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Global Talent IndependentGlobal Talent SchemeInnovation

How do I apply for a fast tracked Global Talent visa? (updated: 5 December 2024)

By 5 December, 2024December 10th, 20242,147 Comments19 min read
As of 6 December 2024, the National Innovation visa (Subclass 858) has replaced the Global Talent visa. Please visit our National Innovation (subclass 858) blog here for more information.

global talent scheme

On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.

This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.

On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:

  1. process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
  2. finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.

We’ll update this as we know further information.

The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.

What is the Global Talent – Independent program?

The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).

The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.

Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:

  • 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
  • 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.

In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).

The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.

What is a Global Talent visa?

The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.

It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.

You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.

Am I eligible under this program?

Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:

  • fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
  • have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
    • be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
    • have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).

If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.

What are the 10 target sectors?

Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.

Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:


Engineering, Geology, Metallurgy, Waste Management, Energy Saving Technology, Extraction and Processing

Agri-food and AgTech

Seed technology, nanomaterials, biofuels, supply chain and packaging, wearable technologies


Clean energy, resource robotics, computational metallurgy, geostatistics, beneficiation, battery / energy storage

Health Industries

Medical and biomedical technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine research and development, IT biochemistry, digital health, implantables and wearable devices, genomics

Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space

Astrodynamics, satellite systems, rocket and avionics systems, urban mobility, military equipment acquisition and sustainment, automation and robotics, nano-manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing and life-cycle engineering

Circular Economy

Bioenergy, sustainable production, recycling, waste treatment, waste to energy technology, emissions technology, ecologically sustainable manufacturing


Quantum computing, cyber sciences, cyber security, artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, big data, disruptive technologies, smart cities, machine learning, network engineering, cloud computing


Water infrastructure, Energy infrastructure, regional development


Travel and tourism infrastructure

Financial Services and FinTech

Neobanking, payment systems, wealth and regtech, blockchain


Cutting edge skills in emerging fields of the industry, developing advanced educational systems and curricula, improving the education infrastructure in Australia, digital data and eResearch platforms

You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.

How do I apply?

To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:

  1. the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
  2. a nomination and
  3. the Global Talent visa application itself.

    Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.

    In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.

    Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.

    Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.

    Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:

    • Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
    • Australian organisation

    who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.

    The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.

    We recommend:

    • reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
    • sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.

    Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.

    The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.

    The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.

    The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.

    How much does it cost?

    The government lodgement fees for this application are:

    Primary ApplicantEssential

    $ 4,840

    exc surcharges

    >18 dependent

    $ 2,425

    exc surcharges

    < 18 dependent

    $ 1,210

    exc surcharges

    Over-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.

    Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):

    Consultation1 hour discussion

    $ 330-440

    Inc GST
    • Written Eligibility Assessment
    • Consideration of Other Visas
    • Undertaken by Video Conference



    $ 5,500

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Support Letter
    • Submission of EOI

    Contact Us


    $ 4,400

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Complete Application
    • Submission of Global Talent Visa Application

    Contact Us

    How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?

    The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.

    Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.

    The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.

    What is the impact of Direction 100?

    On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).

    This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.

    Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:

    1. where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
    2. made by Hong Kong nationals.

    How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?

    There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:

    1. undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
    2. if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.

    What is the process once we engage you?

    In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.

    If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.

    Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.

    We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).

    Common mistakes?

    Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.

    What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?

     On 14 November 2020, the Department passed legislation that removed the offshore Subclass 124 visa and made some major amendments to the onshore Global Talent Subclass 858 visa application. You can read a summary of these changes here.

    What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?

    From 20 January 2021, Bachelor (with Honours) and Masters graduates are no longer eligible for invitation to the GTI program on the basis of those qualifications alone. This replaces older guidelines which considered applicants who:
    1. were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
    2. had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
    3. the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.

    These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.

    The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.

    That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.

    Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing. 

    What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?

    On 27 February 2021, the Distinguished Talent visa was renamed the Global Talent visa.  The Subclass and criteria remained the same.

    I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?

    Our experience has been that the Department have a strong preference for PhD graduates who:
    • are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
    • have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).

    As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .

    Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?

    Once you select “Submit”, an acknowledgement message will be displayed. You will not receive an email confirming that your EOI has been received. The Department will be in contact to either request further information/documents from you, or issue you a unique identifier.

    How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?

    See the section above – the general answer is that it varies and unfortunately, the Department do not publish their processing times. Presently, we’ve been receiving outcomes in about 3 months.

    Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?

    The Department have indicated that they will advise EOI applicants whether they were successful or not. Please see our interview with a Global Talent Officer on this point here. This has also been our experience.

    What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?

    The GTI program is specifically to target people in those sectors. If you clearly do not meet these sectors, then this program is not for you. However, there are many instances where an individual may meet one of these sectors without realising it. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you that you may be a candidate but are unsure as to whether you meet one of the sectors.

    How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?

    This is quite a subjective assessment. Consider whether you have had significant academic or professional accomplishments that are not in the “ordinary” course, look at what we’ve described above as successful candidates who have received EOIs. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you may be such a candidate, but are unsure as to whether you might qualify.

    How do I find a nominator?

    This is the most common question we receive from offshore EOI applicants and the answer depends on your personal circumstances. It could be your employer, an industry colleague, an academic colleague, or even an industry body. Various skills assessing authorities also now offer this service including the ACS, Engineers Australia, Institute of Managers and Leaders, and the Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists. You can apply for these before submitting your EOI.

    Do you assist with finding a nominator?

    Where engaged to assist with the GTI EOI or Global Talent visa, we provide recommendations based on an individual’s profile. However, we do not source a nominator for you.

    What are the requirements for the nominator?

    The criteria to be a nominator is set out above and we have  written an article that helps explains what this means for them here. The nominator will need to provide the Form 1000 and some evidence to demonstrate that they have a “national reputation” in the same field as you.

    If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?

    No, it does not. You still need to meet all the criteria for grant of the actual visa, including health and character clearances.

    How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?

    Most applications are finalised in 9-12 months, largely depending on how complete the application is (i.e. whether documents were missing) and availability to undertake health examinations.

    I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?

    On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa. Amendments were made such that applicants may be either inside or outside of Australia at time of lodgement. This was later renamed the Global Talent visa.

    I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?

    Yes. On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa (and later named the Global Talent visa). These changes also now allow applicants to apply onshore so long as they hold either a substantive visa, or a Bridging Visa A, B, or C.

    What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?

    On 17 December 2020, the Department issued Direction No. 89 which outlines the order of consideration of the Global Talent visa.  Relevantly, it listed out revised target sectors. You can read a summary of the differences between the old target sectors (largely focused on tech) and the new, existing target 10 target sectors here.

    Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?

    The Department has set 4,000 positions for the 2024/25 migration program year, indicating that this is the last year before it is replaced with the “National Innovation” visa. This number represents a slight decrease from 5,000 spots the year before, confirming their intention to leave this as a “niche” pathway for very strong candidates. The program is in high demand, so we encourage eligible applicants to apply as soon as possible to take advantage of the positions.


    With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).

    We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.

    With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.

    Please feel free to contact us by email at or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.

    This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.
    Jordan Tew

    Author Jordan Tew

    Jordan is one of less than 50 lawyers who are Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law by the Law Institute of Victoria, and less than 100 nationally. Accredited Specialists undergo a vigorous assessment process, and make up about 1% of all registered migration agents.

    More posts by Jordan Tew

    Join the discussion 2,147 Comments

    • Amanda says:

      Just wondering how many people submit EOI in June not receive any feedback yet? Does any May submission remain?

      • admin says:

        Hi Amanda,
        While we obviously can’t speak for everyone, we have numerous clients with EOIs submitted in June that are still awaiting feedback. Most of ours in May have been dealt with but we have a big backlog of clients still awaiting decisions.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

        • Grant says:

          Hi Hannan,
          Any idea what might be the hindrance in processing of applications now when two weeks after budget announcement have passed? We still don’t see any spike in UID grant after 15000 quota announcement, even the DHA global talent link is not updated yet.

          • Amanda says:

            Same concern. To be honest, since it’s mid-October now, which means almost half a year will pass sooner, but I definitely believe less than 7500 (even less than 1000) quota considering dependency was allocated.

    • Eddy says:

      Hi Hannan,

      Thanks for the informative post.
      I asked a question here once before but realized there was an aspect i didn’t get clarity on and would love clarity.
      I have 5 years work experience in the ICT sector (security/cloud architect/network engineering) and have some advanced IT Certifications.
      I got a job offer in a tech company in Australia that pays above the FWHIT of $153,000.
      I applied for and got the 482 visa before the travel ban but the immigration travel ban came into effect before i could fly to Australia.
      I got pointed in the direction of this visa type recently by a friend and i plan to apply for the Subclass 124 (since i am currently offshore), since this visa grants PR this is one way for me to circumvent the travel ban since PR/Citizens are allowed entry, also helps give me permanent status in Australia.
      What i would love clarity on is on if my current granted 482 visa has any negative effect (in terms of possibility of getting 124 or 124 processing time wise) on the possibility of being granted the 124 PR visa.
      Can i get the 124 even while holding the 482 (and haven’t yet used the 482 since i haven’t traveled yet to Aus) ?
      Apologies if question sounds silly, my immigration knowledge is very sparse.
      Thanks again for the informative post.

      • admin says:

        Hi Eddy,
        No problem – having a TSS visa does not prevent the grant of either the Subclass 124 or 858 visas. We have also assisted numerous people on TSS visas with applying for the 858 onshore.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

    • Omar says:

      Aimeone in another forum got this reply in below. But the question is if there is really backlog of EOIs due to the pandemic then why some people submitted their EOIs in Sep and Oct got notification, while others who submitted their EOIs in June and July still waiting. There is something not clear.

      Just got a reply from one of Global Talent Support Officers in LinkedIn. I asked her the reason for delay in getting EOI response.
      “Since you graduated recently, you have a good chance for the program. You fit neatly into the MedTech sector. There is a backlog of EOIs due to the pandemic. You will be advised either way if you are successful/unsuccessful. No news simply means it is still in the line for processing or being processed. The delays in assessing are still very significant due to the pandemic. The team is unable to provide individual status updates.”

      • Dan says:

        Thanks, Omar for the update. It’s till good that you’ve received a reply with some positive feedback on your profile. I think the GTi visa scheme has given priorities for those who apparently stand out and who are eligible for special treatment such as Hongkong passport holders.

    • Ullah says:

      I am now the final year of my PhD at the University of Sydney. Due to the travel ban, I stuck in my home country and will finish my PhD online. Now, I would like to apply for GTI. Do you suggest me to attach a supporting letter to inform GTI Officer about my current situation? What do you think about my opportunity for AgTech sector? I worked more than 5 yrs in int’l organizations such as FAO UN and IUCN, having 7 int’l scholarships, and 9 scientific articles, another 2 under review process from my PhD. I had positive VetaAssessment record. Thanks.

      • admin says:

        Hi Ullah,
        You probably don’t need to do outline your circumstances as you can still be considered as an offshore candidate. Your profile sounds like it may be suitable if you actually undertook work that had a “Tech” component to it rather than just working in agriculture. If you’d like for us to review all your circumstances in depth and provide advice please do feel free to book in a consultation.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers.

    • Roberts says:

      I have come across two different EOI forms –

      The second form seems to be a more recent one – Is there a difference between the two forms? Can someone lodge an EOI for GTI program via the second form?

      Thank you,

    • T. A says:

      Hi Adim,
      I submitted the EOI in July and did not get any responses yet. The problem was that I could not attach all supporting documents as they have limited size
      . My question is that Can I still submit further documents to support my application?. If so, could you please direct me on how to do that?


    • T. A says:

      Hi Admin,
      Thanks for replying and answering my question. It really helps. I have another question and I will appreciate it if you answer my question. My question is that I submitted my EOI in July and at that time I had a student visa (valid until 14 October). I applied for TR 485 before submitting my EOI and now I am on a bridging visa and I did not get any response regarding my EOI. Do you think that my bridging visa is a reason to reject my EOI?

      T. A

      • T. A says:

        Thanks for replying I really appreciate it.

        • Chathurika says:

          Hello T.A

          I am also in a similar situation. I submitted the EOI on 8th of July in cybersecurity. Did not hear anything and now from yesterday I am in a bridging visa for 485. If you can update me when your 485 is granted that will be a great help for me so that I can adjust my timeline.

          Thank you

          • T.A says:

            Hi Chathurika,
            No worries I will let you know once I got any updates.

            • Chathurika says:

              Hello T.A.

              Any updates on your 485 visa? Seems it take longer too to be processed. I submitted my 485 visa on 20th of October.

              Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi T.A.
        The Department won’t issue you an unique identifier while you’re the holder of a bridging visa (see the same article with an interview with the GTO). This means that either they’ll refuse your EOI and ask you to submit again once you obtain your Graduate 485 visa, or they’ll just wait until you receive it.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

        • T. A says:

          Hi Hannan,
          Thank you very much for your help in answering my questions. I have another question. Could you please help me in making a decision:

          When I submitted my EOI, I could not submit all supporting documents while all of them are available. I know that I can submit further documents but I do not want to pay the officer’s attention to my application as I am still on a bridging visa (as I consider the case that they are still waiting until a decision has been made on my TR 485 or they have not seen my application yet). Any suggestions if you were me? Do you think if I send further documents will get them to accelerate a negative decision?

          Many thanks

          • admin says:

            Hi TA,
            This is hard to advice and you need to decide based on your preference.
            I’d say that providing additional documents doesn’t expedite the application so provide the additional documents, and if you get a negative decision based on your BV status, considering making a new application when you get a substantive visa again (there’s technically nothing to preclude this).
            Good luck,
            Hannan Tew

        • Chathurika says:

          Hello T.A.

          Thank yor or your kind reply.

          Good luck!

    • Dick says:

      I submitted my EOI for 858 visa in July and I am still waiting. My student visa (subclass 500) will expire in the middle of December this year. Now is 21 Oct. Should I begin to apply 485 visa? I want to avoid waiting on bridging visa. Apart from 485 visa, do I have any other choice? I want a visa with work right and can be granted quickly.

      • admin says:

        Hi Dick,
        You will need to ensure you apply for your Graduate 485 visa (or any other suitable visa) to ensure that you can remain lawful after your student visa expires. While moving onto a Bridging Visa will mean that you can’t receive an invitation, it’s still better than becoming unlawful. As I’m sure you can appreciate, you’ve asked us to advise on all your visa options without a full understanding of your circumstances, which we can’t do – please do feel free to book in a consultation if you’d like to do discuss your circumstances and for us to provide advice.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

      • T. A says:

        Hi Hannan
        Thank you for replying. Greatly appreciated.

        I will let you know any updates.


    • Michael Huaptmann says:

      My educational background is in multi-disciplinary. I got my master’s degree in mechanical engineering and currently, I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science. Is this possible to submit multiple EOI with different sectors? What’s your recommendation?

      • admin says:

        Hi Michael,
        You basically just pick one target sector (and can state in your cover letter for example that you actually span various sectors), if the Department feel like the sector you chose was not suitable or another one was more relevant they won’t reject you on that basis and will just consider you under the sector they feel is more appropriate.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

    • Hadi says:

      Hello there
      I have a question related to my case, currently, I do PhD in medical sciences in Australia and would like to send an expression of interest for this visa. I cannot get an official letter from the university regarding the submission date of my thesis, although I am in the final year. Can I bring a signed paper from my supervisor confirming that I gonna submit within 6 months? Is that considered enough to justify this condition?
      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Majdy,
        I understand that you’re currently corresponding with one of our lawyers, but what you’re proposed should be OK. Will your university write a letter saying that you’re in your final semester of your PhD? Usually something along those lines will also be OK.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

    • Hadi says:

      Yes of your lawyer is in contact with me and he gave me thorough details

    • Franco says:

      Hi, thank you for all the information.
      I have a doubt about the FWHIT: I currently have incomes that meet the FWHIT requirement, but I’m not based in Australia and neither my employer, I would like to know if submitting my current contract is a valid demonstration for this requirement?

      Kind regards

      • admin says:

        Hi Franco,
        Yes that would be suitable. You could also provide a copy of your most recent payslip as evidence.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew Lawyers

    • MD SHAKIR says:

      what should write on “Registration / Licensing / Professional membership requirement”?

      • admin says:

        Hi Md Shakir,
        Licencing / registration may be required for some occupations (for example Doctors or lawyers).
        This is subject to your occupation so just be aware of the requirements in your particular state (but usually not required for most occupations).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mari says:

      My current visa expires very soon. I submitted an EOI in June. I have all docs ready + medical exam for application if I get invited. In case they decide to invite me, if they do it anytime after my visa expires, I would not be able to apply as I won’t have a valid substantive visa (just a bridging visa expected to be there for many months as they are also delaying on other tracks). Also, borders are still closed so I can’t go out and apply offshore. Therefore, an eventual invitation might not be very useful after the long delay and I’m reconsidering my plans in Australia. This was supposed to be the fast track so I’m a bit disappointed. Do you have any suggestion or idea, please? Thanks for any help.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mari,
        Unfortunately our understanding from the Department is that if you are on a substantive visa when they come to assess your application they will have to refuse your EOI. You essentially have two options: (1) you can certainly apply for the EOI again when your substantive visa is granted or (2) you can relocate offshore (though bear in mind that the EOI is not guaranteed even if you do go offshore) so it might not be worth the risk.
        You can also of course consider other permanent visa options (general skilled or employer sponsored for example).
        If you want to discuss further, feel free to contact us at
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Eva says:

      I submitted my EOI over a week ago, and I accidently found that one of the dates on my CV was wrong, should I send them an email to point it out and upadte my CV? Could you please give me any suggestions?

    • Hana says:

      Dear Admin,

      Thank you so much for providing the valuable information.

      I sent my EOI on 4th Jul 2020. Still waiting for the answer.
      When I was sending my EOI, I had newly received an email from my university ( in Australia) regarding award of my PhD.
      I sent this document as well. But I had not job offer to put.
      I see in comments that without job offer the success probability will be less. Not sure.
      However, It has been written in Homeaffairs that recent graduates also can apply.
      What do you think? Did you have similar experience in your clients?
      I am so concerned.
      Thanks in advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi Hana,
        Based on the available criteria the Department doesn’t seem to indicate that recent Graduates need to have a job offer, but anecdotally people on the blog have said they have been refused on this basis (we have not seen the same for our clients). I think the best option for you is to clearly detail in your supporting documents that you have only recently graduated and that there are plenty of employment opportunities for you in Australia.
        Let us know if you’d like us to assist with such a submission by contacting
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Michael says:

      Hi HannanTew Lawyers, Me and my wife have done our medicals last Monday. My wife examinations show as Examinations ready for assessment – no action required
      The required health examinations have been completed and submitted by the panel clinic to the department. This person’s case will be processed or referred to the department’s migration medical services provider, Bupa Medical Visa Services, for further assessment)

      whereas my status is bit different and shown as health clearance provided – no action required

      what is the reason that my wife has this status? I am super worried. Thanks

      • admin says:

        Hi Michael,
        It could be that your wife has some kind of disclosable health condition, in which case the Department will write to you to advise you about what it is. There are medical criteria that must be met to complete the application, so hopefully it is something not too serious. If you are aware of any health conditions, feel free to get in touch with us at to discuss.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Pedro says:

        I heard after 27 february instead of filling form 47sv we should fill form 47gt for new global talent visa 858. Where can i find this form? Thank you cheers

    • Nick says:

      Does anyone hear any updates from the last week for June and July applicants?
      This is so anxious

      • Lucy says:

        Not at all. Last week is extremely silent. I would say 70%+ of EOIs being submitted in June haven’t been processed yet.

        • NICK says:

          that’s so frustrated

        • Harry says:

          They had 4 months to process EOIs from June. And they advertised this program would take only weeks from EOI to pr grants. There were close to zero invitations given for 189 and the likes. I still can’t understand how Covid can slow down the whole department this much.

    • Mike says:

      I submitted my EOI in second week of June. PhD in Australia and have around 10 papers with different scholarships. But, up to now, no responses have been received from GTI. However, during 2-3 months ago, numerous offshore applicants got their UID or rejection emails. Furthermore, several onshore applicants who applied for GTI after June, received rejection emails, due to not being in last 6 months of PhD. Does this mean that the rest applicants will receive their UID? Does anyone know that when GTI begin process of application of onshore applicants?

      • admin says:

        HI Mike,
        All we can say at this stage is that the Department has started processing and if you haven’t had a rejection yet, then you are still in the running. We can appreciate it is frustrating, but the best you can do is make sure you have the best possible application. Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Alexa says:

      I have submitted EOI since March in Mining Technology.
      I am a PHD in Renewable energy and was recent graduated when I submitted EOI,
      Emailed quite few times but never heard back,

      Anybody could assist what could be the reason ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Alexa,
        The main reason is usually simply that there is so many applications in the back log.
        Our advice – make sure you have submitted the most relevant and clear application you can and (I know it’s tough) patiently wait. It’s just a matter of time!
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Roberts says:

      Hi Team,

      Can you please let me know if one could submit EOI for the Global talent program via this form as well –

      Thank you,

    • Safa says:

      Hi Admin,

      I have updated my EOI for three times by sending GTI team copy of new documents to support my EOI which was submitted in the first week of July. These documents were not misseda t the time of EOI EOI submission. I got them just recently. These documents are about research recognition such as reviewer certificate, letter of support from best professor in the field…etc. The last date that I sent new documents was yesterday but today I got another letter from Professor in Australia on the same my field. He written this letter of support and explained why I am internationally recognized and also mentioned that you will give me a job offer once he got the research funds in the end of this year.

      But I am shy to send it to GTI officer as I have updated my EOI for three times. Any advice please.

      • admin says:

        Hi Safa,
        Our position is that providing a complete and clear application is best in that the case officer can simply look at all your files in one go. Providing documents in piecemeal fashion can cause delays but also irritate a case officer who is ultimately making a discretionary decision. That being said, if you haven’t provided some information that is relevant you should definitely provide updated documents.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Mitch says:

        I think it is very risky to do that. You couldn’t get internationally recognized in 1 day or even 1 month. You already updated tour application three times which makes you application looks suspicious and definitely weak. If I were you, I will wait for the request for more information and go from there.

        • Safa says:

          Hi Mitch,
          Actually it is not internationally recognized documents in 1 day or within a month, in my cv that I sent it to them I mentioned that I am a reviewer for some journals. So now I I provided some reviewer certificates. Also I provided them with a letter from nominator and from another Professor who will give me a job offer if his fund is successful

    • Dian says:

      Hi, anyone with a Masters of Biomedical Science (instead of a PhD) receive an invite? Thanks!

    • Perry Bhadada says:

      Hi Team,

      My friend referred me to you guys and yeah I was wanting to understand if I am eligible to apply if I am not earning as much to be able to attract 150k by any means because I am on visa and my employer obviously doesn’t pay me much. I am currently getting 90k approx. So wanted to know if I should be in touch with you for further help.


      • admin says:

        Hi Perry,
        It’s not that you have to demonstrate that you are earning the FWHIT but that you have a capacity too. That being said, if you are currently being paid 90k in Australia it’s hard to make a case that you are worth above the FWHIT. You can still make a submission with reference to available market data, job advertisements and or correspondence from recruitment consultants (to name a few examples).
        Feel free to contact us at if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hi Admin,
      Can you please let me know whether assessment by VETSSESS Australia will be added any extra value to apply GTIP as offshore applicant for any profession like Industrial Pharmacist?

      • admin says:

        Hi Md,
        An assessment from VETASSESS can’t hurt, but it’s not really a key document. Remember you are trying to demonstrate exceptional / significant skills, not standard skills. If I were you I’d mention it if you have space in the document upload limit but focus more on the key documents if space is a premium.
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Arsham says:

      Hi Admin,

      Thank you very much for your productive responses.
      I have submitted my first EOI for the GTI program in the mid of September and since it was impossible to update my profile, I resubmitted a new EOI in early October. I am now worried if it affects my application as it might be considered as a duplicate request.
      I would appreciate it if you advise me in this regard.

      • admin says:

        Hi Arsham,
        As a general rule it’s probably not best to have multiple applications pending.
        IN your circumstances, there’s nothing that can be done so you just need to wait on one of your two applications.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Meraki says:

        Have you received an invite by now?

    • MSB says:

      Hello People, Asking for a friend, Just need your opinion: I am first year PhD Student onshore and I am using machine learning techniques in my thesis to analyze data. Will this be considered in one of the classes i.e. data science. Thank you in advance???

    • T. Xuan says:

      Hi Hannan,
      My experience is a bit multi-disciplinary. My Master and PhD research is in Quantum Information (with recent Master>80%, awards, publications, conferences). However, in the one year gap between my Master and PhD studies, I worked an intern role and a start-up role in Data Science. After that, I received 2 job offers in Germany with salary 100,000AUD/year. This is considered a good salary for recent Master graduates. However, eventually I decided to take the PhD scholarship in Australia.

      Although Quantum Information and Data Science appear in the same sector of the Global Talent program, they are actually technically a bit different. Even though I can argue that there are common skills in mathematics and data analysis, the final judgement depends on the taste of the case officer.
      I am afraid that the case officer will judge that I am not focused in my career, so I am planning to hide the Data Science job offers from my CV, and only highlight my research experience in Quantum Information. Do you think that this is a good strategy? Or shall I instead highlight in my German job offers in my CV?

      I will appreciate if you can give an advice.

      • T. Xuan says:

        Btw, just to clarify, my job offers were for the role of Junior Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer.

      • admin says:

        Hi T.Xuan,
        That’s a lot to digest so you might want to reach out to us at and book a consult if you want an advice.
        One thing to note is that you don’t need to show that you have a salary of above the FWHIT, but a capacity to earn, which might be appropriate in your case.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Polly says:

      Hi admin,

      The passport I used for submitting my EOI will expire in January and I have got a new passport. Would an expiring passport be a reason for the department to hold the assessment of my EOI? Should I send them my new passport? Thanks.


    • Bob says:

      Dear Professionals,

      I have obtained my PhD in 2019 with a high rank. I have an academic job offer (ALB) from an Australian university who is willing to be my nominator. But the salary does not meet FWHIT. Can I apply for GTI by providing my current job offer?

      Does it affect my EOI as this is under the threshold?


      • admin says:

        Hi Bob,
        Thanks for your comment. You don’t need to show that you earn above FWHIT if you are a highly graded recent PhD graduate so the job offer is a benefit in that it shows your employability (even if it’s less than FWHIT). You should also try find other advertisements that show jobs you could reasonably expect to obtain that show an income above the FWHIT as meeting the minimum eligibility requirements in itself does not guarantee an invitation.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Janak says:

      Hi Team,

      I am in my final 6 months of the PhD in energy and minnng sector. I do studies regarding converting solar energy into value added chemicals and producing fuel chemicals using biomass derivatives (plant base starting materials). I have one international journal article (not directly relevant to feild energy – from my undergrad), two international conference publications, two papers under review from my PhD. I have 2 years of working experinece as a research scientist outside australia. Also I recevied a full scholarship for my PhD. Bachelors with 89%, batch top. Will i have a chance of the GTI program with under review papers?


      • admin says:

        Hi Janak,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Certainly worth a shot as a recent (soon to be) PhD graduate i the Energy / Mining technology sector.
        Feel free to shoot us an email at if you’d like an assessment.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sam says:

      Hi Admin,
      Thanks a lot for this useful blog.
      So I have submitted my EOI on early August from inshore and still waiting for the outcome. As it’s taking too long I’m thinking of going back home
      Should I submit another EOI as an offshore applicant or just update them by email?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sam,
        Rather than submit a new application, I think you should just notify the Department of your change in circumstances.
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

    • Linkin says:

      Hi Hannan

      I might received an invitation but it may go to junk mailbox and was deleted automatically several days after.

      So I am unsure about whether I already received an invitation or not. In this case, can I email GTO for clarification.

      Many thanks

      • admin says:

        Hi Linkin,
        Sure you can certainly contact them – it’s very important to check junk mail for this reason!
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

    • ali says:

      Does anybody example of filled form 1000 of global talent subclass 124?

      best regards
      Ali Solhmirzaei

    • Mohammad Sadegh Aslanpour says:

      Hi Admin,

      Great to see you are helping us.
      I am a first-year PhD student at Monash Uni in the IT domain. I received my master’s degree overseas in 2016. My first ambiguity is the sector I should apply for. Let’s just give you some keywords around my research whereby you may help me to select the appropriate sector: cloud computing, distributed systems, autonomous systems, IoT, and energy management in IoT. My CV involves some internationally indexed publications and relevant work experience. Publications are recent as well.
      My second question is that, given I am in the first year of Ph.D., how can I give the first impression in my EOI? I mean what points I should focus on in my application?
      And finally, which nominator will give a better impression based on your experience: my PhD supervisor or my PhD sponsorship organization (i.e., CSIRO)?

      Thanks in advance.


      • admin says:

        Hi Mohammad,
        Thanks for getting in touch. You can actually apply for a number of sectors (disclose the sectors in the cover letter whilst just mentioning one, for example, ICT, in the application form itself).
        As a first year PhD (if you are not submitting within the next 6 months) you won’t be able to avoid the FWHIT so a focus should be demonstrating your ability to earn a high income.
        Lastly, if you can obtain CSIRO as a nominator it would be a huge benefit.
        If you want to discuss further, please feel free to contact us at
        Otherwise, all the best,
        Hannan Tew

    • ros says:

      Hi Hannan,

      Is there any other genuine reasons then just backlog for June applicants. Submitted EOI on June 12, emailed global talent officer on Aug 24 they replied saying they got my EOI and will respond as soon as possible. However, it is already November 2 haven’t heard anything so far. This wait is too anxious.

      • Harry says:

        Yes, so many June applicants have been waiting for almost 5 months. I wonder whether they have thrown our applications into the trash bin.

      • Grant says:

        Same as my case. Applied on June 12.
        Seems they are not following any chronological order. But it is still not understandable as they have rejected hundreds of EOIs for the later months (as per FOI), but no decision for June applicants.
        And even as per FOI, the avg response time is 4 months but for June applicants it is about 5 months already and no hope of seeing it any soon either.

      • admin says:

        Hi Ros,
        I think the genuine reason is simply the number of candidates.
        Stay patient, and good luck!
        Hanna Tew

    • Ali says:

      Hi Team,
      I’ve submitted of EOI on 20 June 2020 and I haven’t received any feedback yet? Should I need to resubmit the EOI again? Has anybody who submitted EOI in June or July has got any response?

      • admin says:

        Hi Ali,
        We do not recommend submitting a further EOI – the best bet is just to be patient until you get a decision on your existing matter.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • admin says:

      Hi guys,
      Just a note that we’ve actually had a useful interview with a Global Talent Case officer recently (see here:
      This might be helpful in providing some more insights into the program.
      Kind regards,
      Hannan Tew

    • Alex says:

      Hi Team,

      I just have a quick question about the health check and police clearance. Can I do my police clearance and health examination before submitting the visa application ? I should note that I have received my unique identifier and invitation to apply.


      • admin says:

        Hi Alex,
        You can undertake both your health and police clearances after you lodge your application (though the faster you do them the faster you get your visa grant).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Ros says:

        Hi Alex,
        Could you please update your profile and date of EOI submission and unique number received might help a lot including me who are anxiously waiting for the reuslt

    • Joy says:

      Hi team,

      I have been waiting for my EOI outcome since June. I am pretty sure that I will have my result on GTI EOI as my current student visa will expire after 12 months. If my application goes wrong, I will apply for graduation visa.
      I have a question regarding visa medical check, as you know it may take longer time to get medical check done than normal due to the current pandemic situation. Do you suggest to take medical check first then I can use it for either GTI or graduation visa? Or should I just wait little bit more? Thanks.


      • admin says:

        Hi Joy,
        Thanks for your comment, and it’s good to know you have the Graduate visa as the back up (the GTI should not be considered guaranteed for anyone).
        Re medicals, you can’t actually undertake them until you receive a “HAP ID” which is generated after lodgement.
        Good luck with your application,
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ella says:

      Hi Hannan,
      I have a similar question to Alex above. Is it possible to do the health check before submitting the visa application? or should I wait for the case officer to send me the list of examinations I must have and the HAP ID first and then do the health check ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Ella,
        Unfortunately you can’t do the medicals until after lodgement. There are some long waits for medicals now, so this (and character assessments) are where we see most of the delays.
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Omar says:

      Hi Alex,
      Congratulations on receiving an invitation. Please could you share your profile such as your sector, date of EOI submission, date of receiving invitation, onshore or offshore.

      This is because we are very stressed with waiting for more than 4 months.


    • D LIEBENBERG says:

      Good day
      I filled in a GTI EOI off the website 2 weeks ago without much expectation as I am an “old” guy (58) without advanced degrees or other special accolades. I am however working in a niche market in Oz with very few, maybe a handful, of engineers which can do the same work. We are trying to employ, but I can quite safely say there aren’t other guys like me around. I just filled in the brief description, added a one page CV, and a payslip which is above the FW minimum threshold for 2 yrs already
      I have now received back a request for additional information. I have to decide now whether it is worth pursuing by going the route of my designs being installed worldwide, 24 yrs niche experience, own consultancy before etc. This would be the Aerospace/Advanced manufacturing sector. The products we design and build are essential components to the general industry and lately have been high vis in the government infrastructure development sector.
      Finding previous design proof is going be difficult as its all company intellectual property, and many of the guys I have dealt with are either deceased or no longer contactable. There are still enough to give some good references though.
      Does the quickish reply mean there’s more hope than normal?
      What do you say in general, do I pull the trigger?

      • admin says:

        Hi Dion,
        That’s a really quick response time (and rare).
        Applicants over the age of 55 years of age (or under 18 years) must demonstrate that they would be of “exceptional benefit to the Australian community”. Assuming you are at the forefront of the industry, do not intend to retire soon, and are held in the highest esteem by your colleagues (who themselves were at the peak of the industry), you may still have prospects. Given that this is such a quick pathway to permanent residence, we’d definitely recommend you pull the trigger!
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you want to discuss further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • MA says:

      It looks the department is not interested in my EOI.
      Date of EOI: 10Th June, 2020
      Sector : Data Science
      Qualification: Recent PhD
      Best PhD award for Excellence in Research
      Fully funded PhD scholarship.
      Job: Post-doc at Level B
      Publications: more than 70 and majority of them in Q1 journals with some of them in top 10 journals. Several chapters in Books.
      Google scholar citation> 2000 with h-index>26.
      Some awards and best paper awards.
      Reviewer recognitions awards and certificate + Assoc. Editor in journal.

      • NICK says:

        Hi, MA,
        What do you mean by ‘not interested’? Have you received rejected email from GTI?
        Your profile looks very impressive. I don’t think there is any reason for rejection.

        • Polly says:

          Not having a response is making everyone anxious. Even receiving a rejection is better than nothing. At least we can make other plans if they reject.

    • MA says:

      Hi Nick,
      I haven’t received rejection but it has been almost five months that I am still waiting for the outcome.

      • Jason says:

        Hi Ma. You are in the exactly very similar situation with me. I also submitted EOI on 10 June. Data Science, Recent Ph.D., Postdoc. 20+Publications (most of them are in top notch), citation around 300.

        • Liu says:

          Here is another 10-June EOI submission… ICT with 30+ publications… They replied to me many times (so I think they are working on EOIs) but I still do not get EOI.

    • Joe says:

      Hi Team,
      I have a question about the official visa application. I am applying with my wife for the 858 visa (we are both in Australia). In the application, There is a section about non-migrating members of the family unit which seems a bit confusing. Should I include for example the details of my parents, bothers and sisters and or does family unit include only partner and children ? I should note that my parents live overseas and will not migrate to Australia. Your help is much appreciated.

      • admin says:

        Hi Joe,
        Members of your family unit is defined here.
        It’s unlikely your brothers, sisters or parents will meet that criteria so they usually do not need to beincluded int aht section.
        Good luck with your application!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hamza says:

      Hi Hannan Team,

      Pleaswcan my PhD supervisor be my nominator for GTI? He is professor and is Australian citizen.

      Or it is better to have nominator from Industry?


      • admin says:

        Hi Hamza,
        In our experience, a PhD supervisor is usually a good nominator if they are in your target area and have national recognition.
        You can read more about what that means here.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Grant says:

      Any update on EOI decisions? Invitation or rejection?

      • A says:

        Hi All,

        I submitted my EOI at 9 June and still waiting.


        PhD obtained in May. 19 publication and most of them are Q1 with high impact factor. Three IPRS scholarship from Aus universities.
        Two years relevant work experience in my country. Being a reviewer for different authenticated journals. Onshore applicant.

        I have not received any feedback from GTI. Is it common? Anyone has the same experience?

        • NICK says:

          It has been one month since the new budget carries out, there is no still any response from GTI for those applicants in June/July. I have no idea about this, very anxious.

    • Gurpreet Singh Johar says:

      Hi Hannan Tew Lawyers Team,

      My name is GURPREET SINGH JOHAR, age 31 years old from Bangalore, India. I have few clarifications about the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program under the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector. Could please help me in getting the right direction for this visa application :-
      I have around 9+ years of experience in the Information Technology (I.T) industry into Data Engineering and Data Warehousing technology and I had Oracle certification which is internationally recognized certification in the field of ICT. I have completed Bachelor of Technology (Information Technology) from I K Gujral Punjab Technical University, India in 2011 and my education is assessed by ASC under AQF Bachelor Degree with a Major in computing in August 2020.

      I have one question related to Nomination. Do we need to put the name of the nominator while filling EOI as I read in ACS website, they said they will nominate ICT related profiles once we get Unique Identifier number. Also, I have one friend who is currently working in the same domain as I do and he is Australian PR. Can I put his name in the nominator while submitting EOI ?

      Also, my current pay is  AUD 36,700 (in INR 16 Lacs) as my home country (INDIA) has lower salaries because of higher INR-AU conversion rate. But, I have checked on Australian job portal that jobs related to my profile, I can earn equal to AUD 153,600. Also, I am currently not holding Australian PR status, so right now I won’t be able to get any offer letter to showcase I can earn this much money in Australian Industry. Could you please help me to get this clarified ?


      • admin says:

        Hi Gurpreet,
        I think there’s a couple of questions there:
        (1) you do not need to disclose a nominator at the EOI stage, but you can include your friend in the form if he is someone you intend to use. The ACS can also nominate you, but they will only consider this after a successful EOI application.
        (2) your current salary is not the critical point (though it can be an indicator of your earning capacity), As you earn significantly less than the FWHIT you should focus on evidence of your employability (job offers, market salary, job advertisements etc).
        Don’t forget that meeting the minimum requirements won’t guarantee an invitation, you ultimately need to differentiate yourself as a talent with reference to key projects / achievements.
        Good luck, and feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like to book a consultation and discuss this further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Gurpreet Singh Johar says:

          Thank you so much for answering my questions. I have last last questions :-

          Once we get this visa granted, is it necessary to get the job in same field like in I.T industry or can we switch to another field like own business ? Also, is it mandatory to earn minimum FWHIT (AUD 153,600) wage in the job, if not what would be the implications ? Or do we need to submit the offer letter to them once we get the job after the visa granted ?

          Could you please help me to get this clarified ?


    • Nick says:

      Hi, Team,
      The previous comments cannot be seen.
      When I click ‘Older Comments’, there is no response, could you fix that?

      • admin says:

        Sorry Nick,
        We are having some tech issues with the older comments button but all of them should be visible for now.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Angie says:


      How can you demonstrate the “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in a profession? It seems easier for PhD students as they can show publications and more… But for field Engineers looks complicated…

      Can you provide examples ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Angie,
        There are a few ways to demonstrate internationally recognised achievements for professionals.
        You can refer to your employment contract with significant organisations, organisational charts showing your leadership, outcomes of key projects etc.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Aklima says:

      Dear Sir/Madam,
      I am interested to explore visa pathways for Australia but before going further I just want to be frank with you and would like to share my future plans with regards to immigration. I and husband are living and working in UAE from past 10+ years and we both are engineers and eligible for multiple visa options but we are not sure which option is best to suit for us in terms of time for visa process and ideal for our qualifications and work experience for settling in Australia. I am a 39year old Mechanical engineer and my husband is around 43 years Project Manager (Civil engineer) and I believe we are a bit late in our migration plans we are looking for fast track solutions for PR process. We are very determined for migrating and I started last year writing PTE and secured a score of 79+ and I submitted EOI for 189 and 190 VIC (85points and 90 points) but unfortunately, COVID-19 disturbed our plans and we are afraid now I might lose the points next year.

      I shall provide you with my details and my husband’s details again kindly guide us tentatively possibility of other visa pathways especially 186ENS for me or my husband and I also need help in the GTI for my husband as he is working in one the largest oil distribution country. His present salary is around 150k.
      Very much appreciate your reply on the above subject.

      • admin says:

        Dear Aklima,
        Thank you for getting in touch.
        If you have 90 points, then you do have some options for general skilled migration so it’s worth keeping your EOI running.
        The ENS option is usually the most “sure fire” way if you have a company willing to sponsor you (seems like your husband has already obtained the skills assessment).
        Lastly, the GTI option might be feasible but in addition to years of work experience, you must also demonstrate key projects or employment achievements.
        If you’d like to discuss further, please contact us at or book a consultation directly here:.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Gav says:

      Hi Team,

      Thanks for your very informative page and all the advices.
      I have a question that is somewhat silly, buy here goes:

      When I submitted the form in August, chrome autofilled some spaces. I think the surname was left as is (as opposed to the all CAPITAL LETTERS they ask for, at least now). I was thinking of reapplying just to make sure (I did get an acknowledgement once I hit the submit butten). I sent them an email with the update but of course there was no response.

      My question is – you constantly say here that it is not recommended to reapply. However, in case it is the same application, just filled carefully this time, what difference does it make? It’s been 3 months anyway and it seems that as time passes by it’s just being delayed more and more (assuming it is in their system).

      Thanks ahead.

    • Carley Fuller says:

      Hi Hannan Tew Team,

      1. Should Form 1000 for our nominator’s endorsement be included in the EOI, or only after we have been invited to apply following the EOI submission and acceptance? If indeed Form 1000 is only to be filled out after the EOI has been accepted, should we include in the EOI a letter of nomination from our nominator that includes all the same information as is on Form 1000?

      2. When it is time to fill out Form 1000, should PhD candidates within the last 6 months of their programme tick “research and academia” on question 7 of Form 100?

      3. To prove our potential for high salaries in the future, is it sufficient to attach a PDF of merged print screens from websites like (relevant job postings and likely salaries) and (salary expectations for positions like “Environmental Director” or “Forestry Science Direction” in Australia)? Would it make our EOIs substantially stronger to have something like a letter from a potential employer saying they would hire us if not for our lack of permanent residency?

      5. In order to prove that our nominator has a national reputation, is it enough to list their titles, awards, and roles, or should we also attach to the EOI documentation of these things as evidence?

      6. We must demonstrate on the EOI that we will be an asset to the Australian community. Is it important to have documentation of past professional engagement with Australian community stakeholders?

      Thanks very much!

      • admin says:

        Hi Carley,
        Thanks for your note.
        There’s a fair few items there.
        The main response is that the Form 1000 / nominator is not required at the EOI stage.
        To address the other points, we’d need to discuss your circumstances in more detail so feel free to email us at or book a consultation directly to discuss further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ahmad says:

      Hi Hannan Tew Team,

      I am in the process of submitting EOI for GTI. I have recently got my PhD.
      In the EOI application form it says if I have the ability to attract high income. Since, I’m a recent graduate, I am more likely to end up in a postdoc or lecturer position and in such roles I will be earning around 110,000 annually which is far short of 153,600 specified as high income in GTI.

      To the question that I can attract high income, should I say no (what will be its impact on assessment) or should I say yes (for which I have to submit some evidence in form of advertisements)? Please advise


      • admin says:

        Hi Ahmed,
        A highly graded recent graduate can avoid the FWHIT so you don’t need to demonstrate that you currently can earn it.
        That being said, you should focus on industry positions (if academia won’t pay as much) to top up your application.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mustafa says:

      Hi Hannan Team,
      Can I apply for GTI without EOI? I know if I do that then my Visa application will be under Distinguished Talent mot GTI which has 200 places in a year.


      • admin says:

        Hi Mustafa,
        You can’t apply under the global talent program without a EOI (you will receive a unique identifier number which then ensures you are processed under the GTI program).
        You can apply for a direct Distinguished Talent visa without the EOI (simply make the application without inputting the unique identifier) but that is a very challenging visa.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like to consider your eligibility.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Chathurika says:

      Hello Team,

      For 189 visa, does my spouse need to have IELTS and/or skill assessment when I apply for the EOI? Or does my spouse need to have IELTS and/or skill assessment when the time I apply for the PR after I receive an invitation? Can I apply without IELTS for my spouse just by proving functional English? Please advise me when do I need to have IELTS or skill assessment for my spouse or whether I can apply without any of them for my spouse.

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Chathurika,
        The English language definitions in regulations 1.15D and 1.15EA require the applicant to have undertaken their language test, in which they achieved the specified score, in the 3 years immediately before the day on which the invitation was issued to the applicant.
        The skills requirement for your wife is usually also at the time of invitation.
        Feel free to shoot us an email at to discuss further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Ito says:

        Hi Admin,
        Can someone who has already applied for the Distinguished talent visa since Dec 2020 apply for the GTI while waiting for the Distinguished talent visa outcome. Lecturer with many Q1 journals and awards from reputable organisations.
        This is because the Distinguished talent visa is very competitive with only 200 placements compared to the GTI.

        • admin says:

          Hi Ito,
          There’s nothing stopping you from lodging an EOI expression of interest.
          If you get the invitation, and you still haven’t received a decision on your pending visa application, we can try and make a notification of change in circumstances and update the application with your GTI EOI.
          Feel free to contact us at if you’d like to discuss further.
          Kind regards,
          Hannan Tew

    • Jeer says:

      Hi all,

      Anyone got any news recently (either positive or negative)?

    • MA says:

      It seems that department are issuing EOIs to off-shore applicants. Recently I came to know about an off-shore applicant who received EOI in Plant Pathology. That is very frustrating that lots of on-shore applicants are still waiting after more than 5 months.

    • Hana says:

      Dear Admin,

      My back ground:
      Recent PhD from Australia, On-shore, Sent EOI on 4th Jul, NO answer received from immigration till now.

      As you know if I want to apply for GTI Visa (if I get UID!!), my husband should demonstrate his English proficiency.
      1) Which IELTS test he should apply for? (Academic or general??)
      2)In immigration website it has been written that “An average band score of at least 4.5 based on the 4 test components”.
      Dose it mean that in each skill he should get 4.5? Or It means overall 4.5 is enough?

      Thanks in advance for your precious time
      Kind Regards,

      • admin says:

        Hi Hana,
        No worries, the relevant legislative instrument for English is here
        To your points specifically:
        1. Either IELTS test is suitable;
        2. You require an average of 4.5 (so it’s okay if in one band is less than 4.5).
        Good luck with your EOI.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sam says:

      Dear Hannan,

      I applied on July 21st and still waiting for the outcome. I sent additional documents three times (new visa, the editor of journal certificate,…) to Global Talent, while I am waiting for the EOI outcome. I have one more document (some referees and a job position). I wanted to know that if I send another email to add these documents that would affect my application or cause to delay? If so, it would be better to provide them with documents or not.

      Many thanks for your time and kind consideration.


      • admin says:

        Hi Sam,
        Our understanding is that if you provide information in a piece meal fashion (one document at a time) you are likely to slow down processing.
        That being said, if the document is a key one, you should definitely provide it even if it slows down processing.
        All the best,
        Hannan Tew

    • Omar says:

      Quick uupdate
      GTI visa subclass 124 has now been closed to new applications.

      But there are new conditions in subclass 858:
      “either be in or outside Australia “

    • Omar says:

      Also visa 858 has been updated and now you can apply for this visa while holding bridging Visa in Australia.

      Hope this change speeding up the process.

    • Ros says:

      HI Hannan,

      While inquiring about the status of EOI this is what I got reply from officer. Is this a generic reply? Am I still in the race? I lodged EOI on June 12.

      Thank you for expressing an interest in the Global Talent Independent Program. We have received your EOI. Kindly note that due to COVID-19, the Department is experiencing delays in responding to Expressions of Interest received via the Global Talent contact form. We thank you for your patience and endeavor to respond to you as soon as possible.

    • Gurpreet Singh Johar says:

      Hi Hannan,

      While submitting EOI, do we need to get signed “Letter of Recommendation” from previous companies Manager/Director or will it work from Linked-In profile. Because, the most of professionals used Linked-In for recommendations. OR can I put my Linked-In Profile link where DoHA can see recommendations given by seniors ? OR can I take screen-shots of those recommendations given on Linked-In in pdf format and attach that as attachment ?

      Could you please elaborate this requirement ? As I know it will give weightage to our profile in EOI. Just want to understand the way.


      • admin says:

        Hi Gurpreet,
        We recommend providing detailed reference letters (we do for all of our clients).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Gurpreet Singh Johar says:

          Hi Hannan,

          Could you please share the template for detailed reference letter that would be really helpful for me ?


          • admin says:

            Hi Gurpreet,
            No worries, just go and book a consultation with one of our lawyers here and they’ll be happy to help.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Aaron says:

      Hi Hannah, if my partner studied an Australian bachelor degree (off shore 3+0 program in Malaysia, not study in Australia) and has a master degree conducted in English (also study in Malaysia), would that be sufficient to prove he has functional English capability or still need to take IELTS? Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Aaron,
        No worries, as long as they completed a degree, a higher degree, a diploma or a trade certificate in an institution in or outside Australia that require at least two years of full-time study AND all instructions were in English they can meet the criteria. You’ll just need evidence from the university that it was in English (usually a letter or academic transcript).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Pegah Tabarisaadi says:

      Hi Hannan
      I am currently waiting for student visa subclass 500 for a PhD in Australia. I lounged the visa application about 2 years ago but it is not finalized yet. I wonder wether it is applicable to apply for the talent visa as well? Does it effect my student visa?

      • admin says:

        Hi Pegah,
        Thanks for your comment.
        That’s a very long time to still be waiting on a Student visa!
        The good news is that lodging a GTI EOI won’t impact your student visa application (unless you provide false or misleading information).
        If you do get invited for a Distinguished Talent visa you can generally lodge whilst the Student visa is pending (assuming you meet Schedule 1 requirements) and then if it is approved prior to your Student visa, you can simply withdraw.
        Feel free to contact us at if you require further information.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • sei says:

      Hi Hannan,

      I am working on biomaterials for biomedical applications and all my publications are in Top Quartile Journals.
      Could you please let me know if I am eligible to apply under Medtec sector?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sei,
        We’d need more information then that to assess, but skills like biomedical engineering, biochemistry and biotechnology are relevant to the MedTech field.
        Feel free to email us at if you would like to discuss this further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hesam ahmadi says:

      Dear sir/madam

      I hope you are fine and everything is going well with you

      I received a WMD regarding My student visa subclass 500 last week. They asked me to submit supplementary documentation and since their letter was not clear I filled the 1442 form and withdrawed my application. Now I have received my global talent code and I want to apply for talent visa. I am wondering if I lodge my talent visa, it may be rejected or receive the same letter, due to my withdrawn student visa.
      Note: WMD is an abbreviation of Weapons mass destruction and when I have received the email from home affairs to upload documents, I withdrawn it and my current status in my immi account is ‘withdrawn’ and the wmd letter is not attached in my messages part of my immi account. But I think the officer can access that.

      Many thanks for your consideration

    • sei says:

      Thanks for your prompt reply.

    • Lorry says:

      Any news for EOIs submitted in June/July?

      • admin says:

        Hi Lorry,
        In case this helps, about 75% of our matters from June / July are still processing.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Cham says:

      Hello Hannan
      I am a recent graduate planning to submit my Application for the global talent visa. However my wife is in offshore. I want to know whether she can be included in to my onshore application according to the new rules in the visa. Or do we have to submit an offshore application ?
      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Cham,
        Thanks for your comment.
        The good news is that the new 858 now allows you to make an application even though she is offshore.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you require further information.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hana says:

      Dear Admin,

      My background:
      Sent my EOI on 4th Jul, still did not receive answer
      Submit my PhD thesis on 4th April
      PhD awarded on 25th August

      By waiting for EOI answer I am very anxious that maybe I lose my chance for 485 (graduate visa) as well. So, here is my question:

      1. As you know, to apply for a Temporary Graduate Subclass 485 visa, we must lodge our application within 6 months of course completion. The “completion date” is the date we are notified of our final results. So, my PhD award day is my completion date? Am I right?

      2. If I apply for the 485, can it have negative effect on my 858 (talent visa) application?

      Thanks in advance for your precious time

      • RS says:

        “We must lodge our application within 6 months of course completion” I am not sure about that. But to be on the safe side when I was in your situation, I applied and received 485 in no time. I lodged my EOI for 858 in June and haven’t heard anything back. If I were you I’d apply for 485. May be other guys will reply about this… but being on a bridging visa while applying for 485 no longer ruins your chances of receiving a UID [I think this is valid? based on the latest changes made with reference to 124/858].

      • admin says:

        Hi Hana,
        We strongly recommend you apply for the 485 as well as any GTI EOI application since the GTI is not guaranteed. Pursuing the 485 will also not impact your prospects for the GTI program. Re completion date, bear in mind that is different from your PhD conferral date. You would ordinarily provide a letter from your university which sets out the completion date.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at if you have further questions.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Maverick says:

      Just For Information

      EOI Submission: 10 June (Energy & Mining)
      Invitation Received: 3 September
      Received Overseas character clearance: 20 October (delayed due to pandemic situation)
      Nomination from top notch academician
      Visa Lodged: 28 October
      Submitted Medicals: 2 November
      Visa Granted: 23 November

      Good luck and hope for best !!

    • John says:

      Hi Team,

      Does the GTI office invite people once a month? I notice that most people get their invitations at the beginning of the month? If so, I think we can only hope for the next month for possible invitations.

      I am just curious about how they report the processing time of this kind of invitation. Apparently, most people have to wait for 6 months or more. If we cannot get the invitations before 2021, I guess we need to wait for Feb. 2021. That is 8 or 9 months waiting for the invitation. For 189, if we get enough scores, we will get the invitation within one month, which looks much better than the current GTI program. Are there any guys who gave up 189 and chose GTI (since GTI grants visa “quickly”)…?



      • admin says:

        Hi John,
        Thanks for your comment.
        We’ve seen invites all through the month so we don’t have any data suggesting invitations are only issued at the beginning of the month.
        Generally speaking, we’d also recommend you keep both 189 and GTI options open, and apply for the visa that you get an invitation first for.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • John says:

          Thanks for your reply. Can we send EOIs for 189 and GTI at the same time?

        • Na Peng says:

          Dear Hannan, My husband has recent finished his PhD in biological science, and he has put his EOI since July. Yesterday, he received an email from the department said “1, please provide a link/s to your Google Scholar, ResearcherGate or Scopus ID page to determine how well research articles have been received. 2, If applicable, evidence of any employment offers that will allow you continue your research”, but unfortunately, my husband haven’t got any employment offers so far, dose this mean we cannot get GTI visa without a firmed job offer? Or how could he get around with this question? If he got some job offer, but not related to his PhD research area, would that be ok?

          • admin says:

            Hi Na Peng,
            Thanks for your comment.
            It’s good news that you’ve heard from the Department.
            Whether or not you require evidence of employment will depend on your husbands circumstances, we have had many GTI’s issued without job offers. Ordinarily you need to demonstrate employability.
            Feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like to discuss this further.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

          • Laura says:

            Congratulations Na! Would you mind sharing your husband’s profile? I am also a recent PhD graduate in medical science. I submitted EOI on mid-/late-June, but I haven’t received any responses yet. Thanks!

            • Na Peng says:

              Thank you for your reply. We are a bit worried about the job offer, it’s really a hard time to get a job, we are not sure whether it would be helpful to get the visa by demonstrating employability.

            • Na Peng says:

              Hi Laura,
              Sorry for replying late, because I found I put my comment at the wrong place, he added some materials two weeks ago, which including his thesis completion letter, nomination letter and published thesis, we are on-shore.

          • Rajib says:

            Hi Na, congratulations to both of you. Is your husband offshore/onshore? And how many publications he has?


            I am a recent PhD graduate (onshore, MedTech) working as a post-doc at a medical research institute in Melbourne for a year, waiting for a response since July.

            • Na Peng says:

              Hi Rajib,
              Thank you, we are onshore, but I am not sure how many publications he has, but my husband didn’t get a job so far, so we are still worried about the situation.

            • Rajib says:

              Thanks for your reply Na. Hopefully your husband will get the UID.


          • Mike says:

            Hi Na Peng,

            Would you please let me know that when you and your husband submitted your EOI?

    • Amanda says:

      Hi Admin,

      Would you mind give your professional suggestion on what’s going wrong with June applicants? Almost half a year waiting. Are there still so many June/ July applicants receive nothing?

      • admin says:

        Hi Amanda,
        Our opinion is simply to wait – remember the GTI is not a guaranteed program so other visa options should also be considered if feasible.
        The best thing you can do is submit a complete and detailed application at EOI stage.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Na Peng says:

        Hi Laura,
        Thank you, when he got his completion letter, he added some information including his thesis completion letter, nomination letter, published paper, and modified his CV two weeks ago.

    • Hana says:

      Dear Admin,

      If I want to apply for 485, I need to again provide an English test result because mine has been expired.
      My question is:
      My husband will be dependent on me.
      Is it necessary for him as well? Should he prove his English?


      • admin says:

        Hi Hana,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Good news is that 485 dependents don’t have a minimum English requirement.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Shammie says:

      Dear Team,

      This maybe an issue out of this topic. I am waiting for Global Talent from July. Also, due to the student visa expiry I had to apply for 485. I am waiting for that too for more than 5 weeks now and in a bridging visa A. However, I need to travel back to my home country for a significant reason and waiting the 485 be granted. I know it is hard to enter back to Australia with the current situation. Still, I need to leave as this waiting altogether for 5 months is killing. I want to know, if I apply for Bridging visa B and leave, will 485 be still processed while I am outside of the country. Or to make 485 to be granted do I need to be in Australia physically?

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Shammie,
        Thanks for your comment.
        There have been some regulatory concessions introduced which mean that if the 485 visa is granted during a “concession period” you might be able to be outside Australia when the visa is granted (see the legislative instrument here).
        You need to make sure the concessions apply to you though, so if you require clear advice, feel free to contact us at and book a consultation.
        Kind regards,
        Hanna Tew

    • Mira says:

      Hi team,

      I have applied for GTI in August in the target sector of Data Science and have not heard back so far. I am in the last 3 months of my PhD and I also fit the AgTech field. However, I wrote my EOI and resume focusing on my data science skills. As the AgTech sector seems to be less competitive, would it be fine if I reapply with an AgTech focused EOI? I wonder if they would find my application contradictory or inconsistent.
      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mira,
        We wouldn’t reapply, but you might want to provide a further submission to the globaltalent inbox explaining how you touch on both fields. They should be able to attach the submission to your file.
        Our position when we prepare EOIs is that it’s not contradictory to say someone’s talent touches upon multiple fields.
        Feel free to contact us if you would like to discuss further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Adam says:

      Hi Hannan Tew team,

      I have applied for an EOI on the 2nd of June (offshore) (ICT – Data Science) , I hold a PhD in the domain with several years of experience and with high quality publications,,

      I have not received any response yet? Is it possible due to the backlog?


      • admin says:

        Hi Adam,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Ultimately it does depend on the quality of your application but yes, there is a backlog so unfortunately many applicant’s from June are still processing.
        The good news is that you haven’t been rejected so you still have a shot! Don’t forget it’s not a guaranteed visa though so keep your options open (ENS / GSM etc).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • John says:

      Hi Team,

      Previously, we found a file in the, which says that, for the GTI program, the most recent invite date is 8/Oct/2020. For ICT, the lodgement date of EOI for most recently invited EOIs is 7/Jun/2020. However, I cannot find this file on the website again, which is really wired. The file number is FA 20/10/00412. Have you seen that?

      Recently, we find that the GTI office invited 65 and refused 50 EOIs for ICT during 01/Oct/2020 and 21/Oct/2020 ( Can you ask the homeaffairs to free more information regarding the lodgement date of EOI for most recently invited EOIs (like during 22/Oct/2020 and 21/Nov/2020)? For example, for ICT, the most recently invited EOIs may be 8/Jun/2020? I guess that, there are no invitations for EOIs that are submitted after 7/Jun/2020 for ICT, which might be true if you can help check your ICT cases?



      • admin says:

        Hi John,
        Thanks for your comment and sharing that helpful data.
        We’ve received invitations as recently as today and applications which have been lodged as recently as September.
        We don’t have plans to make any new FOI requests at this time as we focus on applications, but you can certainly go ahead and make your own FOI request using the following form.
        I think what I’d suggest is just to focus on preparing the best possible application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • John says:

          Hi Team,

          Thanks for your responses. May I know which sectors recent invitations are in? Are they in the ICT sector?



          • admin says:

            Hi John,
            Today’s invitation was a Data Scientist in the broader “Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT” sector.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

            • John says:

              Hi Team,

              Many thanks! May I know the EOI submission date of this lucky recipient? I submitted EOI on 10/Jun/2020.



            • admin says:

              Hi John,
              Yesterday’s recipient was a 4 September lodgement, but we still have plenty of June / July candidates still processing.
              Kind regards,
              Hannan Tew

    • Faisal says:

      Hi team,

      Just wondering, what if someone submitted an EOI with a typo in their email address and perhaps not receiving any department’s communication because of that. Is this plausible? For example, instead of writing, someone accidentally wrote
      Certainly the email will bounce back if the department tries to contact the applicant. So I was wondering, from your experience, would the department try to make sure that they reach the applicant through other means otherwise I fear that even though the candidate might be eligible for an invitation, his/her EOI would be rejected on the grounds of applicant’s failure to respond to the department’s request?


      • admin says:

        Hi Faisal,
        If you did make that mistake then I’d recommend you contact the global talent inbox, provide your passport details, and ask them to update the email address.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • NICK says:

      Hi, Team,
      Since there are more and more people are applying GTI, do you think they will improve the threshold?
      Since the numbers of new EOIs submitted per day are more than the processed EOIs. There are more and more backlogs.
      How could they handle these?

      • admin says:

        Hi Nick,
        Thanks for your comment.
        It could be that eventually the Department changes the eligibility criteria but there is no movement towards that direction yet.
        I’m sure they will develop some system of getting through the backlog at some point, but as Christmas / new year break comes up I would expect delays for some time longer.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Fatima says:

      Hello dear team
      I was wondering if I can only seek your professional help to submit the EOI only but not the further steps in cases I got the unique number. In other word, pay 2,200 $ for EOI and then continue by myself.

      • admin says:

        Hi Fatima,
        Thanks for your comment.
        You can certainly engage us for the EOI only (and if successful consider preparing the visa application yourself).
        Feel free to shoot us an email at to get the process started.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • KS says:

      How do you covert the GPA into percentage?

    • Jordan says:

      HI Hannan,

      Could you please advise what is the possibility where EOI is submitted in March 2020 and then re – submitted same data from a different email ID in May 2020,

      Still haven’t heard anything from the department,

      • admin says:

        Hi Jordan,
        It’s hard to say but that March date is certainly older than any pending EOIs we have. It might be the case that you’ve created a delay by submitting two EOIs so they have to merge the two but really there’s nothing further for you to do but be patient. Perhaps someone else in the blog will comment if they are in a similar date range?
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hi Hannan Tew Lawyers,

      I am looking for general clarification for one question :- Me and my wife are blessed with a baby girl last week in India, so we have finalized baby name as ‘Ganeev Kaur Johar’. As in future, hopefully we will be in process to get PR visa for Australia. My question is, Is it mandatory to have ‘Surname’ in passport or is it optional in Australia ? Because, i heard from my friends that it is compulsory to have SURNAME in passport while applying any visa/PR for Australia.

      In her name, we defined as
      Given Names :- Ganeev Kaur
      Surname :- Johar

      Please clarify this doubt.


    • NASHWAN AL-EMAD says:

      Hi team,
      I am PhD in Civil Engineering specialization in construction and building, graduated in 2020 with more than 7 years of working experience in construction industry. I have several published articles and presented several research at international conferences.
      My question is,
      Under which 7 categories my area can be?
      What is my chance based on my profile?

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Nashwan,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Generally civil Engineers are not suitable for this program, but you might be able to fit into another sector depending on your specific area of research (e.g. Mining / Energy Technology).
        Alternatively, it might be more appropriate for you to consider the general skilled migration program.
        Feel free to contact us at to consider your options further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Mah says:

      I applied 31st of June (Offshore) and received an rejection email today. I submitted my PhD thesis in July. I had 8 publications with 60 citations in Agritech. I was wondering can I apply again in the future?

      • admin says:

        Hi Mah,
        Thanks for your comment and sorry to hear about your outcome.
        As it stands, there is no technical limitation to you making a further application.
        If you think you meet the criteria, it might be worth preparing a better application.
        Feel free to contact us at if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • NASHWAN AL-EMAD says:

      Than you Admin for the response.
      My specialization is construction management under faculty of civil engineering. If I am not mistaken it is somehow under data science, correct me if I am wrong?.
      I have done an EOI for 189,190&*491 but it is temporarily closed due to COVID19. Hoping for soonest opening.

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Nashwan,
        It’s not directly the case – you’ll have to frame a case as to why you are specialised in Data Science.
        If you didn’t provide a compelling argument that could be the reason for your refusal.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Skl says:

      if a PhD candidate from Australia is out of the country for data collection and now wanted to apply for GTI, should he/she considered as offshore or onshore?

      • admin says:

        Hi Shakeel,
        Thanks for your comment.
        That distinction is no longer relevant for the 858 visa (you can be onshore or offshore).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • KP says:

      What occupation does a software Presales consultant role come under and who would be the nominator – ACS? Can a presales/sales engineer role be considered as an ICT Business Analyst?

      • admin says:

        Hi KP,
        The title of the position is not so important – you need to look at the duties and align that to an occupation.
        Assuming you are applying under the Quantum Information, Advanced Digital, Data Science and ICT fields if you want an organisation you should reach out to ACS (though individuals in the field can also nominate).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • MJA says:

      Hi Admin and others peoples,
      I have submitted of EOI for GTI scheme on 16 June 2020. However, I did not receive any feedback from the GTI officer. Even, I don’t know they will access my file or not? Since 1500 people will be awarded the GTI visa in 2020-2021. But, I am very wondering how they can get those people due to the very slow process. I am passing very frustrating. Should I need to resubmit the EOI again, because I did not receive any response from GTI yet?
      I am looking forward to hearing your response regarding the update of the GTI.

      • admin says:

        Hi MJA,
        Unfortunately there are still many candidates waiting on processing who submitted in June 2020.
        We don’t recommend resubmitting an EOI but rather it’s a matter of patience given the significant number of applicants.
        All you can do is ensure you complete a best possible application and update the Department if there are any material changes (e.g. you get a promotion).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Malia says:

      Hi Admin
      If someone in bridging visa but got invitation then is it possible to submit application in gti visa?

      • admin says:

        Hi Malia,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Yes, the new 858 visa changes mean that it can be submitted by people in Australia who hold a substantive visa, BVA, BVB or BVC (subject to other eligibility requirements).
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Malia says:

      Thanks dear admin for prompt feedback

    • Fatima says:

      Hello Hannan Team
      Thanks for this amazing page, my question: do you think from your experience that holding an Australian governmental scholarship to study PhD in a speciality can be classified as MedTech is advantageous by means of getting an invitation?
      Thanks in advance

      • admin says:

        Hi Fatima,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Yes, absolutely, holding scholarships and grants are a key supporting documents for academics (though not in itself sufficient).
        Remember, try to not be modest and put together a complete application.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Anand says:

      Hello Admin,
      Any idea of the EOI submission date for the latest invitation received in AgTech sector. I submitted in Aug and still waiting.

    • Robin says:

      Hello Admin,
      Currently, I am doing PhD in Australia but right now my wife is offshore. If i will get the invitation from GTI. Can we both apply both at the same time under 858 visa, though my wife is offshore.

      • admin says:

        Hi Anand,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Our most recent AgTech invitation had a submission date of 26 June (but perhaps there more others out there more recent).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • admin says:

        Hi Robin,
        Yes, generally the updated 858 visa no longer has a requirement to be onshore or offshore so different locations is possible. Just ensure you meet all other regulatory criteria.
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ashad says:


      My master’s by research degree is almost done but I might get the certificate/provisional certificate after a month. If I apply with a letter from my Uni that I have completed my degree and my supervisor provides a letter supporting that statement, will that be enough? Should I wait for my certificate or should I go for EOI with the completion letter from my Uni?


      • admin says:

        Hi Ashad,
        Thanks for your comment.
        If you obtain a letter from your university (not supervisor) that your course is completed and that you met course requirements that may be sufficient and then you can later provide the certificate.
        However, assuming you will receive the certificate shortly, it might be better to put together a complete application when you receive everything?
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

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