On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.
This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.
On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:
- process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
- finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.
We’ll update this as we know further information.
The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.
What is the Global Talent – Independent program?
The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).
The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.
Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:
- 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
- 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
- 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
- 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.
In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).
The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.
What is a Global Talent visa?
The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.
It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.
You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.
Am I eligible under this program?
Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:
- fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
- have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
- be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
- have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).
If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.
What are the 10 target sectors?
Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.
Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:
Agri-food and AgTech
Health Industries
Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
Circular Economy
Financial Services and FinTech
You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.
How do I apply?
To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:
- the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
- a nomination and
- the Global Talent visa application itself.
Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.
In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.
Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.
Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.
Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:
- Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
- Australian organisation
who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.
The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.
We recommend:
- reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
- sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.
Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.
The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.
The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.
The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.
How much does it cost?
The government lodgement fees for this application are:
Primary ApplicantEssential
$ 4,840
exc surcharges>18 dependent
$ 2,425
exc surcharges< 18 dependent
$ 1,210
exc surchargesOver-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.
Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):
Consultation1 hour discussion
$ 330-440
Inc GST- Written Eligibility Assessment
- Consideration of Other Visas
- Undertaken by Video Conference
$ 4,400
Inc GST- Review of Documents
- Preparation of Complete Application
- Submission of Global Talent Visa Application
How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?
The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.
Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.
The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.
What is the impact of Direction 100?
On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).
This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.
Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:
- where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
- made by Hong Kong nationals.
How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?
There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:
- undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
- if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.
What is the process once we engage you?
In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.
If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.
Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.
We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).
Common mistakes?
Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.
Frequently asked Questions
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.
What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?
What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?
- were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
- had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
- the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.
These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.
The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.
That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.
Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing.
What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?
I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?
- are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
- have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).
As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .
Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?
How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?
Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?
What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?
How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?
How do I find a nominator?
Do you assist with finding a nominator?
What are the requirements for the nominator?
If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?
How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?
I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?
I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?
What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?
Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?
With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.
Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).
We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.
With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.
Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.
I saw that 4100 visas were granted via GTI so far this year. So the process is closed for this year untill the budget in October isn’t it?
Hi Samith,
Thanks for your comment.
Anecdotally, we’re not seeing any new invitations right now so we think that there won’t be any more until the October budget.
That being said, to ensure you are “at the front of the pile”, if you are eligible you should submit an EOI.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Does the processing time become longer?
My phd colleague received the EOI within two weeks at May.
I submitted my EOI at July, but now I am still waiting my EOI.
Hi Niu,
Yes unfortunately a lot longer (and anecdotally, currently paused until October).
We’re hopeful that things will start up in October again, so stay positive and just make sure you provided a complete application.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
Thank you Hannan
Hi Hannan Tew,
Please why EOI is currently paused until October?
Hi Omar,
Based on the fact that we haven’t received any invitations this month, it appears that the Department has reached it’s allocated planning level so will be waiting until new planning levels are set for the 2020/2021 program year before issuing new invitations (during the October budget announcements new planning levels will be set).
If you are eligible for the GTI visa, we’d still recommend you submit an EOI at this stage.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks Hannan Tew Tew for the information provided.
Do you mean I should apply again for EOI in October?
Hi Omar,
No, you do not need to resubmit your EOI (unless it gets refused).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew
I submitted an EOI in March from offshore and was waiting for a response until June 28/29. Then I again submitted another EOI in June 28/29 from offshore with more information. Then I received an email on 10 August from the global talent officer asking me to provide additional information and I accordingly submitted additional information on 22 August. Since then, I am waiting for an outcome.
Now I came to know invitation paused until October.
My query is:
1. What is the possibility of getting invitation in case of an additional information asked for?
2. Do I need to submit new EOI after October as new financial year will begin? Or do the current EOI will work in the next financial year?
Hi M Hossain,
Thank you for your comment.
Usually getting a request for information is good in that it means that you generally meet the criteria but you need to provide evidence. The flip side is that if you had submitted your application completely in the first instance you would have already received your invitation. In any case, right now you’ll probably have to wait until October to get an invitation. You do not need to submit a new one (unless your current one gets refused).
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan Tew,
I have a confusion regarding the quota. What you mean is that people who currently have UIDs occupy the quota of last year (2019.7-2020.7), and this year (2020.7-2021.7) the new quota has not been used yet? Since the GTI project only announced in November last year, is the current quota still used last year? I heard that the issuance of UID is currently suspended until October to wait for the new year budget to come out. Does this refer to the immigration quota from 2020.7 to 2021.7?
HI Jessica,
Thank you for your comment.
There was a planning level amount for the 2019/2020 year which seems to now have been finished.
We expect a new planning level set for the 2020/2021 year following October budget announcements.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Admin,
Thanks for your helpful comment. I submitted my EOI on June 11th, have not received any feedback yet. What should I do, just waiting, or resubmit EOI in October if not receive any response by then?
Hi Jimmy,
Our understanding and discussions with case officers is that it is just a matter of patience (resubmitting should not help process your application).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hamed, can I ask did you submit the application yet? I am in the same condition like you, want to you how you fix this, thanks!
Hi Hannan,
Thank you for your helpful website and comments. Now I got UID and invitation, but I am on bridging B visa for 485 graduate working visa(now I am working in the US), does it affect the outcome of 124 visa if I lodge it now?
Hi Victoria,
Please could you share your submission and receiving dates for your invitation?
Thanks in advance
Hi Omar,
I submitted EOI around end May or early Jun (not sure), GTO asked me for further documents one week later and then 2-3 weeks after I replied I got the invitation in late Jun. Hope helps.
Hi Victoria, did you submit your EOI as offshore applicant?
Thanks. Best wishes!
Hi Victoria,
As you’ve received the UID, the eligibility criteria you now need to meet is in relation to the visa so there should not be any issue with lodging an offshore application.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want to discuss.
Congratulations on your EOI!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Should I send the copies of my publications to the department to include in EOI? I have provided the online link (DOI number) but I am wondering if I should supply the copies. I have more than 70 research papers.
Hi Mike,
You do not need to provide copies of the publications and usually extracts or an online link are fine.
Good luck with your application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I filled EOI form 2 months ago and today I heard back that I’m not eligible for it.
I’m in the last 6 month of my phd program and applied for Energy and Mining Technology sector.
I’s there any solution to be eligible? I don’t know what should I do now..
Hi Nazi,
Sorry to hear you were unsuccessful.
It could be that you did not provide enough information about the significance of your achievements (e.g. are you prominent, do you have international recognition, do you have reference letters confirming you are a high achiever).
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Nazi,
Did the CO list the reasons for rejection in their email? You should be able to work on the missing points to make your next EOI eligible.
Hi Nazi
Thank you for your sharing
Just wonder if your application is on-shore or off-shore? I submitted EOI for more than 3 months (13th June) but I did not received any response form GTI.
Hi Nazi,
Sorry to hear about this. Just wonder what CO’s reason for rejection and are you an on-shore applicant?
Thank you in advance for your information.
Hi Omar,
I submitted EOI around end May or early Jun (not sure), GTO asked me for further documents one week later and then 2-3 weeks after I replied I got the invitation in late Jun. Hope helps.
Hi Hannan team,
I have applied for the visa and I need to contact case officer regarding delay in health check and other clarifications. Although I know the name of the officer, there is no portal/link to write email to her/him. How can I write email or message to the case officer?
Thanks in advance
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your comment.
Unfortunately there is no means to directly reach out to your case officer (likely to prevent an abundance of follow up / clarification emails).
You need to upload all relevant documents to the immi account.
Good luck with your application, and feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] if you have further questions.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Anyone here submitted in Mid July and received UID. Please share
I submitted in June, and still waiting.
Hi Hannan and team, just wondering if this program has actually put on hold or is it just slow. I do hear people getting EOIs in July. Please advise.
Hi James,
Thanks for your comment.
Although there is no official evidence, anecdotally from our data we are seeing that no invitations have been issued over the last few weeks.
We can confirm that some applicant’s who have lodged post July have received invitations (very few though).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi all, my friend just received the UID today.
FYI: Off-shore applicant.
PhD candidate.
No publications, many patents.
Submitted EOI in May.
Biggg congrats Lucy. Happy for you. All the best with the visa application
Thank you so much Lucy for updating. You have given me some relief as I am still under pressure since I submitted my EOI on 08 July.
Great to hear!
Thanks for updating us Lucy, all very helpful information for people trying to make important decisions.
congratrs dear lucy
in which sector you got UIC?
Hi all,
I am not the person who got UID. It is my friend. /Cry… I am still waiting.
Dear Hannan,
I am a PhD in management and my work is on Digitilisation of healthcare services. I have worked as head of department/ assistant professor/ researcher – health services in a renowned universities for more than 8 years (not in Australia). I have taught healthcare technology. I am currently in Australia on dependent visa. Am I eligible for the global talent visa?
Hi Tarannum,
Thank you for your comment.
We’d need to review your CV / documents to confirm but generally speaking you’d be looking to make an application in the MedTech stream.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
My colleague who used to be a doctor in China and has participated in the fight against SARS got her invitation today. She first submitted her EOI in early July. But we both believed the agent she used did not supply compelling information for her case. So she resubmitted another EOI on September 9 by herself using a different email and got her invitation today with the second EOI she submitted.
Hi Polly,
Thanks for sharing.
Is your friend a Hong Kong national by any chance?
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
She is from mainland China.
Thanks for sharing.
Hello Hannan Tew,
I submitted my EOI in April, I have not received any response yet. I read in this weblog that some successful applicants have resubmitted a second EOI. It seems that the department does’t use a good sorting and managing software for the applications. Is is a good strategy to resubmit EOI? In this case, there may be a chance to have an easy going officer.
Hi Ali,
Our understanding and discussions with case officers is that it is just a matter of patience (resubmitting should not help process your application).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan Tew
I completed my Ph.D. program in chemical engineering field from the Yasouj university in Iran at October 2018. I worked on the fabrication of composite polymeric membranes for the separation of water vapors from natural gas during my Ph.D. course and I have some ISI publications in this area. Can I apply for GTI program? and in which sector it is better to apply? Energy and Mining Technology or Space and Advanced Manufacturing? many thanks for your response.
Best Regards,
Hi Seyedjalil,
As a recent PhD graduate, it appears that you may have some prospect for an application in the Energy and Mining Technology space.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can review and assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi there,
I would like to ask if clinical psychology (master of science) can be categorised under the Medtech sector? My wife graduated in April 2017 (not in Australia) and she is currently working under my student visa as a provisional psychologist (granted by AHPRA in June 2020) in Brisbane. We wonder if she would be possibly eligible for the talented visa? Thanks.
Hi Majid,
Usually a psychologist wouldn’t fit under the MedTech sector (remember the purpose of the program is to develop tech talent).
She may be able to consider alternative visa options though (general skilled or employer sponsored).
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Team,
I have graduated from the University of Sydney completing a masters degree in Information Technology (2years). During this degree I have worked on a project and developed a system to analyse individual’s health. I’m in middle of submitting a research paper for the same. Prior to masters degree, I did a bachelors degree in Computer Engineer. Along with these 2 educational degree I have worked with KPMG, India for 2.5 years and now I have been working in a medical tech company and have also started a disruptive startup with few people in Australia, India and the US. The startup is going well in a good pace with some potential clients already being served.
My question is regarding my eligibility for this visa considering the startup we have in Sydney and secondly my salary package is ~140K including (105K including super from the medical tech company on TFN and 35K from the startup company on ABN along with 50K worth of phantom stock). Can we club both the salaries (both TFN and ABN) to reach the minimum requirement for this visa?
Any feedback would be much appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi Hitesh,
Thanks for your comment.
While we’d need to know a little bit more about your circumstances to determine whether you can demonstrate international recognition. Given that you completed a Masters Degree in the past 3 years, the good news is that you would not need to satisfy the salary threshold if you were highly graded (i.e. you had an 80% average or higher). If you were not a highly graded Masters graduate, then you’d need to demonstrate that you have the ability to attract the FWHIT. This is typically demonstrated by a current salary, future job offers, and/or otherwise being able to demonstrate this. The Department have shown some willingness to accept situations where individuals are able to demonstrate that they could later attract such a salary (for example individuals employed overseas where the cost of living is lower than Australia, and individuals who work in start-ups where remuneration is not typically high), which may be applicable in your case.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi there, I have submitted EOI as onshore on 6 September, those who are receiving UID, applied during May/June last year? or if any UID notification for those who applied very recently in the current year 2020/21, e.g. in August/September. Is the processing time is still 3 weeks…
Hi Siddal,
The most recent EOIs we have received were from applications submitted around May / June 2020.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Please, how recent did you receive EOIs for your clients.
I applied since June 17th. Yet to receive GTO reply, either positive or negative.
Hope to hear from you.
Hi Sean,
Invitations have certainly slowed down in September.
Our most recent invitation is 24 August (though we have seen someone we advised obtain theirs on 24 September).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Team,
Thank you for this helpful article. I’m wondering if I’d qualify for GTI. I am American and have 3+ years of working experience out of Silicon Valley selling enterprise software – the world’s epicenter of technology. Particularly, I am very skilled at selling tools (A/B Testing) for data science and analytics teams to convert more users on their websites and mobile apps. My sales achievement is over 132% to quota and I drive significant company revenue. I believe this would be a huge asset for the Australian market, as they are trying to expand their footprint and market adoption in core tech spaces like Data Science, FinTech & Cyber Security. I have instructed prominent B2B tech sales courses, spoken on panels and am referenced in news articles for exceptional achievement and high-earnings. I currently earn $234K AUD and believe I can attract the salary threshold.
Would I have a good shot at landing GTI?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Rachel,
Thanks for your comment.
Based on our understanding of Optimizely (particularly if you’re selling A/B Testing Tools), you may actually fall under the target sector of “Advanced Digital”, though we’d probably defer to your judgement. In short, as you meet the FWHIT, you may be eligible for this program as we consider that you have an interesting profile given your involvement in courses, speaking in panels and being reference in news articles. However, please note that being eligible for the program is also different from being likely to receive an invitation as it’s a highly competitive program. Some potential issue (to be upfront of course) include if the Department consider: (1) that your background in “sales” might not be suited to this program as it’s largely aimed at individuals who are practitioners in the target area (one counter-argument to distinguish yourself is that it is more of a “technical” sale) (2) that you might not have “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” on the basis of having “only” 3 years of work experience, irrespective of what you’ve achieved in that time frame.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to discuss this further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Today I received my GTI-distinguished talent visa after 7 weeks of my visa application. Thanks, Hannan for your advice all through.
Hi Tong,
That’s a huge achievement!
Congratulations to you – I’m sure it’s very well deserved.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
H Tong,
Congratulations on receiving this Visa.
Please could share with us about dates of submission your EOI and invitation.
Hello Team,
Is it like the GTI visa programme has stopped issuing ID’s for this year? I applied for an invitation on 8th of July from my PhD. I applied from “cyber security”. But did not receive any update. Do you have any evidence for receiving “rejection” for any the applications after June? Is it likely for me to try another possible path as this may have stopped issuing? Do you think there is an issue with the area I have applied?
Thank you
Hi Chathurika,
Although we can’t be certain invitations are not issued at the moment, they certainly seem slowed down To your second point, we are aware of rejections for applications post June. For the most part, I think you should not be concerned that your application is any different from others – it’s just that processing has slowed down.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like us to assess your documents / information however.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Team,
Thanks a lot for the reply. Your reply implies that for rejected applications, they have received as rejected after June too. That makes a reason to wait and see. However, as far as my student visa is about to expire I am now wondering whether I need to try out another way instead of waiting for a decision from this.
Thank you
No worries Chaturika,
We haven’t seen any refusals ourselves yet, but people are saying that they have received them.
And yes, we certainly recommend all clients consider other visa options in addition to the GTI as it is not a guaranteed visa and timing is difficult.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want to consider your other options.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I have received RFI from officer couple of weeks ago. I have responded and provided the requested documents in Aug and since then I have not hear back from him.
I’m worried now, is that normal due to COVID-19 delay in processing applications or they have reached the cap for 19-20 and stopped sending invitations until new budget?
Hi Zhang,
Good to hear you got the RFI.
Delays are normal right now so it might be that you’ll have to wait a bit (though budget is on 6 October so not too long).
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hello Zhang,
If you don’t mind, can I know when you really applied for the EOI and when you received the RFI, please?
Thank you
I have a Master of Public Health and Doctor of Medicine degrees from abroad. I have been researching and teching at Universities outside Australia. I published 40 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. Currently, I am in my last semester of PhD in Epidemiology at an Australian University. I want to apply for the GTI visa. Am I eligible for MedTech or Data science?
Hi Andre,
Thank you for your comment. Although your achievements are certainly impressive, we’ll have to look at your research and focus specifically to determine whether you are eligible in the MedTech or Data Science field.
One of our lawyers will reach out to you to see if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
My name is Nguyen, I got my PhD in Agricultural Science at an Australian university in 2018. Currently, I have about 16 international publications with 7 first-author papers. I logged the EOI of GTI on 15/06/2020 and this morning I received a rejected email from The Department of Home Affairs saying that “the information you have provided does not meet the program criteria”. I want to ask you that can I log another EOI with additional supporting documents?
Thanks in advance and looking forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
Hi Nguyen,
Thanks for your comment and we’re sorry to hear about your outcome.
There’s nothing to prevent you submitting a further EOI application with more complete information, but of course if you don’t meet the criteria it doesn’t matter how much information you put into the application.
The point is, although obtaining a PhD is an indicator of your achievements, it is not necessarily sufficient to fit into one of the seven sectors. You should describe your research and achievements with that in mind.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Nguyen, sorry to hear that your EOI was unsuccessful. But did they mention any specific reason for the rejection?
It seems that the DHA has updated the global talent contact form and GTIP criteria. Recent graduates now have to fulfill the salary criteria (156k/yr), 3 year range has been abolished. Only PhD students (<6 months away from thesis submission) will be eligible for the student cohort.
Hi Rajib,
Thanks for updates. Please from where you got such information?
What will happen for people like me who submitted their EOI on last two months? If they will apply this new criteria then most of us will not get invitation.
Hi Omar, you can see these changes if you go through the new global contact form. I don’t really know what will happen to them. I also submitted EOI a couple of months ago and now really getting stressed about it.
My profile: onshore, Medtech, recent Phd (2020), current post-doc and honorary fellow in Melbourne.
Good luck!
Hi Rajib,
While you’re correct in that the global talent form has been updated, as far as we’re aware the criteria regarding recent graduates has not changed. You still either need to be able to attract a salary at the FWHIT or be a highly graded recent graduate (meaning in the past 3 years). No need to jump to conclusions without actual messaging from the Department.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan, thanks for the clarification. Could you please delete my previous comment.
Hi Rajib,
Thanks for the information provided.
My profile: onshore, advanced manufacturing, PhD (2018), currently I am working a postdoctoral research fellow.
I sent an email to them asking about those new updates. If I get any reply then I will inform you. However, in the automatic email that I received today it says that recently PhD student or masters students can apply for this program without salary threshold $153k per year.
I am very stressed about my EOI.
All the best!
Let’s hope for the best.
Hi Omar and Rajib, we are all on the same boat! I am just feeling quite stressed now as many people have received rejection letters recently, expecially the one who lodged his EOI on 15th June, although their profiles look really good.
Hello all three,
Here you get me too in a similar situation. I have applied for the EOI on 8th July and that is from cybersecurity. I have just completed my PhD recently. I am a lecturer in profession at my home country. I in a way have no hope on this by seeing the rejections form June and especially the statistics with the quota.
Hi Omar,
Just would like to clarify about the automatic email. Does it say recently PhD/ Masters students? Or recently graduated PhD/masters students?
Hi Mark,
They said recently PhD / masters students.
Hi Omar,
What email address did you get that automatic response from? I got an automatic reply from [email protected] recently. Part of the attached answer is: “You also need to be able to command a salary that meets the high income threshold, which is currently AUD153,600 or be a highly graded recent PhD or Masters graduate.”
Hi Harry,
Yes, it is the same email address that you mentioned.
Hi Hannan,
I’ve read those replies and its been super helpful. My question is quite superficial, I had just applied but it took a while for the application to send and then the page looked like it was about to be stuck, and then it refreshed to a generic page. I was wondering if it was possible to go to them to see if my application was sent through as there was no email receipt of the application. Cheers,
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for your comment.
The way the lodgements work is that a submitted application does lead to a generic page (there is no confirmation of lodgement / reference number).
You can email them on [email protected] but they usually won’t reply.
If you are concerned that your application was not sent through, you might just want to resubmit the application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I wanted to reach out to you regarding the GTI visa. I have over 6 years experience working in Network security (ICT), and I am also teaching Cybersecurity part time for 2 years, I have a Masters in Telecommunication and an MBA, and I’m earning $100,000 from my network security job with $5000 from my teaching job, although I am eligible for more if i start applying for new jobs. I had placed an EOI for GTI visa few months back and had not heard back from them. I was wondering if I am eligible for GTI as I have not heard back from them yet. Thank you
Kind regards,
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your comment.
Did you complete your Masters in the last 3 years? If so, and you have an average score above 80% you can avoid the FWHIT. Without this, you might have a challenge demonstrating you are capable of earning above FWHIT (for example, the Department might say you are not capable of earning more than $105k based on your current earnings).
In any case, the Department will eventually respond to you with whether or not you are eligible.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss this or other visa options.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Thanks for your detailed response. I have done my masters in the last 3 years, but i only have 75.3%. Also my job role on job sites show close to 150,000 jobs, is there other way of making myself eligible? Also I had lodged an EOI in early July, and I have not had an acknowledgement yet. Is there anything that i’m possibly doing wrong? Thanks again,
Kind regards,
Hi Tom,
Thanks for your comment.
Unless you provided evidence of being able to earn more than the FWHIT you are unlikely to be eligible. You can try and update your application with new information and a submission as to why you would be able to earn above the FWHIT. In terms of process, there are no acknowledgement letters issued so you haven’t done anything wrong.
Get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Team,
I have applied for GTI for EOI in the first week of July but did not get any respond. I am facing a student visa expire issue on mid of October. After reading the comments I found that even if I get an EOI, during a time of a bridge visa I can’t apply for the visa. Is it true? Because I am planning to submit a graduate visa and will be on bridging visa sooner. How then the offshore people apply as far as they don’t have a visa at all (most probably)? Is it because that is offshore visa? Is there any thing I can try to make use of GTI UDI if I get one by any chance?
Thank you
Hi Kumari,
Thanks for your comment.
Your query is not a straight forward one as there are a lot of variables. In short, generally it’s not possible to apply for the onshore version of the Distinguished Talent visa (the Subclass 858 visa) while the holder of a bridging visa – except in a limited situation.
Offshore candidates apply for the offshore version of the Distinguished Talent visa (the Subclass 124 visa). We’ve actually had numerous individuals advise us that while the holder of a bridging visa, the Department will not issue you an unique identifier – to avoid the scenario outlined above (where the person applies for the Subclass 858 visa while on a bridging visa). So you’re unlikely to receive an unique identifier unless you hold a substantive visa. However if you do, feel free to reach out to us and we’d be happy to discuss strategy with you.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Team,
Thank you for your information.
As I understand, since I am not having a student visa after mid of October, I am to apply something anyway. This seems it does not mean a lot for me to wait for GTI as I will be on a bridging visa sooner. Does this make sense?
Thank you
Hi Kumari,
Thanks for your comment.
I’m not quite sure what your question is, but you wont be invited if you hold a bridging visa. As such, you should make steps to obtain a further visa if you are submitting an EOI onshore.
Do let us know if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hello Team,
Sorry if you got confused with my question. As I have mentioned earlier, I have already submitted an EOI. However, I did not receive any notification about that. I am now on a student visa which expires from another two weeks’ time. I assume I have to submit a different visa application (graduate visa) anyway as it is too late with GTI now with my current visa restrictions. I have to apply another asap as the dates are critical in my case. This will make me be in a bridging visa which will again makes low chances in GTI even if the budge allocates some for the programme.
Any advice is appreciated.
Thank you anyway.
Hi Hannan,
Is Honours degree still eligible?
Hi Admin and others peoples,
I have submitted of EOI for GTI scheme on 16 June 2020. However, I did not receive any feedback from the GTI officer. Even, I don’t know they will access my file or not? I don’t know should I need to resubmit the EOI again. I am passing very frustrating. Some of my friends told me it might announce another scheme for 2020-2021. Anybody can tell me the update of the new plan of 2020-2021 for GTI application.
Thank you.
Thanks for your comment – we can certainly understand your frustration!
We are aware there are delays due to the end of the program year and the limited positions being available, but we expect more positions to be allocated following budget announcements tomorrow. This will hopefully speed up the process. We don’t think there is any reason to submit a new EOI application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Is there any news about budget announcements for GTI 20/21 scheme? I would like to know what changes are announced.
Thank you
Hi UV,
What an exciting #budget2020 night – perhaps the most important of our lifetimes! Some key takeaways from an #immigration perspective:
(1) The Government will maintain the 2020-21 Migration Program planning level at 160,000. Family Stream places will increase from 47,732 to 77,300 places on a one-off basis for the 2020-21 Migration Program year, and #EmployerSponsored, #GlobalTalent, #BusinessInnovation and #InvestmentProgram visas will be prioritised within the Skilled Stream. Looks like good news for the GTI applicants and I’d expect invitations to start coming through again very shortly.
(2) Onshore visa applicants and #Partnervisa applicants where the relevant sponsor resides in a designated regional area will also be prioritised for the 2020-21 Migration Program.
(3) The Government will introduce English language requirements for Partner visa applicants and their permanent resident sponsors.
We’ll publish a full summary soon, but the relevant budget paper is here: https://lnkd.in/eagE3Pe
Thank you so much for sharing this news
Good luck to all
Thanks for sharing the news. Sounds great so far!
Big news!! The quota of GTI has increased to 15,000!!!! I am going to cry….
This is the best news I have heard this year.
But the uncertainty is how many allocated to new PhD graduate.
15000 is a very large number. I think new PhD graduates would have a great chance! Interestingly the quota of skill immigration will reduce 30000 (largely on 189 and 190) and I heard that the accountant will be removed from the list.
Can you please post a link for a reference to this new 15K capacity. Its indeed a great news.
Here you guys go: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/alantudge/Pages/Securing-and-Uniting-Australia-as-part-of-the-Government%E2%80%99s-economic-recovery-plan-.aspx
Thank you admin for sharing the link and super speedy response. This is a big news for all of us.
Hi Lucy,
Do you have any idea whether they consider the GTI EOI submitted in late June. I applied late June and did not hear anything yet. Is it wise to send and EOI again for the 15000 quota for this year?
No it makes no sense to re-submit an EOI as this will only largely slow down their progress to deal with your case. Most applicants who lodged an EOI in June haven’t got any reply yet. Currently the GTI officers still have ~ 5000-6000 EOIs on hand that haven’t been dealt with yet.
Thanks for sharing the news. Good luck to everyone who has been waiting for the UID.
This is big news. We hope to hear about our EOIs soon.
Thanks Jordan for sharing this great news.
It is Mihan commenting but I’ll forgive you this time – it’s a great day for most people on this blog!
Thank you Hannan for always staying with us! T^T
Thanks for keeping us on our toes with your updates!
And good luck with your application!
Thanks for the updates, this is a great news! hopefully everyone can receive the invitation soon!
Great news that allocation has tripped. Does anyone know the total number of EOIs submitted to the department to date? Hopefully everyone gets an invitation.
Hi Polly, as far as I know a total of 5923 Expressions of Interest were received between 1 July 2019 and 30 June 2020. I guess 9-10K EOIs have been submitted until end of September.
Hi Rajib,
Thanks for the response. Good to know that the number submitted is less than 15000. We all stand a chance then.
Hi Polly, 15000 includes primary and secondary applicants, so its equivalent to around 5000-8000 UIDs. But still it’s a significant number and I also think people meeting the criteria have a good chance now.
Hi Rajib,
Thanks for the clarification.
Hi Rajib
Where did you see these numbers? Did DHA publish number of EOI somewhere? Cheers
Hi Hugo,
you can see the details here: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/foi/files/2020/fa-200800169-document-released.PDF
Hi Hannan, Thank you for your update and consistent update you gave.
I am about to complete my phd in Medtec.
I had submitted EOI in July and waiting for the outcome. However, I had applied a subsequent entrant visa for my wife and kid in January. It still says “further assessment” because of this covid19.
My ongoing subsequent entrant visa application (subclass 500) does affect my EOI application??
thank you
Hi Hem,
Your partner’s application shouldn’t impact your EOI as that is related to you only.
However, should you get the invitation, you will have to strategize as whether to lodge an offshore or onshore application with your dependents.
Feel free to get in touch with us if you need our assistance in relation to this ([email protected]).
Good luck with your EOI,
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for the update
Thanks Hannan, its good information. I will seek your office support once I get the EOI.
Hi I received EOI reference number in last July 2020. I lodged my 124 visa a week ago from OFFSHORE under GTI. How long it will take to process offshore visa under GTI to grant visa.
Hi Jay,
The visa processing is generally quite quick – assuming you have provided all health and character requirements it should be processed in less than a month.
All the best,
Hannan Tew
Hi Everyone,
My Current Salary is 100,000 + Super (A fulltime position) + 30000+ Super (for a Casual Role) + 28000 Scholarship for PhD (currently 1st year)
in total around 170,000 can I show it like this for my EOI Application ?
Thanks in Advance
Hi Admin of Hannantew,
Thanks for sharing these info. I am quite concerned whether to submit another eoi, as I applied in late June and did not hear anything yet. Will they consider previous year applicants for this new quota of 15000? As the application process was on hold.
My second q is, if my student visa expires on 15th nov, and I apply for post study work visa on 1st nov, when will the bridging visa activate? 1st nov or 15th nov? Because I heard several gti applications were rejected for the people who are on bridging visas?
I hope you will help me with this questions. Thanks
Hi Tech t,
Thanks for your comment.
Your bridging visa would activate from 16 November 2020 (the day after your substantive visa expires). This means if you get a decision after 16 November but prior to your post study work visa being granted you might get your EOI refused. Fortunately you can submit a new EOI straight after (as it stands).
Good luck with your application,
Hannan Tew
Dear Admin,
I am a current Phd student but in last 6 months. I have applied for EOI in sept and got to know the last day update about masters candidates ineligibility. Could you pls clear this matter?
Hi OM,
If you are a PhD student in the last 6 months of thesis submission, the changes shouldn’t impact you (as long as your application is not on the basis of being a highly graded master’s / honours graduate).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
No it makes no sense to re-submit an EOI as this will only largely slow down their progress to deal with your case. Most applicants who lodged an EOI in June haven’t got any reply yet. Currently the GTI officers still have ~ 5000-6000 EOIs on hand that haven’t been dealt with yet.
I am replying in a wrong place. x.x
Hi Luvy,
Please f6om where you got this number of EOIs?
So is this means it will take long time to hear f6om immigration department about our EOIs?
Hi Omar, here is the most up-to-date report: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/foi/files/2020/fa-200800169-document-released.PDF
Hello, thanks for all the useful information! If I receive unique identifier, is there any expiration date for that? What’s the maximum period I can wait before applying? Is there any process to request an extension in case there are limitations?
Hi Erick,
As it stands there is no expiration date to submit an application once you have an invitation (but as it is a capped visa you should apply as soon as reasonably practicable).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Admin,
I have submitted my EOI on 5th June 2020, but I haven’t got any reply from them. When I was submitted my EOI, I just uploaded my PhD course completion letter from Uni ( As I was not awarded by that time) along with three reference letters from my supervisors. Now I have my PhD degree certificate and one more reference letter (4th letter from my supervisor). My employment status also changed as a postdoctoral researcher. Is it a good idea to send my PhD certificate, reference letter and current employment status by email? or shall I wait for their response? Could you please advice on this?
Thank you
Hi Joe,
Thanks for your comment.
Based on a first glance, we’d recommend you write to the Department and provide them with the additional information.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I am an ICT professional with 9 years of experience (6 years overseas and 3 years in Australia).
Of the 3 years, 1 year I was with an Australian organization and currently working as an independent contractor for an American organization with pay of approx A$ 160,000 per annum (paying my taxes here).
Can you please advise whether I am eligible for the GTI program?
Hi Aishvariyaa,
Thanks for your comment.
Short answer is yes, you might be. You also need to show international recognition with reference letters etc but the salary is sufficient to meet the threshold criteria.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Team,
Please I have a question about the evidence of functional English language for GTI visa. My wife studied three years for primary school in UK. She completed her Bachelor degree in Libya for 5 years. Although other courses at the university in Libya are in Arabic language, this particular course was tought in English in a MAJORITY of units. We have a letter from Vic chancellor about this program was instructed in English. However, this letter has non official email address, as in Libya most of universities use Gmail.
Is this enough to show my wife has functional English?
kind regards
Hi Omar,
Please book a consultation if you’d like to discuss: https://www.hannantew.com.au/initial-consultation/
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Team,
I’ve recently graduated fom Sydney University 2 years ago. My salary is 160k. I don’t have any publications, but I have references from CTO, CEO etc. Also, my degree is 78% which is almost distinction. Do I have any chances?
Thank you.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for your comment.
Given your salary, you don’t need to meet the FWHIT so then you need to demonstrate that you are in a target sector and have international recognition.
Without knowing more, it’s certainly worth exploring.
One of our lawyers will reach out to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I have a question, if I am applying for the distinguished talented visa, do I need to submit my visa to get the HAP Id for medical examination? I would like to get the HAP id ASAP because there is a lot of delays for med appointment.
Thanks for your reply
Hi Deb,
You can actually undertake health examinations prior to lodging your visa application through your Immi Account.
You can then insert that HAP ID in your visa application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for your reply but I think I have to go to the last step
So I need to complete everything before doing the health declaration. Is that correct?
Hi Deb,
My apologies – you can actually only do the health examinations after the visa lodgement (some changes were made a few months ago).
Let us know if you require our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Team,
My Current Salary is 100,000 + Super (A fulltime position) + 30000+ Super (for a Casual Role) + 28000 Scholarship for PhD (currently 1st year)
in total around 170,000 can I show it like this for my EOI Application ?
Thanks in Advance
Hi Shakil,
Feel free to book a consultation if you’d like to discuss: https://www.hannantew.com.au/initial-consultation/
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
My question is
I completed my master degree in 2015 and currently studying PhD but it’s not finishing in next 6 months. I am not earning anything at the moment. I have some distinctions. Am I eligible to apply?
Hi Tanveer,
Thank you for your comment.
Sounds like you might be in a tricky spot (not a recent graduate and not about to graduate). That being said, you might be able to still apply if you can demonstrate that with your current qualifications you could find employment which pays at above the FWHIT. You’d of course need to still demonstrate your internationally recognised achievements.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I am a PhD student and my student visa expires in June 2021. However, I have I have submitted my final thesis and waiting for the University to send me the completion letter. So as I understand when I get the completion letter I need to apply for graduate visa within one month. Since I have visa till next year will I be put into bridging visa or not?
Hi Saritha,
Based on your notes, your bridging visa associated with your graduate visa won’t come into effect until June 2021. This means if you meet eligibility, you have a prospect of getting an invitation until then.
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
HI, Team,
Do you have any client who received invitation as a 2nd phd?
I graduated from unsw in petroleum engineering in master of philosophy in March, 2018.
After that, I continued a phd program in my school and I should submit my thesis on July 2021.
I have three publications in high impact journal and one is under review.
I was awarded the full scholarship for my phd in unsw engineering faculty (top 5% scholarship)
I am cooperating with people from with Australia commonwealth scientific and industrial research.
Do you think it is ok for me for GTI program? I submitted my EOI on July.
Many thank!
Hi Nick,
There’s nothing preventing candidates who have undertaken a 2nd PhD.
At first glance you might still be able to apply as a recent graduate (assuming you can make an argument re the sector and international recognition).
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I have total of 18 years experience. 4 years as Technical Trainer in the computer network, remaining 14 years in MNC with extensive experience in Cloud computing, DevOps, Linux and Network.
My current skill is assessed under ANZSCO 263111 – Computer Network and Systems Engineer.
Education Qualification : Bachelor Degree
Professional Skillset : Professional certification on AWS Certified Solution Architect, Cisco SMB specialist, ITIL, IBM P Series, Sun Solaris, Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator.
My current Grass Salary meets the High-Income Threshold, but not sure if this threshold is Grass or Net ?
Can you suggest me if am eligible to apply under GTI program ?
Hi Raj,
Thanks for your comment.
At first glance, the answer is “you could be”.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can assess.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
Do you have any idea when the case officers will start processing the backlog of EOIs? Have you any info from the GTOs? Even the DHA website is not updated after the budget announcement!
Sorry if my question sounds silly.
Hi Grant,
We don’t have an exact idea, but I assume it would be very soon (if not already).
We’ve certainly been seeing a flurry of grants in other visa categories.
Still a matter of patience for now though,
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
How many seats are for masters/Ph.D. candidates out of the newly announced 15000 for GTI program? Last time it was 500/1000 probably out of 5000, so I am wondering if that increased along with the total number this time.
Hi Ashad,
Thanks for your comment.
We’re not aware of any clear information about that yet.
Our recommendation is that if you are eligible you should go ahead and lodge an EOI.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
There is an inconsistency.
In the FOI file here: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/foi/files/2020/fa-200800169-document-released.PDF. It says 3124 visas have been granted from 04/11/2019 to 31/07/2020,
while the 2019-2020 Migration Program Report (https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/research-and-stats/files/report-migration-program-2019-20.pdf) says 4109 visas have been granted from 04/11/2019 to 30/06/2020.
Who can help me explain the difference of the two numbers? Which file is the accurate one, the FOI file or the migration report file?
Hi Dick,
That’s an interesting observation – one explanation might be that the FOI is from 4 November which is when the program “officially” began, and it’s with details until 31 July (where the migration report is until 30 June).
Either way, we’d recommend you focus on your own EOI rather than those numbers and if eligible, submit an EOI.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hanna,
Hope you can please help me clarify this doubt. I sent my EOI in June 2020 and I’m still waiting for a response (yes or no). If around 4000 visas were granted until June/July 2020, it means that I should send a new EOI?
Thank you.
Hi Marta,
We don’t think you should submit a new EOI as that doesn’t help you get ahead in the queue. There are still many applicants who submitted in June and are still processing so unfortunately all we can say is that it’s a matter of waiting for processing.
Good luck in any case!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew,
Do you have any update on recent UID after exciting budget announcement? Like many issued or refused..
I lodged mine under Energy criteria 19/06 but still no response.
My profile: Onshore PhD student with full scholarship (Tuition + Living expenses). I submitted my thesis in August and it is under examination at the moment.
11 publications (5 first author, 6 co-author), 12 conferences (5 international, 6 national) (3 invited talk, 1 travel grant).
Do you think I have a chance to get UID?
Best regards,
Hi Joey,
We haven’t seen any invitations or refusals yet, but the Department has a significant backlog of applications.
There are many applications from June still pending.
If you want us to review your EOI send us an email at [email protected], otherwise it is just a matter of waiting and ensuring you’ve submitted the best possible applicaiton.
Good luck!
Hannan Tew
Hi all,
Does anyone received an invitation after the budget? When can we expect the invitations for people who lodged their EOI in June and July?
It seems that people with high salary (>153k/year) are getting EOIs at this moment (irrespective of EOI submission date: June, July, even August).
Can everyone in this forum share their IOE date and status, we may then have some indications on the backlog and expected reply from the department? Mine is 29 June, onshore, have not heard anything.
08 July, onshore, have not heard from immigration department.
EOI submission on 25 August. Haven’t’ heard anything so far.
19th June
Energy, Onshore Phd student.
12th June, onshore, still waiting.
12th June, onshore, waiting waiting waiting.
14 June, onshore, nothing yet.
29th June. Onshore, MedTech
I submitted on 8th July. Onshore and from cybersecurity – PhD.
20 June, Medtech, waiting forever!
29th July, Onshore, PhD, Energy and Mining Sector, Waiting.
10th June 2020, 1st Year Postdoc in Data Science. Nothing and waiting.
June 2020 and still waiting….
12 th June Onshore PhD , Ag technology waiting
17th of June
On shore
10th June
On shore
Data Science
Like you guys, I have been checking my email everyday if not every hour for it. We have now some indications though it does not represent the entire IOEs submitted. if our IOEs are assessed in chronological order, those from around 10 June or so may expect to hear from the department soon. I am now prepared to wait a bit longer as mine is end of June. Those in July and August may relax a bit. This is just to get some peace of mind and manage our expectations. Nothing we can do but wait calmly because although the quota has been announced, there will not be an overnight outcome.
Completely agree, Although the quota has been increased significantly, the CO may not speed it up due to the four months backlog.
We should calm down instead of staring everyday. It is indeed struggling frustrating.
Mine is 22 July onshore phd energy sector
I submitted my EOI in mid-July, advanced manufacturing, new PhD graduate, onshore, waiting now.
Hi Dan, I do agree with you. I also encourage people who submitted their EOIs in early-mid June to update their status (either rejected or accepted, or asked for more information) if they hear anything back from the department. That would be a huge help to others and we would be able to know the current processing speed of the EOIs.
looks like EOI issue has been stopped sometimes on June 10. Hope will get respond soon. Good luck everyone. This wait is quite anxious.
Hi Hannan Tew,
I am currently studying my 1st year of Master of Engineering by Research on the Clean Energy field. What are my prospects of being successful if I applied to this Visa in 1/1.5 years time when I finished my degree?.
Based on the information I could gather, If I want to have some possibility as a student, I would need to have at least 80% WAM, academic publications(how many?) and/or speak at conferences). Hopefully, I may still have some time to achieve some of this milestones required. Will this be enough or want other advice you would suggest?
Hi Oliver,
Thanks for your comment.
It’s hard to say at this stage because in 1.5 years the program should be very different (it shouldn’t be a pilot for example).
That being said, yes, you need to maintain a 80% average, be involved in publications, write blogs, get involved in international competitions / associations, start working or doing internships with international or high achieving organisations, and lastly, build networks so you can get reference letters from industry leaders (and potentially a nominator).
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you have any further questions, otherwise all the best!
Hannan Tew
hi hanna,
how much does the internship help?
HI Hannah,
What I am thinking is that if you do internships a lot, it means that you are very early in your career. Would it impact my profile in a negative way?
Hi Shumin,
If you are early in your career (recent graduate) then the internships are representative of your quality and employability.
If you are not a recent graduate then internships would not be of relevance (you would focus on senior positions).
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan Tew
My profile is 12 years of experience in Renewable Energy .Electrical engineering background with 8.5 CGPA out of 10. Currently working in a global MNC earning salary close to 200k and currently onshore.I have a nominator. Do you think I have a chance to get in GTI
Thanks for your comment.
As you hold a salary above the FWHIT and have been working in renewable energy you certain have a profile that may be eligible under this program. We’d probably need to understand a little more about your profile to be able to state eligibility definitely however (show international recognition and evidence it).
One of our lawyers ill be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
I graduated with a master’s degree in electrical engineering- power systems.
Completed about 2 years ago. (GPA:86%)
Can I apply to Energy and Mining Technology?
Hi Reza,
As you are a highly scored recent graduate you can avoid the FWHIT. In terms of how to make the application, you no now have to link your study (and current employment) to the Energy and Mining Technology sector.
One of our lawyers will be in touch to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hanna Tew
Quick update. My friend submitted EOI on 2 June and got UID on 09 October.
His profile: recent PhD graduate within 3 year, offshore.
Another person. Submitted EOI in early June and received UID on 09 October, onshore, MedTec.
Thx Omar. The updates are very helpful. I can see the result of my case is just around the corner.
Thanks Omar for the update, and good luck, Lucy.
Hi Omar,
Thanks for the update. Do you know the profile of the one who received the UID in MedTech? I applied for the same sector in Mid July first and resubmitted in early September, but still haven’t heard anything. I am in public health (submitted my thesis in late August) with >20 publications in peer-reviewed journals and two in British Medical Journal-a global top four, and one as the first author. Working full time now as a data analyst. Thanks.
I received a second-time S56 request for AFP check, which has been provided when submitted the 858 visa. What reason could it be? The AFP check was obtained 2/7/2020, is it because it’s too long? But my wife is not asked for AFP and we did it the same time. I’m the main applicant. Thanks in advance!
Hi Kelvin,
The request should let you know why you need the police check again.
It’s within the 12 months so it’s not overdue. Common issues are that it’s a “standard disclosure” instead of “complete disclosure” or that it was provided without all of your names.
Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi, I just want to confirm if I am eligible for this Global Talent Visa or not. My details are: I have completed the Master of Engineering in CSE in 2015 with 77%. I have international teaching experience as an Assistant Professor at the University for 4.11 years. The University is well recognized. Then, I started a PhD in Information Technology in Feb 2019. I am in the 4th semester of PhD. Also, I am working in the two Universities on a contract basis. My research area is one of the target areas required for applying. I have published many research articles and book. Also, I have attended many workshops. Please suggest me if I can apply for this visa?
Hi Arshita,
Thanks for your comment.
A few things to note: (1) you are’t a recent Graduate (not graduated in last 3 years or graduating in next 6 months) so you need to show a high income and (2) your research must be tied to one of the sectors (I assume Energy Tech?).
One of our lawyers will reach out to see if we can help.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks for your response. My research can be based on cybersecurity or Data Science as I am working on the Internet of Things in the security sector. Yes, I am not a recent Graduate or graduating in 6 months. Also, I don’t have any offer letter at the moment but my Research will certainly be highly paid in future. That I can assure as after completing PhD, I will be getting high income as per the norms. I am working in two universities as a University tutor and getting hourly-paid from last 1 and half year. My hourly rate is good.
Can agricultural economists apply under Agtech?
Hi Asjad,
As a general definition, probably not as economists are not clearly within the relevant sectors. However, depending on what it is that you exactly do you might creatively fit within the sector. For example, if your research requires coding, data visualisation or a high level of data analysis you could make a claim that you are involved in Data Science. Alternatively if your research is working closely with technological innovation then you could make a claim under the AgTech sector.
Both are not clear pathways though, so feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
It appears that offshore applicant has started receiving invitation. Good news indeed!
Someone from offshore has received the invitation, who applied in June. I am currently out of the country and applied on Mid September, 2020.
When do you think I can get a response? Regards, Shakeel
Good to hear!
Very hard to predict timeline for September applications, but we’ll be able to see some trends as more invitations come through.
Good luck,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan
What’s your opinion on the probability of receiving a UID for candidates who “creatively” fit into the 7 sectors you mentioned above?
Is the probability significant lower for these cases, given that the sector is not obviously align with one of the 7 sectors. Let’s just use economics as example, though everyone in economics knows some areas of economic research is very close to data science (econometrics) and Fintech (Financical Econ), but is a degree with a title like “PhD Economics” itself already very harmful for the application?
Many thanks
Hi Linkin,
The answer completely is dependent on what research / work you have done and how you describe it to fit into the sectors.
Get in touch with us at [email protected] if you want us to review your circumstances.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Quick update.
It seems to me that the GTI team has already started the elimination method to declog the system. I’ve spoken to a couple of guys this morning whose EOIs got rejected in September (EOI submitted in July) and another one submitted her EOI on 22 June, offshore and got rejected today.
Thanks for the update Omar. The good news is that we are still in the process. Let us hope for the best!
Omar thanks for the update. If you heard anyother update. Please share
Thanks, Omar. Good to see some movement.
Just found on expat forum one person (offshore) getting UID yesterday who submitted EOI on 5th Oct. Don’t know in what priority order GTOs are processing the EOIs!
He/she might be in MedTech Sector
Its quite strange. Some one getting in days and some are waiting for ages
I think high salary is the most important factor. Most of the people getting UIDs these days have high salaries.
He has a good profile in IT, nothing related to MedTech or COVID vaccine.
Has this person met the high income threshold? Given the processing is so fast, I don’t think this person is new PhD graduate.
I think he did.
Do you get an official email reply from the department once additional documents are submitted?
Anyone that can help with the COVID-19 pandemic would get a priority I think. My colleague who used to be a clinical doctor and had experience in dealing with SARS was invited in two weeks (submitted in early September).
Could you share the link with us to see the details, pls?
Hello, I’m a civil Engineer with a resent master degree (2019). My grades are over 80% and I have done research mainly on Geographic Data Science. I did an exchange to finish my master at the University of Melbourne with the support of a research group there. I have attended international congress and I have a few publications on international research magazines. Do you think I could be elegible? Thank you
Hi Lina,
Absolutely – based on what you are describing it appears you can make a compelling application.
Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if we can help, otherwise all the best with your application!
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Hannan,
I submitted additional documents three days ago and only got an automatic reply but since then I have not received any official email reply from them. Is it normal? or does it take a bit more time to receive an official email. One of my friend received official reply on the day tomorrow after submission of docs in September.
Hi Eddy,
There’s no obligation for the Department to respond and given the significant number of applicants now, I would expect a delay (if at all).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
No sign of post-budget speed up yet. It’s so frustrating.
Hi Rajib,
I feel extremely stressed out this and last week and now the anxiety becomes the frustration.
I understand because i am in the same situation. But take it easy, guys. Nothing in this life is worth our mental peace. Wait and watch, if we get it, good. Otherwise it is not the end, in fact nothing is.
Stay relaxed and best of luck to you all.
Great sentiment!
I graduated Master of ICT Advanced with Distinction in 2018
Have ACS and IIBA membership
Also a member of Golden Key International Honour Society
Have a company here in Australia that launched a FinTech app last year
Currently working in IT Support
Possess a Business Analyst crash course certification but studying for ECBA and ITILv4 at the moment
Have a Tech company back home
My final year research project was MedTech related
I dont see english requirements but I have IELTS 7 average (all 7 bands except 1 with 6.5)
Do I have enough grounds to apply ?
Hi Winston,
Please email us at [email protected] if you’d like an assessment.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Two of my friend resubmit EOI in 10th October (post budget). I am confused. Should I submit another EOI to speed up my profile ( onshore).
Hi Mona,
We don’t recommend submitting EOIs as it just clogs up the system – it might even push you back to the queue!
Kind regards,
Hannna Tew
Only 30 UIDs have been issued in September 2020.
Source: https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/foi/files/2020/fa-200900620-document-released.PDF
Thanks for sharing!
Please note this number of 30 is upto the date of 9th Sep.
That’s right. I overlooked that. I think the total number for September could be similar to August (around 100).
Dear Admin,
Submitting an updated EOI in another related sector after UID rejection is possible. Please need suggestion. Mine is PhD Healthcare and Finance systems. But i applied through medtech. Rest im an International PhD supervisor and Editor in Q1 journal(netherlands). The only drawback is Salary threshold.
What was your profile for rejection? When did you submit your EOI and when you heard back? Thanks
I have recently graduated from Deakin with a Master of Data Analytics with a 83% (2019). I currently work as a Data Analyst Lead earning $110K in Melbourne.
I would like to know if I should wait till I meet FWHIT requirement and then apply for the GTI program, or if I should apply now?
Just in case I get rejected now, can I apply again after a couple of months if I could meet FWHIT ? (Is there a waiting period or something)
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi Roberts,
It sounds like you currently meet the base eligibility requirements in that you are a recent highly graded Masters graduate in one of the target sectors. Of course being eligible does not necessarily mean being likely to receive an unique identifier and this will depend on the rest of your circumstances. We’ve also recently had an interview with a GTO who has clarified the FWHIT requirements, you can read this here: https://www.hannantew.com.au/global-talent-independent-program-interview-with-a-global-talent-officer-nedra-kelaart/
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
What was your profile for rejection? When did you submit your EOI and when you heard back? Thanks
Hope this will help you
FYI- Here is a chronological snapshot of my GTI application from Melbourne:
EOI submission: last week of May
Invitation received: Jul 28
Full application submission: 7 Aug
Request for additional doc like police clearance and medical test: 10 Aug
Police clearance certificate submission: 20 Aug
Medical done: 5 October (Melbourne medical test centres were closed from Aug to Sep due to COVID-19)
GTI (Visa 858) grant: 15 Oct
What was your timeline?
Could you please share your profile?
Hi, Just in case you might be interested to see my profile:
AgTech sector
Got PhD within last three years from Australia
40 Publications (journal papers, book chapters and conference proceedings)
I submitted EOI on July 20th while I was on students visa. I am still waiting and on bridging visa now. A friend of mine with similar condition called the immigration and asked about the possibility to apply if she received ID ,while she is on bringing student visa. The person told her that the student bridging visa is not including the visa list that are not eligible to apply, so, if she received the ID, she will be able to lodge document for the visa. Would you please let me know that is it correct? and people can lodge the document while are on student bridging visa?
Many Thanks,
Hi Sam,
The main issue is that to apply for the onshore Distinguished Talent Subclass 858 visa, you cannot be the holder of a bridging visa (except in limited circumstances) or it will be refused – there is no flexibility to this requirement. For that reason our experience so far has been that the Department won’t issue unique identifiers to individuals on bridging visas, to avoid the possibility of someone making this mistake. If she received the unique identifier while the holder of a student visa, then it’s not a problem.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Dear Hannan,
Thank you very much for your kind consideration and explanation.
Best regards,
Hello Sam,
I am also in a similar situation. I submitted the EOI on 8th of July in cybersecurity. Did not hear anything and now from day before yesterday I am in a bridging visa for 485. If you can update me when you lodged your next visa and any update from that would be a great help for me to adjust my timeline. Thanks for your help.
Thank you
19 – July Data Science, waiting and waiting
Below comment from expat forum, @admin is it really useful to do so ?
Originally Posted by kundikoi
hi all,
posting my experience with GTIP so far – as I’ve been frantically searching online and haven’t found any other useful info anywhere else: 1) Upon reading the news, I have googled “Global Talent Officer” + location, which immediately gave me a few links to the relevant LinkedIn profiles. You may get even better results doing this directly from LinkedIn search. 2) I’ve sent a connection request & PMed a relevant GTO, followed by a phone conversation to go over the program req’ts & expectations. Note: I see that they have now provided a contact email on the GTIP website (globaltalent at homeaffairs) – which wasn’t there before. I still think steps 1&2 are more efficient though. 3) I was asked to provide a CV to the GTO – nothing as extensive as the previous poster, but covering the same points though (e.g. instead of providing an actual certificate of employment or tax assessments, just spelling out my current salary within the CV; similarly, spelling out some international awards or conferences I’ve spoken at re: my specialty). 4) After about a week of waiting, I received the global talent unique identifier from the GTO – inviting me to apply formally via the GTIP website. Per GTO, this was the step where actual verifications of my claims will be made – i.e. the CV step was just an initial screen, and simply having an application id doesn’t really guarantee anything. 5) I’ve now collected all the required docs (they’re actually listed on the GTIP website under the application form 47SV), paid the fees (pretty steep overall but similar to what other subclasses cost – again, all searchable & discoverable online) and submitted the application – now the ‘real’ wait begins! Even with an application id, you still need to be nominated by a ‘prominent’ individual in your field.
Thanks for sharing – we can’t be certain as to the recency of this comment, so we’d just be weary of following this exactly. The general preference is for you to submit an EOI with the documents really spelling out all your details (rather than just providing a CV).
Could you please share the link with us?
Submitted EOI on 21/09/2020.
Received invitation on 17/10/2020.
Could you please share your profile?
Finsihed my phD on Oct 2019.
Major: Biochemistry
HK citizen
Thanks Hoi. Good luck for the visa.
Hi admin, I’ve been working as a post-doctoral scientist from Jan 2020 at a medical research institute in Melbourne. I completed my PhD on April 2020 (Medicine faculty, Monash University). My current salary is $92k/year (gross) which is common for early career researchers. I have a good research profile (publications, awards, reviewer of international journals) and teaching experience and my current research work focuses on developing new drugs for obesity and fatty liver. My questions are:
1) Am I eligible to apply under MedTech sector?
2) Will I be considered as recent graduate?
3) My current salary is well below the FWHIT, will it be detrimental for my application?
Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Hi Moni,
In response to your queries:
1) You may well fit under MedTech based on recent clarification from our interview with a Global Talent Officer, see: https://www.hannantew.com.au/global-talent-independent-program-interview-with-a-global-talent-officer-nedra-kelaart/
2) If you finished your PhD in April 2020, that’s in the past 3 years – so you would be a “recent graduate”;
3) If you are a “recent graduate” you are deemed to have an ability to attract the FWHIT (so don’t need to have such a salary).
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Thanks Hannan.
Hi All,
Anybody can tell me who got UID recently from GTI? I submitted EOI 15 June but did not receive any response so far.
I am very frustrating.
Me too,It has been three months, I feel very anxious every day.
I am very confused that why so many people in June doesn’t heard anything so far, I don’t believe those applicants in June are never been reviewed. Why they never get a reply even rejection?
Hi N,
Our best guess is that it’s because that’s when the formal allocation ended (the migration program year ends on 30 June), so the Department were waiting for the formal allocation for the new migration year to be announced to keep processing on a large scale. Our best guess is that the few invitations from 1 July to now, were based on a provisional allocation. You may have seen our interview with a GTO who advised that they’re intending to reply to ALL EOI applicants whether they’re successful or not. See: https://www.hannantew.com.au/global-talent-independent-program-interview-with-a-global-talent-officer-nedra-kelaart/
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I submitted my EOI on October 5th, was wondering will i get the UID or not. I selected “Space and advanced manufacturing” sector.
Here is my profile:
M.S. (09, 2017) grade 97.2%
PhD (02,2020) grade 97.7%
Publications: 10
Conferences: 14
ISO standard publications: 04
1. 2019 young researcher of the year award in Korea
2. Excellence award (Distinction award for PhD.
3. Excellent thesis award
4. Excellent conference paper award
Current residence: Korea
Current salary: 60,000 AUD
Lab grants secured: > 1million AUD
Can attract salary more than threshold: yes (have job descriptions)
1. Developed and commercialized equipment for making medical grade titanium alloys
2. Commercialization of medical grade titanium alloys (1st in Korea)
3. Commercialization of metal 3D printer (1st in Korea)
4. Commercialization of new cheaper alloys to replace currently expensive copper cables
5. Found and published ways to enhance properties of next generation alloys.
6. Designed materials for thermal energy storage
Hi Farhat,
You certainly sound like you have a good profile. It’s worth keeping in mind that it is still a highly competitive program so there are of course no guarantees and it’ll very much depend on whether you presented yourself in a clear, concise way that also highlights the significance of your achievements. Best of luck, and feel free to reach out should you receive your unique identifier and require assistance with the visa.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew
Hi Admin,
I have completed my master’s in May 2018 in computer science with 3.9/4.00 grades. Since then I have worked with Microsoft for a year and now working with Amazon. (Both as a Software developer). I have already received a UID back in May, but haven’t applied for the visa (looking for a nominator since then).
I am meeting the salary requirements as well.
Would my high grades and good experience in the big companies be considered as an exceptional and outstanding achievement? Any chances of getting the visa?
Any inputs/suggestions would be highly appreciated.
Hi Ricky,
If you’ve received the UID, it sounds like the Department have considered you to have a good profile for the program. As the program is largely aimed at targeting recent graduates – their grades do play a factor in their profile (as they’re not expected to have plenty of years of work experience). So that plus experience with large reputable international organisations are certainly strong factors in your favour. BTW if you’re really stuck you can always try to seek the nomination of the ACS? They do a preliminary assessment (like the EOI) and you only have to pay if they agree to nominate you.
Please do feel free to reach out to us if you require assistance with the visa application.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew Lawyers
Hi Hannan,
My husband has submitted his EOI, he is going to submit his PhD thesis within next 6 months. I am also doing PhD onshore in one of the target sectors, but not completing soon but my masters is recent with a CGPA 3.94/4.00, should we both submit separate EOI? Actually, my husband submitted his EOI in June but we kept the details exclusive to his achievements only keeping in view the word count and attachment size limitations. Should he update or resubmit his EOI with my details? Please guide.
Hi Sajhira,
I’m assuming that both of you have profiles that fit within one of the 7 target sectors? If so, then yes you certainly can submit two different EOIs. The EOI process is singularly focused on the person who is applying – so their dependents details do not count. So if you wish to maximise your chances of getting an invite, you certainly can both apply – or wait until your husband has received an outcome before submitting your own.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew Lawyers
Hi just want to confirm if I need nomination while applying for UID?
Just wondering because in the contact form there is a section asking whether I have a nominator,
for my case if I need to seek nomination from ACS I will need to get a UID beforehand.
That seems contradicting…
Hi Dave,
You don’t actually need to have a nominator at the time of EOI submission (though it’s great if you can). If you answer no (for example because you’re going to seek ACS nomination) you can still receive your unique identifier. Please note however that you are not guaranteed to get nomination from ACS, so you may wish to see if you can find a nominator.
Kind regards,
Hannan Tew Lawyers
Hi Ricky and Dave, i can help in the nomination.
If you guys are interested. Contact me on this email id.
[email protected]