for this position as a GP. Our understanding is that the MedTech sector does not usually mean a GP who utilises MedTech, but someone who works in that sector specifically.
As you have a job contract, you might be able to apply for permanent residence under the 186 visa instead.
Either way, we’d be happy to look at your CV and review your options. Feel free to book a consultation through here.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks, Ani. Congratulations and best in your visa application.
Please, could you provide more context like degree, publication and target sector.
Thanks Sean,
I expressed my interest under ICT sector. I will submit my PhD thesis soon. I supported my interest with publications, awards, work experience related to that.
Congratulations Ani..
Your case gives a little hope that applications from late May are still being considered.
Hi Team,
I submitted the EOI in late June, targeting the sector of advanced ICT. I haven’t heard from the department yet.
Do you know about some applicants who submitted EOIs in June and have not received any response from the department yet?
Hi Hunter,
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately there are still many applicants who submitted EOIs in June and still haven’t received a response.
The best you can do is ensure you have the best possible application and then wait.
Do get in touch if you require our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I got UID and applied for GTI visa, they request for further document:
(1) English translation of police clearance and birth certificate.
The visa officer wrote: “Please provide an English translation in addition to the original copy”
Could you please write to me, do I need to translate by my self and submit or I have to do it by an official translator?
Hi Danny,
Congrats on your UID.
Yes, translations should be NAATI accredited (see here: https://www.naati.com.au/). They won’t accept a self certification.
All the best with your visa,
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks a lot Hannan!
Hi Danny,
Congratulations on receiving your UID. Can I know when you submitted the EOI?
Hi, I submitted my EOI on 28 May and after 2 months the GTI team rejected my EOI due to my visa status (bridging visa). Then, I asked them to clarify and they said my visa status is the only reason for my ineligibility and they encouraged me to submit another EOI as soon as my new visa has been granted. Now, my 485 (post-study) has been granted and I am planning to submit EOI again. Will they prioritize my EOI? Should I mention that my previous EOI was rejected because of my visa status?
My profile:
Sector: MedTech
Recent PhD from Australian Uni
Working as Post-doc (salary around 100K/year)
10 years of experience in academia
Publications: 36 (citations 450+)
Regularly reviews articles for international journals
Hi Rajib,
Thanks for your comment.
It might be worth mentioning that you’ve already submitted and gone through the process but I do not think that you can seek prioritisation.
Do let us know if you require assistance with the application process, otherwise, all the best!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Rajib,
I am in a similar situation. May I know how long it took to grant the 485 visa?
Good luck with your EOI
Hi uvs, it took 5 weeks. I was able to file a decision ready application as I completed my medical earlier this year for student visa extension.
When did you apply for 485? If you have already cleared medical and submitted all the required documents, it should take 4-6 weeks I guess. Although the official processing time they say is 4-5 months.
Best wishes.
Was your EOI rejected due to your visa status?
Hi Rajib,
My student visa expires soon and will be applying for the visa. My EOI (submitted in mid-June) will get rejected if I don’t get invited before I transfer to bridging visa.
I haven’t done a medical yet.
Anyway, It’s good to know that there’s a possibility of getting a visa within weeks based on a complete application.
Hi uvs,
For your reference, I submitted my 485 visa on July 16th, and granted the visa on 31st of July.
I did PhD in pathology 9 years ago and currently serving as full professor.i hv 9 yr post PhD research and teaching experience and published 30+ papers in health and biomedical sciences. currently involved in covid-19 clinical trials. I want to apply for global talent visa. Kindly guide me if I am eligible and where to start from
Hi Riffat,
Thanks for your comment.
We’d probably need to know a little bit more about your circumstances to be able to advise more accurately but in addition to your obvious achievements, we’d want to fit this into the MedTech sector (for example, if your work involves a technological component to the diagnosing, treatment, or prevention of medical conditions). One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Thanks Hannan. I will contact you if any assistance required.
Are they only issuing 124 off shore visas at the moment or are 858 also getting processed?
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for your comment.
We have had both onshore and offshore visas processed within the last month.
If you are eligible, you should put in your EOI request.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I achieved a PhD in data science in 2013 and have been working as a lecturer since. I have focused on teaching and international outreach and have started back supervising PhDs this year and am taking a more active role in research. Just wondering if I would qualify for EOI? I am resident in Ireland at present
Hi Dave,
Thanks for your comment.
Though you aren’t a recent graduate, you may still be able to make an application if you can demonstrate you can earn about the FWHIT and have international recognition.
We’ll need to review your CV and documents to confirm, so one of our lawyers will reach out to you to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello, I’m an experienced product designer who has contributed well-recognized works in an Australian Online Marketplace (envato.com)
for more than 8 years, with a good reputation in selling digital goods (5 stars rating) and got 60,000+ US Dollars on sales in total.
I receive monthly income from the site as well as having side projects with clients.
I want to work/live in Australia with my Family and contribute more to the Australian marketplace through my expertise in the online industry.
I work together with my husband who is an experienced developer on the same website. Both of us have full-time jobs in our country – Bahrain.
Due to our country’s conditions & restrictions of talented creatives, we’re searching for a much better environment to produce our best work
Do full time/Casual & relocate in Australia in our area of expertise sounds good for us.
So will this info and experiences give us the right & priority to apply for this fast track tech talent visa?
Thank you
Hi Laila,
Thank you for your comment.
As a Product Developer, you could consider an application under the ICT category but you would need to demonstrate that you’d be able to attract a salary at the FWHIT (unless you are a recent highly graded graduate?). There’s nothing preventing your Envato profits to be used in determining this salary, but you could also use job advertisements for similar positions in Australia.
In any case, we’d also need to review your profile in more detail to determine whether you have international recognition but one of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
I have lodged my 858 visa on 25th of June. Thereafter I have received s56 request for more information. I have attached this requested information a week ago and still waiting. Could you please tell me the timeframe of this visa, how long it should take from now? Thanks
Hi Mun,
Thanks for your comment.
That’s great news – once you’ve provided the necessary documents the application is usually approved in 2 to 4 weeks.
Don’t worry – you’re almost there!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Mun, you will hear back from them soon. Could you please share your profile? Thanks
Hi Hannan and others,
I have got it yesterday. PhD in Chemical Engineering within 6 months to submit. Few publications are under process. thanks
Hi Hannah Tew
I Submitted EOI for GTI in 19 July and have not heard from them until now. Would they notify me if I am not eligible or my application is not successful? How long I should wait. I am also eligible for GSM, should I apply for GSM simultaneously
Hi Ruhee,
The Department usually does notify you (though it may take some time).
As submitting an EOI is not a visa application and does not guaranteed outcome, you should certainly consider applying for other applications simultaneously.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you require assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, My name is Anna, and I am working as a Data Scientist at the University of Technology Sydney. I completed my Master of Information Technology in Data Analytics (Coursework) last year from UTS achieving a GPA of 3.57/4 or 82.5 WAM. While working as a Data Scientist, I have worked on a few R&D projects that are directly helping the Australian community. Moreover, I have published two research papers in international conferences. What do you think, do I stand a chance for UID?
Hi Anna,
Thank you for your comment.
Based on your quick comment you: (1) are in an eligible sector – Data Science and (2) you are a highly graded recent graduate so you do not need to meet the FWHIT.
This means you generally meet the eligibility and just need to convince the case officer that you have international recognition (the research papers and R&D projects will be useful).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have submitted EOI three weeks ago but I forgot which priority sector I mentioned ( I should have selected MedTech). I am still waiting for a decision. Is it a good idea to resubmit EOI targeting appropriate sector before getting the decision of the previous one?
Hi RB,
Thanks for your comment.
If you’ve mentioned the wrong sector you have two options:
(1) wait for the Department to decide and if refused, then make a new one; or
(2) make a new application now.
It’s hard to say which is more appropriate since we don’t have a sample size.
As an alternative, you might just want to send an email to the global talent email account advisingthat you want to change your sector.
Ultimately the situation is – incomplete or incorrect applications delay the process.
Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you require our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I am public health informatics researcher. Any chance for getting UIN. I applied last week of July. Thanks
Hi Umar,
Thanks for your comment.
That totally depends on how you connect your research to one of the sectors and evidence your international recognition.
You can email us at [email protected] if you have further questions.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I submitted EOI in 4 th May But no response yet. Called many times to HA , they said same to wait.please advise.
Hi Kristiana,
Thanks for your comment.
That’s right, there’s nothing you can do to expedite the process so you’ll have to wait.
The best thing you can do is ensure you have lodged a complete and accurate information.
Good luck with your EOI!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have heard that new application (specially those apply after June 2020) for EOI need society of computers science Australia nominations? Is that correct
Hi Jeena,
Thank you for your comment.
We are not aware of that (and in fact we have EOIS invited post June 2020 without nominations).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
when we need nominator, during EOI submission or
Visa application after getting the UIN. Thanks
Hi Lim,
You need the nominator at visa application after receiving your invitation.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I am a MedTech professional, currently working in Singapore for last 2.5 years. I have completed my PhD in before that from Singapore as well. My graduation date is within recent PhD graduation deadline. However, my current salary threshold is not as high as the GTI program demanding and finding difficulties to find a nominator from offshore. Will be my profile eligible for GTI EOI submission and if yes, how can you guys help?
Thanks in advance
Hi Sarker,
Thank you for your comment.
The position is that even if you don’t have the FWHIT threshold, you might be able to demonstrate that you would be able to earn that income (for example, with reference to job advertisements). The nominator is more challenging, but we’d recommend in your sector you contact university lecturers, potential employers and / or LinkedIn contacts initially.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we an help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello, I’m a recently graduated master student with an overall GPA of 3.69. I’m planning to submit an EOI for the GTI program and specifically for the advanced manufacturing sector. However, I do not have a nominator… Would you think that I can still submit my EOI now or is it impossible to get an invitation without a nominator at this stage ?
Hi Ala,
Thanks for your comment.
You can get an invitation without the nominator at this stage (but you will need it at the visa stage).
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have submitted my EOI in July ( no response yet) but I have missed some important issues. Should I submit another EOI will it conflict my previous EOI.
Hi Florence,
If you have missed important issues, you can either email the case officer inbox or submit a new EOI.
You should always avoid contradictions as this will at best slow things down, but at worse, lead to a finding of false or misleading information.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you would like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks again. This is a great platform. Really helpful. Just wandering, if I submit another new EOI to add more information rather than misleading Or delete information, is there possibility to reject or accept both. Is that I will have dual profile ? Thanks
Hi Florence,
We can’t be sure since we don’t know actually what goes on in Department processes, but for a previous client we “updated” an existing application by emailing the Department. That might be the best way forward.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I submitted an EOI 1 month ago but I haven’t heard back yet.
Would I get a response (whether is an invitation or a rejection)?
Also, how long would you recommend to wait for a response before giving up and applying for another visa? maybe 3 months?
Hi Sonia,
Thanks for your comment.
These days, people are usually receiving responses within 1-3 months with an invitation or rejection.
As this is not a guaranteed visa, we always recommend people consider alternative visas in the mean time.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like us to consider.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks again. Can you please provide the email ID for global talent officer or whom should I write an email
I have applied to Distinguished Talent Visa (858) in June without an invitation as I had no idea about EOI. I have already done the health examination checks by early July 2020 and is now waiting for the outcome. Any ideas about it?
Hi WM,
If you didn’t get a UID you won’t be assessed under the GTI program but the much more stringent Distinguished Talent visa criteria (among other things, you’ll need an invitation from the relevant peak body).
This is quite a difficult visa to obtain – there are only 200 positions available yearly and there is actually a legislative instrument which prioritises GTI applications.
If you’d like to discuss this further, feel free to book a consultation here.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have submitted my EOI on 08 July 2020. I have well prepared my EOI. Currently I am working at Deakin university as a researcher in advanced manufacturing technology. I obtained my PhD from Swinburne university in April 2018 in additive manufacturing. I have published over 35 articles in high impact international journals. I have received several awards from international bodies such as highest cited paper in the field. But till now I have not received any decision on EOI. This put me under pressure. Please I have a question if I get Global Talent Visa then if the Australian citizenship requirements are changed then is this applies on me in terms of the length of residency in Australia? Are there any special residency requirements for people who holding Global Talent Visa?
Kind regards
Hi Ahhimmid,
At a cursory overview if you have provided sufficient evidence you appear to meet the eligibility criteria, so it is a matter of waiting. However, the GTI does not guarantee a visa simply because there are many moving parts, including that the program is currently capped. We certainly advise keeping other options open.
One of our lawyers will get in touch to see if we can help re your citizenship questions.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew
I submitted my EOI on 19th June but have not received any response yet. My targeted sector is Energy and Mining Technology. I have an interdisciplinary PhD in Minging Technology and law from Australia. Should I wait, Or submit a new EOI?
Your advice is highly appreciated.
Hi Md Asraful,
We don’t recommend submitting new EOIs whilst the old one is processing (but if you provided an incomplete application it might be worth updating your old EOI by providing additional information to the GTI inbox).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Is there anyone who submitted EOI in June and has not received any outcome yet?
What is GTI inbox?
Hi Kami,
The inbox is here: [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Most of us (I think like 90%) who applied in June haven’t received a UID.
I wonder whether this is someone who lodged an EOI in May but hasn’t got any reply yet?
Hi Lucy, I think there are many who applied in May and haven’t received a UID. There are a few who applied in April who haven’t either. The process is painfully slow. That 1000s of applications have been lodged in June/July doesn’t help much, does it?
Hi RS,
I just sent an email to GTI and provided some additional supportive documents (unsolicited). They replied me after half an hour saying they have added these documents to my file. So that means they are still working on our cases (maybe just too many applications) and sending more detailed documents without a request is also permitted.
Hi Lucy,
Can you share, what email id you updated your documents? Thanks.
My friend applied the 1st week of June and received UIN in 2nd week of august, applied for a visa immediately the following week, mine no news though the applied end of July. Another applied in April, no news, he is planning to apply again. very stressing,
I have found at Linkedin that there are different Global Talent Officers for different regions. Do you know who is the Global Talent Officer for the onshore applicants from Australia? Applicants from offshore are now getting UIN, but the onshore applicants are not. This is very rediculous.
My friend lodged his EOI in mid May and got the UID after 2 weeks. No paper published yet, but he read his master in Canada and realised three packages on Github when he read PhD. And he has 5-year working experience in Asia and 1 year working experience in Canada. I guess the officer gives the UID first to those who got the greater achievement and leave those who are less competitive in a pool.
Hi Lucy
There is no reference number for EOI. So how you approach to GT office to identify your profile and update attached document.
I just told them my name , passport number and attached all the additional supportive documents. They should have established a file folder for each of applicants. (my guess)
I submitted late May and hasn’t gotten any reply… My student visa is expiring soon.
Hi Xue Yan,
Though the processing delay is not unexpected, it’s very important you make sure you have another visa to remain in Australia (or risk becoming unlawful).
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want to consider your options.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan, thanks for you reply.
I am getting my PhD soon, probably by the end of next week and I will apply for the post graduate visa. Do you think that my application would be processed faster if I update them with my PhD award? Should I wait a little longer before applying for post graduate visa?
Should we submit the job offer and experience letter with EOI?
Hi Mike,
Absolutely, if they are relevant.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I had submitted my EOI in June. I am currently doing my PhD in QLD and I have a few more months to go before my masters cross the 3 year deadline. I havent heard back. Do I need to submit more documents. It is just time lag due to Covid 19.
For most people, the issue is just a matter of waiting for processing (unless you did not provide enough documents).
Feel free to get in touch with us if you’d like us to review your file ([email protected]).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I applied for the DT visa before getting an invitation. How do I ‘add’ my UID to my application since it has not been processed yet. Do I have to lodge a new application?
Hi Benny,
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help but it might be the case you can update your pending visa application with the EOI once you get it. Otherwise, individuals who apply for the Distinguished Talent visa application (without the EOI) are assessed under the ordinary criteria (there are only 200 positions yearly – typically athletes, artists, academics/professionals in other areas).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Benny,
Would you mind sharing your profile and activities?
When did you apply for EOI and DT visa application?
When did you get your UID?
Thanks advance.
I thought I should share this. Mine took a slightly different and risky approach.
-24 May 2020: Lodged EOI
-Sector: IT (but with qualifications in Education. Recent highly graded PhD)
-Waited for more than one month with no response.
-28 June: proceeded to lodge 858 application without UID
-27 July: Received email from GTO asking for more information about my EOI
-10 August: Completed medicals for pending 858 application
-24 Aug: Responded to request for more information about EOI
-25 Aug (morning): Received invitation to apply with UID
-25 Aug (afternoon): emailed GTO and requested them to update my pending 858 application with the UID
-27 Aug (morning): GTO advises that my pending 858 application will be processed under the GTI program
-27 Aug (afternoon): VISA GRANTED
Don’t lose hope. Keep pushing!!!
Great result Giddy! Very risky in that if you weren’t able to get the EOI you would be processed through the old platform (and in our view not necessary since lodging a visa application does not improve chances of your EOI processing) but glad to see you got your permanent residence anyway.
All the best for your stay in Australia!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
congratulations Giddy.
This is not the way man, one of my friend just rejected as he applied visa without UID, he just lost more than AuD$10,000 as a family of 4, I don’t believe your case is true. please don’t mislead us.
Hi Liwe,
Wow, that’s really upsetting to hear.
It goes to show, it’s worthwhile having the advice early on before spending 10k on anything.
We would never recommend anyone lodge the DT visa without the EOI (unless they meet the DT criteria) especially since lodging the DT does not improve your chances of an EOI. It could be that Giddy was very fortunate with timing in this scenario.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
congratulations Giddy.
please, do you want to share what kind of additional document was demanded by the GTO.
Hi Giddy,
do you want to shed more light on your context like number of publications, etc
hope to hear from you.
I have a very specific question about the GTI Visa.
There is a condition in the GTI Visa,
PhD, Masters or Honours qualification awarded in Australia or overseas in the last 3 years?
When we need to check this condition,
1) At the time of submission of Global Talent contact form?
2) At the time, I received a global talent unique identifier?
3) At the time of submission of Distinguished Talent visa application under the GTI.
it will be fine to ask this information through email ([email protected]). Can any one or admin provide guidance on this issue.
Once you have the invitation it doesn’t matter if the 3 year period has lapsed (as it is not a visa application requirement).
Our position is that it is a time of EOI submission requirement since again, it is not a regulatory requirement.
Watch this space however, as we will be publishing a list of FAQs following an interview with a global talent officer in the next week or so and this is specifically one of the questions we’ve asked.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi admin,
May I ask, when and where you will publish the list of FAQs? Thanks
The questions are with the case officer so it’l take some time for the Department to review before they allow us to publish.
Tentatively, I’d say a month.
We’ll post a link on this blog when it does come through.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Okay Thanks
Okay thanks, I will love to see, that list of FAQs. Please provide the link once you published it. Thanks
Hi, I have a question. I completed my Masters in Information Technology(Networking Major) by course in dec 2019 with 6.42 GPA out of 7 (i.e 90%) . I have not worked in IT field in Australia but I have more than 2 and half year experience in IT field back in my country. Am I eligible for this program?
Hi Nadeem,
Thank you for your comment.
As you’ve graduated with a high score in the last 3 years in a target sector, you certainly have some prospects.
One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi team
I’d like to check-in with some prospects for GTI.
I graduated from the Master of Business Information Systems (WAM 66) from Monash last year.
My final year project with my team has received the winning project of the semester, and I am currently working in an entry-level role with a data company. It doesn’t seem that I would be at the top of the list (in terms of academic/professional achievements) to meeting their requirements. What are your thoughts on the case ?
Hi Kenn,
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately without a score of 80% or higher you wouldn’t fit under the “highly graded” recent graduate pathway.
In these circumstances you would need to show international recognition which will be a challenge early on in your career.
You could consider general skilled migration or other visa programs.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have a question. I got an scholarship for my masters in Australia and I achieve 6,25 over 7. Also, when I was doing my bachelor I got a magna cum laude distinction. In this moment, I am working with the energy sector. The only problem is that I can’t reach the expected salary. Is there any possibility that I can apply for this program.
Hi Paula,
Thanks for your comment.
If you finished your Masters in the past 3 years and held a distinction average AND are working in the energy sector in something that can be related to Tech, then you could be eligible for the program. The eligibility is that either you are a highly graded recent graduate or you’re able to attract a salary at that amount (not necessarily both). One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, my name is Sam and I started my PhD in Australia from December 2018.
I would like to know the eligibility for 858 visas. I am a Ph.D. student at MONASH University in Pharmacy. I completed my master’s of medical nanotechnology in 2016. I have 17 published papers with citation 900 and H index 11. Would you please let me know if I am eligible to apply for GTI program? Thanks
Hi Sean,
Thank you for your comment.
Depending on the exact nature of your PhD it appears that you might be able to make an application under the MedTech sector. As a recent PhD graduate you would avoid the FWHIT requirement but you would still need to evidence your international recognition (with your articles and other reference letters).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi H
I submitted EOI for global talent on 29 august 2020. Around what time frame should I expect for the processing of EOI.
Hi Raghav,
Thanks for your comment.
We’re seeing applications from May / June still being processed in many cases. So tentatively, we’d say 2-3 months for but it’s hard to say.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for the reply Hannan,
We have applied in the advanced manufacturing sector. Can we ask for priority processing as we plan establish an ancillary unit which can manufacture parts for various healthcare products used in fight against covid -19.
Hi am graduate at 2013 .. i prepared my File to submit with all requirments
My h index 40 i have published 202 at high ranking journals with citations 5551 at data scient applied on security very high profile
My questions is accepaple for me to apply under subclass 124 and am graduated at 2013 ?
Thanks for your comment.
Once you have the EOI you can apply for the 124 even if you graduated in 2013 (as that would meant that the case officer accepts you have international recognition in a relevant field and can meet the FWHIT). You only need to be a recent graduate in order to avoid the FWHIT requirement.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have a question about UID process. I have submitted my EOI on 12/7/2020 and still didn’t get any reply.
my student visa will expire in two weeks.
I can’t apply for Graduate visa because if I got bridging visa then I can’t happy for Global Talent.
Any advice on what should I do now?
Hi Fateme,
Thanks for your comment.
You need to ensure you obtain an alternative visa to remain in Australia and avoid becoming unlawful (for example submit the Graduate visa).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if they can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I am in similar situation. I submitted my EOI late May but hasn’t heard back. My student visa will expire in two months and I will have to apply for post-graduate visa soon. And like you mentioned, once I apply for the graduate visa, I will be on a bridging visa and I will be rejected for GTI.
Hi Xue, may I know your profile please?
After receiving the unique identifier from the EOI.
Where should we lodge the application? Directly in ImmiAccount?
Or under the option in the contact form “2. Lodge a Distinguished Talent visa application under the Global Talent Independent program (I have received a global talent unique identifier)”
Or both ?
If it is only in the contact form, where do we choose for subclass 124 or 858 ?
Thank you!
Hi Pedro,
Congratulations on your successful EOI!
Yes, we recommend you lodge your application through your Immmi Account.
Re the 124 / 858 the main difference is that the 124 is offshore whilst the 858 is onshore.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Pedro,
Congratulations. May I ask when you submit the EOI?
Hi Pedro, congratulations for your UID. When did you submit your EOI? Are you onshore or offshore?
Information to share;
EOI submission: 10 June, Onshore Candidate (With no recommendation letters, but with a comprehensive cover letter)
UID Received : 3 September (Today)
Category: Energy Technology, applied in the Third Category as I am not in the final year of my Ph.D. and did my masters 5 years back.
Profile: Studying 2nd year of my Ph.D. in the field of Energy Technology from an Australian University with Full Scholarship, have 11 journals Publications and 6 international Conference, few Research and travel awards from international organizations, recognized reviewers for journals, Five years offshore work experience in R&D organizations, member of few technical bodies of Australia and US.
I believe, it is just a matter of patience. Good luck Guys.
Congratulations Veekay – it’s really awesome to see so many people celebrate and share their success on this blog!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Veekay.
Would you mind sharing to which third category are you referring to?
I was just wondering if there is any way to apply for GT visa without UID?
and when submitting GT application will we get a bridging visa the same day?
Hi Zara,
If you lodge the Distinguished Talent (there is technically no such thing as a Global Talent visa) then you would be assessed under the existing criteria. This would grant you a bridging visa, but could also lead to refusal if you do not get your UID in time. This is because the conventional Distinguished Talent visa has much more stringent criteria than the GTI program. We wouldn’t recommend this approach (though we are aware in some cases people have received their UID in time) given the lodgement fees are quite a high amount to gamble on.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have agriculture PhD from Iran and paper in international journal. Also have a nominator. Can I apply for GT visa?
Hi Hass,
Thanks for your comment.
A PhD in agriculture is not sufficient (you will need to tie it into Agricultural Technology (see here: https://www.ussc.edu.au/analysis/what-is-agtech).
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can assess for you.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I got my Ph.D. in mining engineering in 2018, and I have several international papers and lectures in my professional field, I submitted my EOI in June 2020, and about 20 days ago, I received an email that they asked for some additional documents. I want to know that is this a good news? (i.e if the home affairs asked for completing the documents, means that my EOI was qualified?)
And how much can I hope to get the visa?
Hi Mohsen,
Thanks for your comment.
Generally it means that your claims suggest you have the requirements to receive a successful EOI but that you do not have sufficient documents to evidence your claims.
It’s important you respond with the relevant documents to obtain your EOI.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi what type of document they asked for. Is that transcript or certificate or health or police clearance? Thanks
Hi Mamun,
Hope you are doing well,
I uploaded my C.V for the first time that I registered in the GTI website, I’m guessing that they asked for additional documents based on my C.V, which was included all educational evidence, evidence of my working experience (Reference Letter), letter of my nominator support and link of my Researchgate page.
Hi Mohsen,
when did you replied back to them with requested documents? I provided them requested documents one month before, did not hear back from them after that.
I am wondering if it possible to submit EOI onshore, and receiving the UID while I am offshore and submit the visa offshore?
Also, can I submit EOI onshore and receiving the UID while i am onshore but submit the visa offshore?
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your comment.
As long as you meet the visa criteria, receiving the unique identifier doesn’t force you to apply for the Subclass 124 (offshore) or Subclass 858 (onshore).
So both of your hypothetical situations should be OK.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi There,
How can I get assessed by one of your lawyers?
I have a masters degree in Cyber with over 80% WAM (2019), A golden key international honor society award, Featured in the “7 benefits of SSCP to highly effective Cyber security professionals” – Publication by The International Information System Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2, Hackthon Winner Award, and I’m a Systems Security Certified Professional (SSCP).
It will be great to know my chances on this visa pathway.
Hi Taiye,
Great to hear from you.
No worries, one of our lawyers will reach out to you separately to offer an assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi unfortunately my EOI is not successful due to non relevant sector physiotherapist). Should I submit again Or what should I do for UID. I am planning to submit visa without UID. Please suggest
Hi Yang,
Unfortunately a physiotherapist wouldn’t ordinarily fit under the GTI program.
You could consider alternative visas (for example 189, 190 or employer sponsored) so feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
If you lodge without a UID you are applying for Distinguished Talent which is much more difficult to obtain and you risk lodgement fee if you have not considered eligibility appropriately.
Kind regards,
Hannan tew
Hi Yang, sorry to hear that your EOI is unsuccessful. May I know your timeline please (date EOI submitted and date EOI decision received)? Thanks
HI Yang
I am sorry to hear your EOI were unsuccessful.
May I know why did they categorize your sector as non-relevant? Did you tick one of the 7 sectors when you submitted your EOI, and they thought you actually did not belong to that sector? Or did you just submit your EOI as a physiotherapist?
It would be very helpful if you could share this information with us, thanks very much!
Hi Hannan,
Do you have any idea or asked from the global talent officers if they are considering June EOI submissions under the quota for 2019-2020 or 2020-21?
As plenty of onshore candidates who submitted in June are waiting for UID.
Hi Grant,
We have seen case officers accepted applications post 1 July.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Could you please let me know if there is any possibility to send them my updated CV and Cover letter?
Because after submitting my EOI, CV and cover letter, 2 of my papers were published just recently.
Also my cover letter in that time was not complete enough.
So I am wondering if I can send them the updated version through email?
Hi Sei,
Thank you for your comment.
Yes, it is possible to update your application by emailing the global talent inbox.
You just need to be careful that you don’t unintentionally provide false or misleading information.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
sure. Thanks for your guidance.
Anyone received UID who applied after mid July. My colleague just received. Application did earlier July
Hi Kion, my I know some details about your colleague’s profile (e.g onshore/offshore, sector, salary (higher than 150,000/year?), achievements)?
Hi Hannan
Would you mind updating with us up to what date of EOI has been processed? What I heard of was only EOI from end May to Mid June got UID recently. Are you aware of any progress on that? Has that progressed to EOI in late June and early July?
Why do we need to submit a cover letter while lodging EOI? What type of cover letter it should be?
Hi Mike,
A cover letter is not essential, but it is a good way to put together your claims and make it easy for the case officer to make a positive decision.
We always prepare cover letters to address the relevant criteria.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I am in the second year of my PhD in an Australian university. Am I eligible for a global talent visa if my subject area matches?
Hi Niranji,
You may still meet the criteria as it is not an essential requirement to complete a PhD or be graduating in the next 6 months. You would then need to demonstrate your international recognition etc.
The benefit of being a “recent graduate” is that you do not need to meet the FWHIT.
Feel free ot get in touch with us at [email protected] if you would like an assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Lawyers,
Anyone received UID for the expression of Interest submitted from 1st of July?
Hi Omar,
Thanks for your comment.
We have seen a few UIDs for people who submitted post 1 July (but of the small sample, they have been overseas Hong Kong nationals).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Submitted on 12th June onshore. Still waiting.
Hiey Grant,
It’s not easy waiting for such a long time. I think, on the average, reply from GT officer now takes 3months. We keep hoping for the best!
I ubmitted EOI on 17th June and still waiting.
Please, keep us posted when you receive a response from a GT officer
Hopefully, all goes well.
Hi Hannan Lawyers,
I am a recent PhD graduate in public health from The University of Sydney. I first submitted my EOI on July 13, 2020 but haven’t got any response. I submitted my PhD thesis on August 28, 2020. Therefore, I submitted another EOI yesterday with evidence of my thesis submission. I also sent an email to the GTI inbox explaining that I have submitted a new EOI with updated information on my thesis. Some information about myself:
1. worked in an Australian based medical research institute (mainly public health) between 2010 – 2013 in the China office of the institute
2. did a master of philosophy (medicine) between 2013 and 2015 at The University of Sydney, supported by the research institute I worked for. Returned to the China office after my master study and worked for 2 years as a research fellow
3. undertook PhD study between March 2017 to August 2020 at The University of Sydney with a full scholarship from the Australian government, based at the same research institute
4. worked part-time as a data analyst during my PhD in the Sydney office of the research institute
5. have more than 20 publications in peer-reviewed international journals, with two published in one of the global top four medical journals. Achieved high distinction in all coursework I took during my PhD.
6. have a few presentations at international conferences
I’ve applied for the MedTech sector in the EOI. How likely is it for me to get an invitation? Also given that the China Australia relationship is quite intense at the moment, do I still stand a chance to get an invitation? Do you know anyone of Chinese national who got an invitation in the last few months? Thank you!
Hi Polly,
Thanks for your comment on our article, and we’re glad to see your interest in the GTI program.
Based on what you’ve outlined, you would appear to be a solid candidate for the program, however the delay you are experiencing is completely normal. Over the past couple of weeks we’ve noticed very little movement in terms of invitations, and currently most of the people we’re assisting with visa applications submitted their EOIs in May/June.
I’d probably recommend just being a little more patient, and giving it another month or two – particularly as the government will be releasing their budget in 1 month which will likely set the allocations for the GTI program during this migration program year (1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021). Lastly, we are aware of various Chinese nationals receiving unique identifiers under this program.
Best of luck with your EOI, and please feel free to reach out to us should you receive your unique identifier and require assistance with the visa application itself.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Thank you very much for your quick reply. That settled my mind. I will wait patiently then and will reach out for assistance with visa application if I am lucky enough to be invited and find the visa application challenging.
Best regards,
Hi Polly, I have a very similar profile to yours. Did you receive a UID yet?
I am completing the section “Details of internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement 300-750 characters”. Can you advise whether this should be a bullet-pointed list or prose?
Can you also advise whether I should include all conference presentations and media coverage on my CV as well as publications? Do I need to provide evidence of conference presentations?
Is it recommended to provide a pitch deck for academic disciplines?
Hi Caty,
Thanks for your comment.
We recommend you prepare a detailed cover letter addressing all the criteria. You should also include all relevant documents (pitch deck is not necessary, but if it is a useful way to summarise your achievements then by all means use this is the appropriate medium).
One of our lawyers will see if we can help.
Kind regrds,
Hannan Tew
Can we apply for citizenship, holding a distinguished talent visa?
Is the procedure the same as visa 190 or 189; living in Australia for 1 year after visa is granted and the overall 4 years living in Australia.
Hi Rose,
Thank you for your comment.
The citizenship eligibility is the same regardless of which visa you hold. That is, usually that at the time you apply you must have been (1) living in Australia on a valid visa for the past 4 years (2) a permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen for the past 12 months and (3) away from Australia for no more than 12 months in total in the past 4 years, including no more than 90 days in total in the past 12 months. You can read more about eligibility here.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance with such an application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Team,
I would like to know if I am eligible for GTI pathway.
I graduated with master of business analytics from Latrobe university With Overall 78.5% while in data science subjects like predictive analytics I scored 80%.
Currently I am working as analyst in Melbourne. Moreover I hold 5 years of oversee experience as analyst.
Am I eligible?
Kind regards
Hi Manpreet,
With an average of 78.5% you won’t meet the highly graded recent graduate exemption (requires 80%) so this means you would need to demonstrate the FWHIT.
At first glance, someone early on in their career as an analyst without significant leadership roles might find it challenging to obtain an EOI.
Feel free to get in touch with [email protected] for an assessment or to consider other visa options.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Can you please advise me the EOI processing time after the new financial year? I’ve just submitted, how long is my waiting time expected to be?
Also, if my EOI is rejected, will I get a reponse from them?
Hi Michael,
It’s tough to say re processing times at this point in time and we are seeing a basic halt of EOIs at the moment (likely because the quota has been reached).
We expect the program to be extended in October (we’re always optimistic!) but most likely you will have to wait until then for an outcome.
If your EOI is rejected, the Department usually advises (unless you provided little to no information in your EOI).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
HI All
A bit of information.
I by chance found a data set on expot forum which contains background information on 244 applicants.
To date, 70% of May application are processed and only 8% of June application have been processed. Most backlog are due to skyrocketing submission of EOI in June. Application in June is 2 times more than that in May, and almost 10 times more than that in April. But good news is EOI submission fall sharply in July and August, with EOI in August is only 2 times more than that in April.
That being said, I estimated the total EOI I assessed backlog to be between 3440-8800, with both onshore and offshore taken into account.
Therefore, given that to date 6400 Visa application has already lodged, which is already 1400 more than 5000 allocation, the grant of UID might in fact have paused. I guess the officer is waiting for allocation for 2020-21 to be announced in October, and I expect large scale grant will restart only by then.
Also FYI. 71% of applicants hold PHD or in their last 6 month to submit thesis. 29% has master degree or lower. 38% of applicants have full time job, and around 10% past FWHIT. All Hons and bachelor graduate that got HID in the dataset already past FWHIT. But this is untrue for master, as 70% of masters that got UID have no job experience yet.
Could you give a link to the data set in the “expot forum”? Is these data from department of home affair? or based on incomplete statistic?
It is a survey data, so it is incomplete, there are only 244 data points. But I believe the composition is fairly similar to true population, as the sector composition of the sample nearly mimic what DHA published in 2019-20 migration report. But, it might be unreliable in some aspects as I agree it is a small sample which I guess only represents 2-7% of the whole population.
Hi Dick, he is referring the expatforum.
Hi FRank, great analysis. But is there any reference for this information “6400 Visa application has already lodged”? Or its just your estimate?
Hi Rajib
The 6400 figure is from 2019-20 migration outcome report published by Department of Home affairs last week
Hi Hanna,
If an EOI is just above the eligibility line, what would happen to this EOI, would it get refused or it would just never get invited or they got invited anyway?
Successful stories around GTI is all over the place but I barely hear anyone who is just eligible but got refused.
Hi Michael,
The DHA report said that only 0.5% of applicants got refused. 4600+ formal applications were approved till end of June and they still have 2000+ applications on hand.
HI Lucy
That 99.5% success rate is for approval of visa not for EOI invitation.
It means your Visa application is successful with 99.5% of chance conditional on getting your UID.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for your comment. What we’re seeing with EOIs is that if you meet the threshold criteria (noting that international recognition can be subjective) the EOIs get approved subject to the now long processing delays.
Kind regards,
Hannan TEw
Hi Michael
IN my sample, I saw an overall EOI invitation rate of 71%, for all application that has been processed (with a clear indication on successful or not, rather than still waiting for outcome)
But that’s for applications before 25th-May, I don’t know what will happen going forward, especially when there is a huge amount of application in June.
My feeling is that, it’ll be really competitive in coming days (especially for the recent graduate pathway). Now, the program is clearly favoring the applicants meeting the salary criteria.
Recently, many PhD graduates were rejected due to no current job offer in Australia depite having a heap of high-quality publications and many years working experiences overseas previously. So presumbly the current job offer becomes a critical criteria now given the high amount of EOIs in June.
Hi Lucky, I could not agree more. Having a job (even at entry level) in target sectors would be the key to get the UID .
Thanks Lucy. Would you mind sharing a bit why you think having a job offer is crucial? Did you observe a lot of instances where PhD are rejected on that basis?
I had a similar hypothesis, but surprisingly “currently being employed” does not bring a higher probability of being invited in my sample. Even if I control the annual income, that is also the case. Except for bachelor/honors graduate, they have no chance if they do not meet FWHIT.
Any suggestions will be much appreciated
Many thanks
Hi Frank,
Because many of them received a same copied email for GTI officer by saying:
“Thank you for taking the time to express your interest in the Global Talent Independent (GTI) Program and for providing the Department with further information.
While we note that you are a recent PhD graduate in an identified target sector, you are not currently employed in that sector and do not have a current or prospective job offer in Australia in this sector at this time. Unfortunately the information you have provided does not meet the Global Talent Independent program eligibility. ”
One lady who has 24 international awards, good publications (19 Q1 and 4 Q2), salary proof, and a targeted sector got rejected due to no current job offer.
It is a bit tricky isn’t it?
Plus, i dont think they require a threshold of salary for recent graduates. But the applicants *need* to have a job offer at the time of applying. My friend, a PhD student, got a UID one month ago. He has no publication but he works as a casual research assistant now and provided his job offer.
Thanks Lucy, that’s very helpful. It looks like my data set can be a bit outdated. The response from GTI officer does reflect employment ability is becoming a crucial factor.
Based on that, around 40% of applicants will be benefited from this kind of policy. Other candidate will somehow become “second-tier” I guess.
BTW I kind of surprise on how low the bar is when come to “job offer”. A casual research assistant can be as informal as something like “40 hours per contract”. I am shocked this can be used as evidence for employment ability.
Indeed, I agree with you the criteria is becoming tricky.
How is someont with salary proof without any job? I assume they include shcolarship income in the salary?
I think most of the 124-visa applicants (offshore) do not have any job offer in Australia. But they still received UID. Most recently, an applicant who is in advanced manufacturing, submitted EOI in May, currently offshore, master degree, PhD student in Australia, was granted UID on Sep 14.
Is this person you mentioned with 24 international awards, good publications (19 Q1 and 4 Q2), salary proof, and a targeted sector, onshore or offshore applicant? which of the 7 sectors he is in?
Thanks Lucy for the information provided.
I completed my PhD in advanced manufacturing technology in April 2018 with more than 33 publications listed in Q1 and citations of more than 1000 with h- index of 16. Currently I am working at Deakin university as a p.stdoctoral research fellow . I submitted my EOI in the beginning of July but no respond. Based on what you said, I think I have a good chance.
Hi Omar, I believe you are a very *distinguished* applicant. I can’t see any reason that the officer will reject you. The process is just becoming very slow now as it seems like the quota has already been reached. So we may need more patience. Plus, the number of applicants who submitted EOIs in June is 10 times higher than that in April (in DHA report, only 8% of EOIs in June have been processed now). Another of my friend who just started his PhD got granted because he lodged EOI in April. The early birds get the worm :p
Hi Lucy, where did you get the information about the number of EOIs? Could you please share the link? I have been waiting since mid-June with no response from DHA. Thank you.
Hi Harry,
see this link https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/research-and-stats/files/report-migration-program-2019-20.pdf?fbclid=IwAR3W6E6lrGLgfVlc9IDvgzPrSS6emgAHSN
it may not include the number of EOIs being processed. i think i got these data from this forum. You can check the previous threads here.
I live in Australia with my husband and I plan to apply for GTI after finishing my PhD. Is that possible to include my brother in my application so that he can become a permanent resident in Australia? My brother lives outside Australia.
Thank you!
Hi Miranda,
Most likely not as you’ll face two challenges (1) your brother will need to be a member of the family unit and adult dependents will usually not meet this criteria (unless for example, they have mental capacity issues) (2) all applicants must lodge from in Australia or outside together (you cannot split yourself and your brother by lodging from different locations).
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have further questions.
Kind regards,
Hannan tew
Hi all,
Is it still ok to submit EOI, now?
Hi Nguyen,
You certainly can still submit EOIs and we’d recommend you to do so if you are eligible.
Although we aren’t seeing any invitations right now we expect invitations will restart following planning level announcements in October.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan
Few questions
(1) I received invitation few weeks ago. Is there any deadline for Visa application.
(2). I had some domestic violence issue with my wife and family members and got bond 10 (b) which is reflected in my AFP. So will this impact my visa outcome. We are family of 5 persons including my 3 children which will require a lot money for visa application.
(3) My 485 visa application eligibility will be expire within coming 3 weeks, so should I apply 485 or GT application. Please advise. Thanks
Hi Zilan,
Firstly, congratulations on your EOI – in relation to the first question, no, there is no hard deadline on the visa application.
In relation to questions 2 and 3, these are more technical (and personal) so we’ll have one of our lawyers reach out to you to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan Tew,
First of all, thank you so much for taking your valuable time and replying all the comments I got a lot of perspectives reading all your replies.
Reg my query: I recently graduated from La Trobe University with Master of ICT degree (71 %) but during my two years of studies I have won several awards from Australian Computer Society, My university and even I travelled to Europe to represent La Trobe University at IEEE conference.
I finished my masters in july 2020 and I am currently publishing 3 research papers related to Adversarial Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Quantum Computing with my professor. I am also working on my own app startup idea.
Will I be eigble for GTI visa ?
Please let me know about your thoughts.
Thank You
Dear PC,
Thanks for your comment.
Generally speaking to be eligible under this program, you must:
While you appear to have a great profile otherwise, as you unfortunately did not graduate with an 80% or higher average, you’d only be eligible if you were able to demonstrate that you’d be able to attract a salary at the FWHIT. (along with demonstrating your high achievements). This is typically demonstrate through a current salary, a job offer, or by showing that you otherwise have the potential to earn at that amount – which may be tricky for you as a recent graduate.
In any case, one of our lawyers will reach out to you to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I have received UID and applied for GTI visa 858 on august 15 and submitted all documents and medical. It’s now more than a month, but I haven’t received my visa outcome results. However, I heard that people who got UID and applied for the visa, received their visa within 1 or 2 weeks after medical. As it’s now more than a month, I am bit worried! I am looking forward to your advice in this regard.
Best, Tong
Hi Tong,
Congratulations on your EOI.
That’s right, usually the visas are processed in less than a month but as long as you provided a complete application with supporting evidence (for your talent, health, character, identity etc) the delay could be attributed to the delay we are seeing across other visas.
If you want us to review your application feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected]
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Stephanie,
Hope you’re doing well in this challenging time. I have a query and I want to ask your advice on it.
I am going to be engaged with you cousin soon and the engagement ceremony will be held online overseas and I cannot go due to travel restrictions based on Covid-18. I have lodged EOI as a single applicant. But my circumstance are going to be change now.
Can I add my fiancé as a dependent after getting UID?
Will the GTI officer consider my online engagement? What documents should I provide?
I am going to be engaged with you cousin soon and the engagement ceremony will be held online overseas and I cannot go due to travel restrictions based on Covid-18. I have lodged EOI as a single applicant. But my circumstance are going to be change now.
Can I add my fiancé as a dependent after getting UID?
Will the GTI officer consider my online engagement? What documents should I provide?
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your comment. Your situation touches on various nuances to your circumstances which would need a discussion to address. Generally speaking it’s possible for you to add your fiancée (or other family members) to your Distinguished Talent visa application should you receive your unique identifier, but the Department need to accept that they are “members of your family unit”.
The assessment of this depends on your circumstances, but for “significant others” usually involve demonstrating that you are either in a married or de facto relationship. So as you would not be married, there would be an assessment as to whether or not you were in a “de facto relationship”.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Tong,
Did you submit your Certificate of Clearance (from Police force) while applying for your visa?
Hi Team,
I have graduated from The Univesity of Queensland (2019) with Master’s of Computer Science (2 years course) (coursework) with a GPA of (5.33/7). My GPA is above credit. As part of this course, I have spent 1 year on my thesis (16k words, 75 pages), which was focused on multi-face recognition and contained both research and system development components. I have achieved a high distinction grade in my thesis.
Also, I did a bachelor’s degree in computer science and managed to submit and published my research in one of the conferences at IEEE. The research was focused on a Lexicon based sentiment analysis approach.
Currently, I am working full time in Brisbane as a graduate software engineer (1.5 years of experience) with a $71k salary. I have already submitted an expression of interest for 189 visa at 95 points but I thought I should explore this visa, not sure if I could be eligible as my GPA is not 80%.
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Hi Rosh,
Thanks for your comment.
As you don’t currently have a salary above the FWHIT you’d need to meet the highly graded recent graduate criteria (above 80%). On the face of it, unfortunately you won’t meet the criteria until you build more experience in your field. In any case, having 95 points in the GSM means you are likely to get an invite next round (check Skill Select). If your employer wishes to sponsor you, you could also consider employer sponsored visas.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew