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Global Talent IndependentGlobal Talent SchemeInnovation

How do I apply for a fast tracked Global Talent visa? (updated: 5 December 2024)

By 5 December, 2024December 10th, 20242,147 Comments19 min read
As of 6 December 2024, the National Innovation visa (Subclass 858) has replaced the Global Talent visa. Please visit our National Innovation (subclass 858) blog here for more information.

global talent scheme

On 4 November 2019, the Global Talent Independent (GTI) program was officially launched to provide a streamlined, priority pathway for highly skilled and talent individuals to obtain Australian permanent residency.

This program is another layer of the “Global Talent” initiative that the Department of Home Affairs (Department) have rolled out to support innovation in Australia, which joins the renamed “Global Talent – Employer Sponsored” (GTES) scheme. You can read a general summary of these two schemes here.

On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa, and submit an EOI if appropriate for that program – please see further information about this program here. At this stage, it has not been clarified if the Department will:

  1. process submitted EOIs and invite successful candidates to apply for the new National Innovation visa; or
  2. finalise (i.e. close as unsuccessful) all existing EOIs and ask them to apply for EOIs under the new National Innovation visa.

We’ll update this as we know further information.

The below is information about the former Global Talent Independent (GTI) program, which no longer exists.

What is the Global Talent – Independent program?

The GTI program is designed to attract skilled migrants at the top of specific key sectors to Australia. It operates through an additional layer on top of an existing visa – being the Global Talent (Subclass 858) visa (discussed further below).

The GTI program involves the Department taking on a more active role by engaging “Global Talent Officers” (GTO) in key locations overseas to invite targeted individuals to apply for an Australian visa. GTOs will work with countries in their regions and attend key events/expos to promote this program.

Individuals interested in this program, should submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the Department of Home Affairs (Department) to be invited to apply for this visa. A successful candidate will receive a unique identifier and be invited to apply for a Global Talent visa. For the:

  • 2019/20 migration programme year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2020/21 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2021/22 migration programme year – there were 15,000 spots;
  • 2022/23 migration program year – there were 5,000 spots;
  • 2023/24 migration program year – there are 5,000 spots; and
  • 2024/25 migration program year – there will be 4,000 spots for it’s final year (see here) before being replaced by the “National Innovation” visa.

In particular, the Department aim to target individuals with profiles relevant to the following 10 sectors (set out in Direction 89) (see below).

The Department are also looking to target certain student cohorts with research that is internationally recognised and relevant to those targeted industries, including those who have recently (in the last 3 years) completed a PhD.

What is a Global Talent visa?

The Global Talent visa aims to attract individuals who have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. The GTI program utilises the “profession” or “academic and research” aspects of this visa.

It also requires the applicant to still be prominent in the area, be an asset to the Australian community, demonstrate that they’d have no difficulty in obtaining employment (or being established independently) in the area, and be nominated by either an Australian individual or organisation with a national reputation in the area.

You can read more about the Global Talent visa here.

Am I eligible under this program?

Broadly speaking, to be eligible under this program, a candidate must:

  • fit under one of the 10 targeted sectors outlined above; and
  • have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in their field, and either:
    • be able to attract a salary equivalent to the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT), currently AUD $175,000; or
    • have completed their PhD in the past 3 years (degree conferred).

If you do not satisfy the above, you would not be eligible under this program. Please note that being eligible is not necessarily the same as being likely to receive an invitation given the highly competitive nature of the program, which has increased due to the growing popularity and awareness as well as the reduce allocations.

What are the 10 target sectors?

Though we are not aware of any official definition of the 10 target sectors, Direction 89 represents a departure from the original 7 target sectors which largely related to “Tech”. This broadening moves away from that “Tech” emphasis and more into the Department’s other priority sectors.

Examples of relevant skill sets to the target sectors include the following:


Engineering, Geology, Metallurgy, Waste Management, Energy Saving Technology, Extraction and Processing

Agri-food and AgTech

Seed technology, nanomaterials, biofuels, supply chain and packaging, wearable technologies


Clean energy, resource robotics, computational metallurgy, geostatistics, beneficiation, battery / energy storage

Health Industries

Medical and biomedical technology, pharmaceutical and vaccine research and development, IT biochemistry, digital health, implantables and wearable devices, genomics

Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space

Astrodynamics, satellite systems, rocket and avionics systems, urban mobility, military equipment acquisition and sustainment, automation and robotics, nano-manufacturing, sustainable manufacturing and life-cycle engineering

Circular Economy

Bioenergy, sustainable production, recycling, waste treatment, waste to energy technology, emissions technology, ecologically sustainable manufacturing


Quantum computing, cyber sciences, cyber security, artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, big data, disruptive technologies, smart cities, machine learning, network engineering, cloud computing


Water infrastructure, Energy infrastructure, regional development


Travel and tourism infrastructure

Financial Services and FinTech

Neobanking, payment systems, wealth and regtech, blockchain


Cutting edge skills in emerging fields of the industry, developing advanced educational systems and curricula, improving the education infrastructure in Australia, digital data and eResearch platforms

You can read more about relevant skill sets to these target sectors and specialisations that the Department aim to prioritise here.

How do I apply?

To access one of the 5,000 positions under the GTI for priority processing, there are three steps:

  1. the unique identifier and code issued by the Department
  2. a nomination and
  3. the Global Talent visa application itself.

    Presently, to be considered under the GTI program, you would need to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) here directly to the Department. You will need to have a nominator at this time, you can read some information about the Form 1000 and the nomination process here.

    In our view, your GTI EOI should submit a covering letter, a CV, and evidence of your claimed achievements.

    Once the referral has been assessed, the Department would email the candidate a unique identifier number and code to make the Global Talent visa application and be considered under the GTI provisions.

    Although the application form may now be completed online, the Form 1000 (which has to be completed by the nominator) is still a paper-based form that then needs to be scanned and uploaded.

    Your nominator must complete this form, and they must be an:

    • Australian Citizen/PR/eligible NZ Citizen; or
    • Australian organisation

    who has a “national reputation” in relation to the area.

    The nomination process is basically an endorsement of your skills, rather than a “sponsorship” with attached obligations (other than to tell the truth of course). You can read more about the nomination and the Form 1000 requirements here.

    We recommend:

    • reviewing your nominator profile to ensure that they have a “national reputation” before asking them to assist;
    • sending the Form 1000 to your nominator when you first ask them to assist to ensure they’re comfortable with what’s on the form.

    Both of these steps are to save an awkward conversation down the line.

    The key criteria is being able to demonstrate that you have an “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in your field. This is to distinguish “ordinary” individuals.

    The successful individuals with whom Hannan Tew Lawyers have advised and assisted have: received awards/media coverage of their work, made publications (general/academic), hold patents, spoken at conferences, and/or have held senior positions at international companies.

    The visa applicant must also be of good health and character, which means that police clearances and health examinations must be provided/undertaken.

    How much does it cost?

    The government lodgement fees for this application are:

    Primary ApplicantEssential

    $ 4,840

    exc surcharges

    >18 dependent

    $ 2,425

    exc surcharges

    < 18 dependent

    $ 1,210

    exc surcharges

    Over-18 dependent applicants who do not have “functional English” also have to pay an additional $4,890 when the visa is ready to be granted.

    Our professional fees for an individual applicant are set out as follows (note that fees are subject to your individual circumstances as determined in a consultation):

    Consultation1 hour discussion

    $ 330-440

    Inc GST
    • Written Eligibility Assessment
    • Consideration of Other Visas
    • Undertaken by Video Conference



    $ 5,500

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Support Letter
    • Submission of EOI

    Contact Us


    $ 4,400

    Inc GST
    • Review of Documents
    • Preparation of Complete Application
    • Submission of Global Talent Visa Application

    Contact Us

    How long will it take to receive an outcome on my EOI?

    The pathway of obtaining priority processing via GTO referral has ceased. The Department’s website for the GTI program no longer lists GTO email addresses, and specifically states that “Departmental officers (formerly known as Global Talent Officers) no longer provide individual support to candidates”.

    Practically, this means where it was previously possible to obtain EOI outcomes in 1 month or less for high profile candidates, all applicants will now be subject to “standard” processing times. As at the time of writing, the Department are currently processing EOIs in about 3-6 months.

    The Department have indicated that certain individuals who are endorsed by “Whole of Government partners” may be supported in exceptional cases.

    What is the impact of Direction 100?

    On 28 October 2022, the Department issued Direction No. 100 which outlines the order of consideration of skilled visas, including Global Talent visas (see here).

    This sets out the order of priority for certain visas, and gives the highest priority to applications in relation to a healthcare or teaching occupation.

    Within the list of priority, it also gives the highest priority to visa applications:

    1. where the primary applicant is located outside Australia at the time the visa application is made; and
    2. made by Hong Kong nationals.

    How can we engage Hannan Tew Lawyers?

    There are two ways to engage us, there are routes that can be taken:

    1. undertake an initial consultation to discuss your circumstances, and for us to provide advice and options. A fee of $330-440 is applicable which consist of a 1 hour discussion followed by written advice. This is if you want to discuss your circumstances further, get an idea as to process, confirm eligibility, and ask any other questions you may have. You can view our availability and book in a time convenience for you here; or
    2. if you are confident about eligibility and do not want the consultation and advice, we can go ahead and prepare a GTI EOI application for you for $5,500. However, if we later found that you were not eligible for the visa, we would only be able to refund that amount less the time already spent on your matter.

    What is the process once we engage you?

    In the first instance, we would need to send over our cost agreement (CA) outlining our fees, scope of services and terms and conditions of engagement for your review.

    If you were happy with the contents, we would ask that you sign the document and deposit the professional fees upfront into our trust account. Your funds would remain in trust until your GTI EOI was lodged after which we’d issue an invoice and move the funds from trust in payment of our invoice.

    Upon receipt of the signed CA and deposit, we would send a template statement, reference letters and a list of documentation required. A significant part of our services involve the drafting of the cover letter which we’d send for your review, and work together to finalise . We also review all documentation (including reference letters prior to signature), and make suggestions of what documents to include or not include.

    We submit the GTI EOI as your appointed legal representatives and all correspondence related to your GTI EOI should be directed to us (with which we would of course update you).

    Common mistakes?

    Having spoken to hundreds of prospective applicants and assisted numerous individuals through both the GTI Expression of Interest (EOI) and the Global Talent visa application itself, you can read about some of the most common mistakes we have found by EOI applicants here.

    Frequently asked Questions

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of queries from individuals both at EOI and at visa application stage. This means that we’ve noticed a trend of common queries, which we’re happy to share with you.

    What were the 14 November 2020 changes to the Global Talent visa?

     On 14 November 2020, the Department passed legislation that removed the offshore Subclass 124 visa and made some major amendments to the onshore Global Talent Subclass 858 visa application. You can read a summary of these changes here.

    What were the 20 January 2021 changes to the GTI program and EOI eligibility?

    From 20 January 2021, Bachelor (with Honours) and Masters graduates are no longer eligible for invitation to the GTI program on the basis of those qualifications alone. This replaces older guidelines which considered applicants who:
    1. were recent Masters or Honours graduates (who completed their studies in the last 3 years);
    2. had obtained a WAM of at last 80% or more; and
    3. the course was directly related to the relevant target sector.

    These individuals were also considered to have the ability to attract the Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) requirements.

    The Department have advised that the new changes apply “regardless of the date you submitted your EOI”, meaning it applies to existing EOIs which have already been submitted.

    That is not to say that recent Masters or Bachelors (Honours) graduates should not apply, but that they must also demonstrate international recognition outside of their academic achievements in order to receive an invitation.

    Note that candidates in the above cohort who received an invitation reference identifier prior to 20 January 2021 will still be eligible to lodge an application for a Distinguished Talent (subclass 858) visa with priority processing. 

    What were the 27 February 2021 changes to the Global Talent visa?

    On 27 February 2021, the Distinguished Talent visa was renamed the Global Talent visa.  The Subclass and criteria remained the same.

    I am a PhD Graduate, am I likely to be invited?

    Our experience has been that the Department have a strong preference for PhD graduates who:
    • are undertaking research that is highly novel and/or can be commercialised; and/or
    • have demonstrated employability (i.e. securing a postdoctoral position and/or a job in the industry).

    As a PhD graduate the strength of your application lies in your research quality. Having secured employment is strong evidence that your research is valued as either further funding is flowing to support that research, or a commercial business is seeking to apply your research. .

    Do I get an acknowledgement after submitting my EOI?

    Once you select “Submit”, an acknowledgement message will be displayed. You will not receive an email confirming that your EOI has been received. The Department will be in contact to either request further information/documents from you, or issue you a unique identifier.

    How long does it take to get a response from my EOI?

    See the section above – the general answer is that it varies and unfortunately, the Department do not publish their processing times. Presently, we’ve been receiving outcomes in about 3 months.

    Does the Department advise me if my EOI is unsuccessful?

    The Department have indicated that they will advise EOI applicants whether they were successful or not. Please see our interview with a Global Talent Officer on this point here. This has also been our experience.

    What if I don’t meet one of the 10 targeted sectors?

    The GTI program is specifically to target people in those sectors. If you clearly do not meet these sectors, then this program is not for you. However, there are many instances where an individual may meet one of these sectors without realising it. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you that you may be a candidate but are unsure as to whether you meet one of the sectors.

    How do I know if I am a “distinguished talent”?

    This is quite a subjective assessment. Consider whether you have had significant academic or professional accomplishments that are not in the “ordinary” course, look at what we’ve described above as successful candidates who have received EOIs. Feel free to reach out to us if you think you may be such a candidate, but are unsure as to whether you might qualify.

    How do I find a nominator?

    This is the most common question we receive from offshore EOI applicants and the answer depends on your personal circumstances. It could be your employer, an industry colleague, an academic colleague, or even an industry body. Various skills assessing authorities also now offer this service including the ACS, Engineers Australia, Institute of Managers and Leaders, and the Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists. You can apply for these before submitting your EOI.

    Do you assist with finding a nominator?

    Where engaged to assist with the GTI EOI or Global Talent visa, we provide recommendations based on an individual’s profile. However, we do not source a nominator for you.

    What are the requirements for the nominator?

    The criteria to be a nominator is set out above and we have  written an article that helps explains what this means for them here. The nominator will need to provide the Form 1000 and some evidence to demonstrate that they have a “national reputation” in the same field as you.

    If I receive a unique identifier, does this guarantee that my Distinguished Talent visa application will be granted?

    No, it does not. You still need to meet all the criteria for grant of the actual visa, including health and character clearances.

    How long is the processing time for the Global Talent visa itself?

    Most applications are finalised in 9-12 months, largely depending on how complete the application is (i.e. whether documents were missing) and availability to undertake health examinations.

    I’ve received a unique identifier, but I have family members (spouse/partner, children) outside Australia. What do I do?

    On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa. Amendments were made such that applicants may be either inside or outside of Australia at time of lodgement. This was later renamed the Global Talent visa.

    I’m in Australia as the holder of a Bridging Visa pending an outcome on a further substantive visa. Can I apply for the Global Talent visa?

    Yes. On 14 November 2020, the Department merged both the offshore (Subclass 124) and onshore (Subclass 858) Distinguished Talent visas into one visa subclass – the Subclass 858 visa (and later named the Global Talent visa). These changes also now allow applicants to apply onshore so long as they hold either a substantive visa, or a Bridging Visa A, B, or C.

    What is the impact of Direction No. 89 and the target sectors?

    On 17 December 2020, the Department issued Direction No. 89 which outlines the order of consideration of the Global Talent visa.  Relevantly, it listed out revised target sectors. You can read a summary of the differences between the old target sectors (largely focused on tech) and the new, existing target 10 target sectors here.

    Will the government extend the Global Talent Independent program?

    The Department has set 4,000 positions for the 2024/25 migration program year, indicating that this is the last year before it is replaced with the “National Innovation” visa. This number represents a slight decrease from 5,000 spots the year before, confirming their intention to leave this as a “niche” pathway for very strong candidates. The program is in high demand, so we encourage eligible applicants to apply as soon as possible to take advantage of the positions.


    With immigration uncertainty in other countries, the Global Talent Independent program is a positive initiative to try and attract some of the best and brightest talent from around the world.

    Hannan Tew Lawyers have had a significant amount of enquiries about the GTI program, and have been at the forefront of this program since conception (see discussion comments below for example).

    We have been interviewed by various media outlets including ITnews, and SBS regarding our insights and views on the GTI program, and on our insights on immigration more broadly which can be read here. We have also delivered sold out CPD sessions via industry bodies to educate other Migration Agents / Lawyers on this program.

    With significant experience advising the tech and start-up industries in Australia, we have the knowledge and experience to understand your profile and convey the importance of your research, experience and skill sets to the Department to improve your prospects of receiving an invitation and/or the visa itself.

    Please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected] or phone +61 3 9016 0484 if you have further comments or would like some guidance.

    This document does not constitute legal advice or create an attorney-client relationship. Please consult an immigration professional for up to date information.
    Jordan Tew

    Author Jordan Tew

    Jordan is one of less than 50 lawyers who are Accredited Specialists in Immigration Law by the Law Institute of Victoria, and less than 100 nationally. Accredited Specialists undergo a vigorous assessment process, and make up about 1% of all registered migration agents.

    More posts by Jordan Tew

    Join the discussion 2,147 Comments

    • MA says:

      Hi All,
      How you guys show the conference invitations in EOI if specifically you get invited by email only.

    • Nuria Munoz Tebar says:

      I’m in my last semester of Ph.D. in Agricultural sciences and I will submit my Thesis in about 6 months, so I plan to send the EOI under AgTech in January. Currently, I only have 2 publications in international journals (I’ll have 6 by the time I finish my Ph.D.), so I’m worried that they won’t be enough to get an invitation. Also, I have been from January to October at the University of Melbourne as a visiting researcher and my supervisor has agreed to be my nominator. In November I had to return to Spain to finish my thesis and I am on a full-time pre-doctoral contract that I got from my university 2 years ago.
      Could you please tell me if I have a high probability of receiving an invitation to apply for the GTI Visa even if I’m offshore?

      Thank you so much in advance.

    • Behzad says:

      I have submitted my EOI on 28 June 2020 and many times I have sent additional documents for updating my EOI.
      Only one time I have received a response that” we have received your EOI and added your additional documents to your EOI”. The other times I have got only automatic messages. How long do you think that I should wait for the result?
      Thank you in advance.,

      • admin says:

        Hi Behzad,
        Thanks for your comment.
        It’s hard to say exactly, but unfortunately we estimate about 6 months processing time for applications now.
        There’s also expected to be delays with the Christmas period coming up.
        Patience is the key – good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Dan says:

        Hi Behzad,
        I am exactly in the same situation with you. Mine is on 30 June. Same feedback from GTI office, 1st update and the following updates. I am still waiting for their response as well.

    • Don says:

      I just completed by Masters in IT. I transferred from a MBA course and have 5 credit transfers from that. Other than that I have distinctions for all my subjects & the average is well above 80% for those subjects. I also have a job offer for 100,000+super in IT. Am I eligible for the programme?
      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Madu,
        Thanks for your comment.
        If you completed your Masters in IT in the last 3 years and maintained a 80% average, you might not need to show income above the FWHIT. That being said, a 6 figure job as a new graduate is a good indicator of your recognition.
        What you’ve mentioned below is a good start, but overall you should also demonstrate other awards and innovations (professional / academics etc) and also clearly articulate your achievements in relation to the target sectors. In short, submitting a CV and qualifications is not usually enough.
        If you’d like an assessment, feel free to book through here.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • JC says:


      Can I send EOI for GTI then submit another EOI to 190/491 simultaneously?

      If I applied for GTI and got refused, will it affect my applications to other visa subclass like 190/491 if I were to apply later on?

      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi JC,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Yes, as the EOI is not a visa application you can lodge multiple at the same time. Not getting an EOI won’t impact your other visa applications (unless of course you provide false or misleading information).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • FC says:


      I have been contacted in order to supply additional information to my EOI, however, I’m not sure how to respond to some questions since some seem to be duplicated with information previously provided. For instance, they ask me to provide evidence that I’m currently prominent, would be an asset to Australia, and would have no difficulty obtaining employment in Australia in the target sector. I currently work as a lecturer in the target sector here in Australia, so not sure what else I could provide to prove this.

      Any idea about what information or document is expected?

      • admin says:

        Hi FC,
        Thanks for your enquiry – it’s great that you are getting your EOI processed so it’s important that you address those issues in detail.
        I’m assuming they have asked the questions because they were unsatisfied with your previous responses. It’s not sufficient that you just provide a CV and qualifications for example, you should provide a supporting statement addressing how you meet the criteria and then back it up with other sources.
        If you’d like our assistance to consider your response, please send us an email at [email protected].
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Lauren says:

        May I ask when did you lodge your EOI? Thank you!

      • VA says:

        Hi FC,

        Could you let us know the date of your EOI submission?


      • WEL says:

        Hi FC. Please update us with the status of your application after providing these additional pieces of evidence.

    • Kamal says:

      Hi Admin,

      Hope you are doing well and keeping safe.

      I would like to apply for the GTI and currently outside of Australia. I have the following strong evidences:
      a) 22+ years of experience with last 10+ years in “Data Science” which is one of the Target sector
      b) Currently drawing Gross CTC package in excess of 165K AUD equivalent per annum
      c) Strong Patents and Publications record in Data Science, AI, Machine Learning
      d) Strong evidence of awards, certificates from internationally recognized organizations and “The Open Group” as Master Data Scientist
      e) Images of paper publications on Data Science / Predictive Maintenance in 2018-2019 in IEEE conference
      f) Currently playing Data Science Leadership roles at large Multi national firm.

      Would these be strong evidences to get through the process – considering once I apply EOI and get “Global Talent Unique Identifier” Number or so, then I can either go via ACS or independent nominator to nominate me for the visa?

      Please let me know your views. Also considering if I apply on or before 24/Dec/2020 (considering Christmas vacations and if above is a strong applicant profile), would I expect response in 1-2 months time frame?

      Much appreciated in advance.


      • admin says:

        Hi Kamal,
        Thanks for your email.
        Looking at those notes you seem to have a strong prospect (you are in the right sector, meet the threshold salary and can demonstrate international recognition with patents and publications).
        Should you get an invitation, you can certainly use ACS or an independent nominator.
        Despite having prospects, it’s very unlikely you’ll get the invite within 1-2 months though (we advise 6 months at this point in time).
        Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance, otherwise good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Veyron says:

      Hi Admin,
      I had submitted my EOI for GTIP on July 1st .

      I work in the Cyber security domain and a recent masters graduate(Distinction) with National, International and IEEE publication in Cyber security which is cited in a patent filed by British Telecommunications.

      I work for two companies , one of which is an innovation Hub for Australian Startups and the other is a startup. I get paid more than the FWIHT on a pro rata basis because I am a casual and I get paid per hour.

      I received an RFI on 4th December and they asked me to submit my 1. Current CV, 2. Nomination Letter from an internationally recognised person / organisation attesting to all my achievements and projects I am leading .
      3. Reference letters from previous / current employers stating the pay, period of employment, Job titles, roles and responsibilities.

      I had not submitted the reference / nomination letter when I applied for the EOI , but I had submitted my CV . So I understand why the department might have to see the reference letters. I had to respond to that email and provide the evidence within 28 days.

      I sent them the CV , 2 Nomination letters(1 from a person and the other from the organisation) both are internationally recognised) and 3 reference letters from current and previous employers.

      I submitted all the documents on 9th December and I haven’t heard back from the department yet.

      I don’t know if the department will come back asking for more information or will send me the EOI or reject me .

      Has this happened to anyone before ?
      What do you think are the chances that I will get a response before new year ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Veyron,
        They are usually quite quick so I’d expect you’d get a decision in the next week.
        If not, then you’ll have to wait until next year as the Department will shut offices.
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • MSB says:

          I submitted my EOI in May, I received RFI in July, I provided them requested documents with 10 days. Since July, I haven’t heard back from them. Recently, I sent an inquiry email to them about current status of my EOI application. but no response. is it common?

          • admin says:

            Hi MSB,
            Thanks for your comment.
            That kind of delay from RFI is not common, but there is nothing more you can do but wait unfortunately.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Jacy says:

      Dear Admin,
      Thanks for the informative website. I received the unique identifier number in the 1st week of November. Regarding the timeframe to apply, it was mentioned that there is no validity for the invitation. What does it exactly mean and what is your advice in this regard? Is the UIN valid in next year?
      I am to prepare for the English test. I think it will take about two month taking the test and receiving the result? What’s your suggestion for such a situation?

      Thanks in advance,

      • admin says:

        Hi Jacy,
        First of all, congratulations on your invite.
        It’s true that there is no time period for the unique identifier so it should be valid for next year. However, we recommend lodging as soon as possible as changes can occur to immigration law.
        Let us know if you need assistance with the application!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • B2B says:

          Dear Admin,
          I got a recent request to provide my police clearance certificate listing all my previous names. However, my country only issue police clearance certificate using the name that appears on my ID/Passport. Please what can I do?

          Thanks in advance

          • admin says:

            Hi B2B,
            If there is no way to obtain the police clearance you can in some cases ask the Department to waive this.
            Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
            In the meantime, happy holidays!
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

            • Stephen says:

              Hi B2B, Could you let us know the date of your EOI submission?
              Thanks, happy holidays.

              Kind Regards,

      • Rajib says:

        Hi Jacy, congratulations fro your UID. Could you please share your timeline and brief profile here. Thanks

        • Jacy says:

          Hi Rajib,
          EOI: 2nd week of June offshore, RFI: 2nd week of September, UID: 1st week of November.
          PhD in 2011 from outside,
          working in academia since 2012,
          30+ publications,
          650+ citations,
          one best paper award,
          one national patent

    • MJA says:

      Hi Everyone,
      I was submitted on EOI on 16 June 2020 but did not receive any response from GTI.
      Could you please tell me anyone who submitted EOI mid of June, and receive a unique identifier number/response from GTI officer?
      Thank you.

    • Leo says:

      Dear Hannnan Tew Lawyers,

      I have submitted my EOI in late June but haven’t heard back yet (like many others, unfortunately). Last week I got a letter from the university confirming I have satisfied all the requirements for my PhD (the official conferral will happen in a few months). Is it wise to submit another EOI as a PhD, given that it will probably increase the processing time? Or is there a recommended way to submit an update to my existing EOI, e.g. by email?

      Thank you and best wishes,

      • admin says:

        Hi Leo,
        You can actually just email the Department a copy of your PhD (rather than submitting a new EOI application).
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hanna Tew

    • L says:

      Dear admin,

      I am a recent PhD graduate (June 2020) and I have submitted an EOI on 15 June but have yet to receive any reply. It was submitted when I am under a bridging visa and I am wondering with the recent changes for those under bridging visa, should I resubmit a new EOI?

      Many thanks.

      • admin says:

        Hi L,
        There’s no need to submit a new EOI application despite the updates to the regulations.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

        • L says:

          Hi Hannah,

          Would it then be alright to send an email to the department to inform them that I have a new research paper published and hence an updated CV (to show achievement)? Or is that unnecessary and can push me back to the queue?

          Many thanks,

          • admin says:

            Hi L,
            Thanks for your comment.
            It’s really an assessment about whether there is a material impact on your recognition, but if you have published something that is in a high quality journal and of value to your claims then we would generally recommend sending an update via email.
            Good luck!
            Hannan Tew

    • SADIK says:

      Dear Admin,

      I am a recent Ph.D. graduate in Energy and I would like to apply for the Global Talent Independent Visa.

      I noticed that in the EOI form the Ph.D. students can skip showing income above the FWHIT but graduates can’t.

      Are the rules changed and we are no longer eligible?

      Or is it enough to just send a few job advertisements to prove that we can attract a salary at that level?

      Thank you in advance.

      Kind regards,

    • MJA says:

      Can everyone in this forum to share their EOI date and status, we may then have some indications on the backlog and expected reply from the department?

      MedTec is 16 June, onshore, have not heard anything.

      • Ullah says:

        Not sure what is happening! Jacy (source: previous message) applied in mid-June, offshore, and already received UID. So, there may be some changes of criteria to prioritize application, I guess.

        In my case: AgTech – 17 Oct, offshore, Ph.D. candidate, has not heard anything.

    • Mike says:

      Hi All,
      I thought it would be good for those who are still waiting and perhaps this will relieve them. I want to share with you that I have received UID after waiting for almost six months.
      Date of EOI: 10th June,
      Date of UID: 7 December.
      Sector Data Science.

      I have a query that:
      Is biometric mandatory in 858 visa for main applicant and spouse?

      • Chalie says:

        congratulations first!
        Yes, biometric examiniation is mandatory.
        Could you share your background with us? study/work expeirence? off/on shore? does meet salary level? e.g.

    • Mike says:

      Qualification: Recent PhD Graduate
      Job: Post-Doc Research Fellow
      Location: On shore

      Ps: Do we need to apply for bridging visa for stay and work while the application is under assessment?

    • Mike says:

      Hi Hannan,
      Do we need to apply for bridging visa for stay and work while the application for 858 is under assessment? My current visa is still valid.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mike,
        If you lodge the visa application onshore whilst holding a substantive visa, then you will be granted a Bridging Visa A to permit you to remain in Australia during processing. If you don’t get this automatically granted after lodgement, feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected].
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Erick says:

      Wanted to get your feedback regarding the English language requirement: I understand that all is needed is to show functional English skills.
      I’m a permanent resident of the US for the last 4 years and working in the US for the last 6 years.
      I have old Toefl (more than 100), a letter from my workplace in the US stating that English is the main language used by this organization and that I’m expected daily to write in and to speak English to a high level of competence.
      Given the current covid-19 worldwide status will they accept that a proof for my English level?
      Thanks and Happy New Year!

    • Roshan says:

      Hi Hannah,

      Any “Ag tech” applicants received invitation applied post-June 2020. I am waiting since the second week of June. I wonder whether my EOI get assessed.

      • admin says:

        Hi Roshan,
        We had an AgTech candidate whow as invited on 11 November 2020.
        If you provided the correct email details the Department will eventually respond to you once you have your application processed.
        Good luck!
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Morteza Feizi says:

      Hi Dear
      I am Ph.D. in agriculture (Soil Science), graduated in January 2018 (3 years). But in the recent 3 years, I have research programs and teaching classes as a lecturer at University.
      I have 7 high-IF papers and I was the first-ranked student during BSc, MSc, and PhD., and I have other achievements…
      My question is that my graduation time is going to be more than 3 years. Is this a limiting issue for application?
      Please guide me
      I look forward to hearing from you..
      Thanks a lot
      Best Wishes

      • admin says:

        Hi Feizi,
        From our discussions with a case officer they’ve advised that they will consider recent graduate eligibility from time of EOI submission (i.e. if you have already submitted an EOI application but because of processing delays you don’t have an EOI invitation until after February 2021, they should still consider you as a recent graduate).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Hannan

      I’m a PhD student at Monash University and I have applied for the EOI since the end of August and haven’t heard back from them.
      I have attached all my documents and CV but not the nominator letter, do you think that could be the reason for the delay? do you think is better to send them an email with my nominator letter?. or that is unnecessary.
      Your reply is highly appreciated

      • admin says:

        Hi Sarah,
        Thanks for your comment.
        There is no requirement to have a nominator at the EOI stage (in fact none of our successful EOIs have included the Form 1000 at application stage).
        Unfortunately there is just a significant delay in processing (for example, as of November 2020, more than 50% of applications from June hadn’t even been allocated to a case officer yet).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Polly says:

          Hi admin,

          Do you have any insight if they have any timeline for assessing the EOIs. It feels that the backlog is getting bigger and bigger and the “fast track” no longer holds if applicants need to wait for a year to get a response.


          • admin says:

            Hi Polly,
            Thanks for your comment.
            At the moment we’re advising clients that the processing time is at least 6 months from EOI lodgement.
            Given that most other applications aren’t being processed during current travel restrictions (unless an exemption is obtained), it’s still relatively fast.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Omar says:

      Today is the end of 6 months since I submitted my EOI. But no response. My current work Visa will be expired on mid of April 2021.

    • Sam says:


      I submitted EOI on June 2020, and received an email on 5th January 2021 from GTI team requesting recommendation letter from my nominator. Is it a positive sign to get the invitation?


      • admin says:

        Hi Sam,
        Thanks for your comment.
        Yes, absolutely, any request for further information from a GTI officer should be looked at favourably and addressed with care to ensure you get invited.
        Good luck, and feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • shah says:

        Hi Sam,
        What exactly was the data of EOI? I also submitted EOI in June (June 16, 2020), so wanted to know when exactly will be our turn. Thanks!

    • Ros says:

      Hi Admin,

      Is it true, DHA updates the priority list for Global talent applications?

    • sandy says:

      If I do not have a master’s degree or a doctorate, and I have an start up project in the field of information technology and I have a bachelor’s degree in engineering, am I eligible to apply for this program ?

      • admin says:

        Hi Sandy,
        If you have international recognition you don’t need a Master’s or doctorate. The “recent graduate” benefit is that you avoid the requirement to demonstrate you can earn at or above the Fair Work High Income threshold.
        Good luck with your application, and feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
        Hannan Tew

    • DL says:

      Hi I am a recent graduate and I tried to submit an EOI form but seems the evidence of the employment and salary are mandatory fields and required to submit files. As I am not working I do not have those details.

      Is there any other way to submit my application?

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi DL,
        It’s not technically mandatory that you are employed, but I recall people earlier in the comments were mentioning that their EOIs were refused due to being unemployed (the Department can consider unemployment in the context of your employability – if you are unemployed it’s contradictory to saying you are highly employable). You might want to include a statement explaining why you are unemployed and upload it in that section.
        If you’d like our assistance, please contact us at [email protected].
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Aleks says:

      Good day!
      Is it enough to support world recognition (each in the field of expertise Energy):
      *2 national patents;
      *4 international publications (one of 4 authors);
      *2 big national projects with attendance of international companies;
      * cover letters from international and national companies;
      * current chief position;
      *international membership in professional associations (IEEE, Engineers AU);
      * attendance national conference with certificate;

      Thank you for your assessment

      • admin says:

        Hi Aleks,
        We’d need to look at your full file to undertake an assessment, but you certainly look like a viable candidate.
        Feel free to email us at [email protected] to set up a consultation and assess eligibility.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • M. Rodrigo says:


      Thank you very useful information.
      I have one concern. Does the state we live or study in Australia affect the outcome of the visa?
      For example, suppose a person who completed their Masters in Brisbane and then moved to Sydney need to apply for GTI with the Masters qualification. Does he has less chances due to the fact that he live in Sydney now?

      Happy to hear from you.
      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi M.Rodrigo,
        The good news is that there are no restrictions about which state you are based in for the purposes of the EOI / GTI application.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Sam says:

      Dear admin

      My wife was awarded a MBBS degree from Bangladesh (five years full study medical course in English) in July 2018, and also has a Bangladesh medical dental council registration. I would like to include her in my visa (858) application. Does this degree meet the functional English requirements?


      • admin says:

        Hi Sam,
        Yes, that should most likely demonstrate functional English (you’ll need proof that the study was in English, however).
        Hannan Tew

    • Saddam says:

      Hello, I’m a civil Engineer with a PhD degree (2018). I have worked for two years and a half as a postdoctoral fellow doing research mainly on concrete, wind engineering, and composite materials such as carbon fiber which is used to protect offshore structures when being hit repeatedly by waves. I have attended international conferences and I have a several publications in international journals. I have also been working remotely for one year and a half with an Australian Consultancy designing stormwater drainage and flood mitigation systems. I am currently based outside Australia, Do you think I could be eligible? Thank you

    • Abdullah says:

      Dear Admn
      I have submitted all required documents for visa after receiving invitation to apply for visa. I have 2 questions if possible to be addressed
      1- If someone receives invitation then how many % is success rate that he/she will be granted a visa?
      2- Usually, how many days it will take to get visa after applying for it?

      Thank you

      • admin says:

        Hi Abdullah,
        Congratulations on your invitation. To your points:
        1. Assuming you provided correct info in your EOI and do not have health or character concerns you should not have any issues with your visa application;
        2. Visa applications are usually processed within 1 month.
        All the best,
        Hannan Tew

        • Nancy says:

          Dear admin
          I hope you are doing well.
          I submitted EOI on 7 October, but have not recieved any response. Based on applicants’ experience, what is the approximate response time to EOI? Has anyone applied in September or October and received the talent code?
          Thank you for your response and this well-known group.

          • admin says:

            Hi Nancy,
            We usually suggest a time frame of 6 months, though there are special cases where the applications are processed faster.
            Unfortunately a lot of patience is required at this point in time!
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Abdullah says:

      Thank you so much. I have provided all correct info. Also, I have provided character certificate (issued by police) and health examination (found normal) has been done too.
      Thanks again for your response and kind wishes

    • Sam says:

      Dear admin

      I received my UID, and currently I am in offshore (I have been offshore since 2018). I have taken my national police clearance on September 24 , 2020 and Australian federal police certificate on 9 June, 2020. Do I need to get new police clearance or the older certificate will be fine?


    • Nancy says:

      Dear admin
      I submitted my EOI on 7 October 2020, but I have not received an answer yet. In your experience, what is the approximate response time to EOI? Has anyone applied in September or October and received the code?


    • Ros says:

      Hi Hannan,

      What is the difference in the email of generic globaltalent@homeaffairs and region specific like Europe/SoutheastAsia? Are these the same Case Officer?

      • admin says:

        Hi Ros,
        The different inboxes are for region specific matters and so different case officers.
        You should email the region specific inbox depending on where you are applying from or your passport country.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Eddy says:

      I submitted my EOI on 10th July 2020 so far I have not received any reply or request for further documents. Should I submit a new EOI as people from November are getting UIDs but it looks like my application has been lost. Please respond thanks.

      Eddy, UK

      • admin says:

        Hi Eddy,
        There’s still a significant applicants from July who haven’t been invited yet and its unlikely your application has been lost.
        Unfortunately it’s just a matter of being patient.
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

        • Hunter says:

          Hi Hannan,

          Do you know how many have been processed for applicants who submitted their EOIs in June?


          • VA says:

            Hi Hunter,

            I’m still waiting, applied in June, PhD, UQ, MedTech

          • admin says:

            Hi Hunter,
            As of November 2020 about 50% of EOIs lodged in June 2020 had been allocated (meaning there is a significant backlog).
            We’re projecting at least 6 month processing times for new EOIs at the moment.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Que says:

      Any current Ph.D. student received UID recently?

      • Chathurika says:

        With the upcoming changes it is kind of doubtful now for all I guess. I am also waiting with a PhD from July…

    • Mebelin says:

      I have submitted my EOI 11 months ago (Last year February), but not yet received any UID, I wrote to global talent for several times but always received an automatic reply. Please suggest.
      My profile: PhD student (final year, Public Health), 4 articles and one conference presentation and a scholarship award.

      • admin says:

        Hi Mebelin,
        That’s actually quite a long while back.
        Notwithstanding the delay, there is unfortunately not much you can do but simply wait for eventual allocation.
        One issue could be that you submitted an incorrect email address in your EOI application? Your first port of call should be to review the original application (if you PDF saved it) and seeing if the details were correct.
        Sorry we can’t be of more help following up with case status.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Hunter says:

          You can ask them to confirm if or not you filled in a correct contact email address when you submitted the EOI.

    • Mebelin says:

      Hi Admin
      Thanks for the reply. But I am receiving automatic reply when I emailed the global talent and asking about my update.

    • Omar says:

      New updates. Masters and bachelors student or graduates are not eligible for GTI from today.

      This kind of update was received from automatic email.

    • EEE says:

      Hello, We have noticed that in Form 1000, as filled out by an individual, Q 8 is essentially the same as Q 36 – 38. Is this correct? Should the nominator simply put the same ideas in both places, just paraphrased?

    • Madu says:


      Based on the recent update, masters students with an average above 80% & a six figure salary will not be considered if they don’t have any international achievements. Is this correct?


      • admin says:

        Hi Madu,
        That’s right – a six figure salary is not sufficient (need to demonstrate more than the FWHIT) and they must show international recognition.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Adam says:

          How about recent PhD graduates with international recognition. Should the FWHIT still applies??

          Thanks Hannan

          • admin says:

            Hi Adam,
            As we understand it, recent PhD graduates (<3 years since graduation or within 6 months of thesis submission) don't need to demonstrate that they can earn at FWHIT.
            That being said, if they are in high income roles this is beneficial, as ultimately salary is one indicator of international recognition.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Ali says:

      Hi Hannan,
      the new update mention that
      “All PhD graduates and students must also provide evidence that their qualification meets Australian standards”.

      How can offshore applicants provide evidence?

    • Connie says:

      Heard that some new sectors, including education will be added. Wondering if my Doctor of Education and experiences in educational admin can be beneficial for my application? I can meet the income requirements and find a Professor who is an Australian in the same field working closely with me over the past 10 years as my nominator. I also presented some research findings in a couple of conferences too.

      • admin says:

        Hi Connie,
        Direction No. 89 is new and appears to expand the sectors for the GTI program.
        We haven’t had any update from the Department in relation to this but will post when we know further.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ali says:

      Thanks a lot, admin

      Is CEP required English for the process?

      what is the difference between skill assessment and CEP?

      I have found this statement on the website.
      “If you would like to migrate to Australia, contact the Department of Home Affairs. The Department of Education, Skills and Employment does not assess qualifications for migration”.

      Is this means that offshore cant used CEP to provide evidence for GTI

      Thanks a gain

    • Sam says:

      Dear Admin

      I received UID on 13 January and now planning to lodge my visa application asap. I was in Sydney, Australia for my phd program from 17 August 2014 to 27 May 2018 (3 years 9 months). During this period I was in offshore for two months. If my PR visa is granted, my plan is to get in Australia (asap when boarder is open). My question is that how long I should stay in Australia to be eligible for citizenship? Will that my previous staying in Australia will count?


      • admin says:

        Hi Sam,
        Usually you can obtain citizenship after you have spent 12 months as a permanent resident and 48 months as a lawful resident.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Ros says:

      HI Hannah,
      Do you have any idea what will happen to EOIs which were submitted based on Master degree and currently in second year of PhD?

      • admin says:

        Hi Ros,
        As it stands, we assume that if you are unable to evidence that you otherwise have international recognition, the Department will refuse your EOI.
        The processing time might make an impact – e.g. if processing time delays such that you are within 6 months of submitting your thesis you should update the Department.
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

    • Zenger says:

      Hi Hannan,

      I have been waiting for GTI invitation for more than 7 months. I’m done waiting and will apply 190 since I got the state invitation. I’m currently on 485 visa and my wife has applied for 485 Subsequent Entrant but not sure how long does it take to get the 485 SE visa. My question is that can I include my wife in the 190 application? If so, she will be applying two visa at the same time. Thank you for your time.

      • admin says:

        Hi Zenger,
        Assuming your wife meets other relevant criteria, there is usually no problem in her submitting two applications simultaneously.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Zhenghui Xu says:

          Thanks for the replay. If my wife got 190 first and then got 485 SE, will 485 SE override 190?

          • admin says:

            Hi Zhenghui,
            A second visa would ordinarily overwrite a first visa (if its processed). You can avoid this by withdrawing the processing visa application after you have obtained the preferred one.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • WEI ZHANG says:

      Dear Admin,
      I am a recent PhD graduate and I have already submitted EOI in December 2020.
      As you know, visa application materials have been changed recently.
      Do you think I need to send new materials to the officer or resubmitted EOI?
      Or I should do nothing but wait.

      • admin says:

        Hi Wei,
        If you have any updated materials you can simply email the GTI inbox with updated details.
        We do not recommend contacting the Department for “updates”, but we do recommend updating the Department when your case is strengthened (e.g. you get a promotion or receive a PhD).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • sei says:

      Hi Hannan,

      As you know many applicants are still waiting from June and July. I am also waiting from July.
      Although, I know some applicants from this 2 months have been already rejected in October and November, do you think is there any chance for us to get UID as we have not been rejected yet?
      Your advice is highly appreciated.

      • admin says:

        Hi Sei,
        About 50% of applications from June were yet to be allocated from an FOI in November 2020. We don’t have any updated since then.
        If you haven’t been rejected, then yes, of course you still have a chance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Ed says:

        Hi admin. I submitted my EOI on June 2020 for the Mining and Energy Sector when I was drafting my PhD thesis.

        I should be receiving my PhD next couple of weeks and I am starting a postdoc position next week.

        Would you recommend that I send an email to the Department to let them know of these new changes?

        I am worried this may push my EOI to the back of the waiting list. I am also aware of the recent changes on 20th January which would likely accelerate the processing of the existing EOIs.

        I’m interested to see what you think. I appreciate it very much.


        • admin says:

          HI Ed,
          Thanks for your comment.
          Yes, we update the Department for significant events (such as when you actually complete your PhD and / or obtain new employment).
          Good luck – there’s been a lot of June invites coming through this week!
          Kind regards,
          Hannan Tew

    • VA says:

      Hi Everyone,

      I applied for EOI in June 2020, under MedTech, PhD graduate and I received my invitation last week.

      Thanks for your support Hannan, and stay strong everyone!


      • Polly says:

        Hi VA,

        Congratulations on your invitation. I am a recent PhD graduate in public health and applied under MedTech in July but haven’t received any response yet. Could you please summarize your profile to give me an idea of the likelihood of receiving an invitation. Thank you!


      • admin says:

        Congratulations VA!

    • Fiona says:

      Hi Admin
      Would you please clarify (based on the new updates) if the MSc applicants that already applied are not eligible anymore or if they have international recognition, their applications might be considered.
      I have applied in June for Medtech sector and I have international publications and good number of citations but haven’t heard from GT yet.

      • admin says:

        Hi Fiona,
        Yes, you can apply even if you are a MSc graduate (as long as you have international recognition and meet FWHIT criteria).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • AA says:

      Hi All,

      I’ve been reading the posts in this thread since last year and I’m thankful for all the insights I’ve gathered here. Just wanted to let everyone know – my partner sent her initial EOI on 28/05/2020. Home Affairs then asked for additional supporting documents in July 2020. My partner sent all the additional documents at the end of November, together with a postdoc offer letter from her uni. After a couple more follow-up requests with Home Affairs, she was granted a UID on 21/01/2021. For those who might ask, here’s her profile:

      Onshore PhD candidate (submission in <6 months)
      Sector – Data Science and ICT

      There's definitely a backlog in applications, but I'm pretty sure the case officers are doing their best to get to each and everyone's EOI. Hoping for the best outcome for those who have yet to hear back from the department.


    • Sei says:

      Thanks Hannan for your prompt reply.

    • David says:

      Hannah, can I assume that only candidates who have Phd or doctorate degree will have more advantages under the new arrangement for GTI application? What if the Phd was awarded in 2010? Would it still be an advantage?

      • admin says:

        Hi David,
        Thanks for your comment.
        PhD’s have always been seen as more favourable as Master’s / Bachelors (as they show more achievements and therefore international recognition).
        It’s not simply enough to have any qualification, but the more achievements you have (professional or academic) the better the case you can make for international recognition.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Hi Hannan, it seems it is a bad news to all of us that the requirement is changed, as most of us are holding bachelor and master degree. What would you recommend us to do to increase the chance of our application? Many thanks.

      • admin says:

        Hi Connie,
        You could improve your chances by submitting new information that increases your “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement”. This could include (1) an offer of employment at an organisation which now pays above $153,600 per annum (2) a promotion or offer of employment where your title is a Senior role (3) new publications (4) new awards. Remember it’s not that bachelors or maters graduates are now banned from the program, but rather that they aren’t eligible on that basis alone. If you can show international recognition you can still obtain an invitation.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Connie says:

        Thank you for suggestions.

    • Connie says:

      Thanks Hannah. What if my current salary is above AUD 153,600 per annum but couldn’t provide any international recognized achievements? Would recommendation letter from previous employers help?

    • HR says:

      Hi Hannah,
      If the new condition is “only applicants holding PhD degree can be considered”, will potential PhD students who will graduate in 6 months be affected? I will be submitting my thesis in 6 months and already lodged my application in December.


      • admin says:

        Hi HR,
        As we understand it the recent PhD graduates (6 months to submission) can still avoid the FWHIT.
        To be clear, no qualification in itself is sufficient in itself to get an invitation. Whether you have a PhD or not, you need to show international recognition (a PhD is one aspect of demonstrating international recognition). For example, having a PhD without any publications or not undertaking highly valuable research may still not receive an invitation.
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

    • Sew says:

      Hi Hannan,


      I have masters degree within the last three years with cumulative grade of 98% , I have a number of research publication in internationally recognised journals close to 40 publications and presented my researches in international conferences/meetings. Am also director and co-founder of an international society. Also, had won research fund grants and In addition, I have also got the Australian government competitive scholarship for PHD. Currently , am a second year research PhD students in one of the Australian university.

      I have sent EOI in late July 2020, and have not yet got a response back. Am I still eligible for GTI and if I am still eligible, how do you see/evaluate my chance of getting invitation?

      Thank you very much!

      Best wishes

      • admin says:

        Hi Sewu,
        The achievements are certainly notable, so ensure you are within the correct sector and have sufficient evidence, and you can have some prospects.
        Pleas email us at [email protected] if you’d like specific advice.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Alex says:

      Dear Admin,
      I am a PhD 2nd year applicant (advanced manufacturing) Applied in Sept but did not hear back yet. I have applied on Masters basis but after current changes I am afraid of rejection of EOI on grounds of masters candidate.
      I am onshore and having some international achievements too. My nominator is quite established in personality in the same field. I showed by providing adds that I can earn above the threshold. Could you pls let me know is there anything else I can provide to make my application successful?

      • admin says:

        Hi Alex,
        You could improve your chances by submitting new information that increases your “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement”. This could include (1) an offer of employment at an organisation which now pays above $153,600 per annum (2) a promotion or offer of employment where your title is a Senior role (3) new publications (4) new awards.
        Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like specific advice.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jason says:

      Hi Folks,

      I received my UID THIS Morning (27/Jan/2021), and I submitted my EOI on 10th June 2020. It has been 7.5 months since I expressed my interests.

      Just want to encourage the folks on this forum who have been waiting for a long time, do not give up.

      Sector: Data Science, recent PhD (graduated in 2020) from G8, now working as a postdoc.
      Salary: Typical postdoc salary, not above threshold.

      Publication: 23 (10+core a*)
      Citation: 300+
      Serve as reviewers for many top conferences and journals.

    • KN says:

      Just received my uid this afternoon, phd thesis submitted a week ago, 10+ publications, 8+ years experience, advanced manufacturing. Just sharing this news to spread positive vibes.

    • ES says:

      Hello Admin,

      As I remember, you already said that you use CEP to show a qualification meets Australian Standards.
      To get the evidence from CEP, I was wondering if we need to subscribe the country and pay the subscription fee which is around $ 45? or there is another approach?

      Your help is much appreciated.

    • Nancy says:

      Hi KN
      Congatulation. You received UID after 7 months. What do you mean “3 business day”?
      Did anyone who submitted EOI on August-December receive UID recently? Is evaluation process based on submition time or is there any priority in evaluation? Do you have any updates in terms of the processing?

      • KN says:

        I received uid on 3rd business day after submitting my thesis submission confirmation to the department. Overall it took me around 7.5 months.

    • ES says:

      Dear Admin,

      Could you please let me know how many job advertisements would be enough for our application?
      one is ok?

      • admin says:

        Hi ES,
        There’s no magic number – you just need to demonstrate capacity to earn above the FWHIT.
        We use various sources depending on the specific situation for the client.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • ES says:

          Dear Admin,

          Thank you so much for your prompt reply.
          Could you please let me know if the job advertisement should show the possibility of employability in future or now?
          For example, as a postdoc, can I include job advertisement for senior lecturer or associate professor position?

          • admin says:

            Hi ES,
            You can certainly make a claim (it’s not just the documents, but the explanation as to how it demonstrates your ability to earn).
            Note as a post doc it might not be necessary to demonstrate earning above the FWHIT.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

    • Mis says:

      Hi Hannan,
      Could you please let me know if the MedTech sector includes nursing and midwifery fields as well? I am asking this because it appears that this visa is mostly focused on new technology in different sectors. So, just wanted to ask if a nurse/ midwife who meets the requirements can apply? Thank you

    • NICK says:

      Hi, All,
      Today I sent an email to upload document and received an auto-email. They said the GTI team is currently processing EOIs submitted in June,2020.

    • Johnason says:

      Hi Guys,

      I also got my UID last week. Here is my information:

      EOI submission date: 11th/June/2020
      UID received: 29th/Jan/2021
      Field: Data Science
      Details: Recent PhD + 30 publications

      I think the GTI office starts to consider cases where the EOI submission date is around June/July 2020.

      Hope you guys get your UIDs soon!



      • admin says:

        Congrats John – nice one!

      • Hunter says:

        Hi Johnason,

        Congratulations to you! Can you let us know if you are employed or not ?


        • Muhammad says:

          Hi Admin

          I got the UID last week and am preparing my documents to apply for the GTI visa but I have a query.

          I have already completed my studies. My student visa is expiring in October. I am planning to apply for Temporary Graduate Visa Post-study work stream sub class 485. Will my 485 visa application have any effect on the GTI visa application or it is fine to apply for both?


          • admin says:

            Hi Muhammad,
            You can technically lodge both applications and withdraw one when the other is approved, but since you’ve already received the GTI invitation there shouldn’t ordinarily be a need to submit the Graduate visa as well.
            Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss further.
            Kind regards,
            Hannan Tew

        • Johnason says:

          Hi Hunter,

          I have got a job in Australia.



    • Lucy says:

      Hi all,

      I also received my EOI yesterday.
      EOI Submission: 12nd June
      Field: MedTech
      Current position: first-year post-doctoral fellow (salary 90,000+)
      Publications: 4 (first author)
      Confererence: 1 oral + 2 poster (international)

      Plus, I have provided supplemental documents 3 times during the waiting period.

      • Lucy says:

        And thank you Hannan for provides such a good blog for our GTI applicants to communicate. I have been in this blog from the very beginning and have obtained maissive support from you and other applicants. I wish other applicants good luck!

      • Polly says:

        Congratulations Lucy! Did your PhD focus on specific medical technologies? My PhD was in public health and also applied under MedTech field with 20+ publications. EOI submitted on July 13, 2020. I am wondering if they would prefer someone who has a focus on technology. Thanks.


        • Lucy says:

          Hi Polly, my PhD work is related to primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Nothing related to medical technologies.

          • Polly says:

            Hi Lucy,

            Thanks for your reply. My PhD is sort of the same, focusing mainly on diet and nutrition for prevention or CVDs. I feel positive now. Congratulations and thanks again!


      • Usman Khalil says:

        Hi Lucy, Congrats.
        To Admin and everyone
        Please I have also submitted my EOI in July. I want to know can I update my EOI statement to link with new sectors added in the GTI sectors?
        Further, I have a new paper published and one teaching award last month, do I need to update these things, I have already updated my profile two times. Do I need to consolidate all these things and submit all details together?
        I am in my last few months of PhD degree submission, applied in the agriculture target sector, onshore, BSc Civil Engineering, master in Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering. Few publications in Journal and conferences and 8 years of working experience. 3 recommendation letters I have attached. I am feeling that I should link my EOI with the new target sector and it can be improved under new additional sectors.
        Please, anyone in Agtech sector who got UID, share your experience
        Thanks in advance.

    • David says:

      Hi Hannan,

      As I am not a scholar, I don’t have much publications conducted. Instead, there are a couple of press releases on local newspaper regarding my contribution. Do you think it can help?


      • admin says:

        Hi David,
        Depending on what it is that your talent is, you might still be able to obtain an invitation. Press releases are a good indicator of talent, but you need to provide a holistic picture.
        Feel free to shoot us an email at [email protected] if you’d like to undertake an assessment.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Hoshani says:

      Hi all,
      Thank you so much everyone here and hanna for providing this highly informative platform. I submitted my EOI in June and based on all the data that people have shared on this great platform I am expecting that I shall receive an invite soon.
      My question is about lodging the visa. I am in a de facto relationship and my partner is offshore, we had plans to get married and apply for visa together but could not happen due to COVID. Now I want to apply together with my partner but my question is that whether applying together will lessen the chances or increase the wait time of visa grant? Our profile is:
      I am a recent PhD graduate in Australia in Manufacturing sector with good academic standing and awards.
      My partner is postgraduate, working in an MNC as Software Engineer, 4 year experience. Both aged under 30.

      • admin says:

        Hi Hoshani,
        Applying for the visa with your partner doesn’t go to general eligibility so it shouldn’t impact your visa processing, unless you have insufficient evidence of your relationship. Remember that de facto generally does have a requirement of living together.
        Feel free to get in touch with us at [email protected] if you’d like our assistance.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

        • Hoshani says:

          Hi admin,
          Thank you very much for your response. For the de facto relationship documents, we can provide proof of relationship of over 10 years through emails/conversations eatc but we have lived together for less than a year in total because of working in different cities mostly. Will that not fulfil the d facto relationship documentation requirements? Also, if they are not satisfied with the documents will they straight awa cancel the visa for both or will they give a chance to provide more evidence or atleast grant one visa?
          Please let me know. Thank you very much.

    • Yousef says:

      Hi Hannan,

      Please is it required to provide police certificate for my wife from Australia and our home country?
      Di they accept translation to English from translator in our home country for documents issues in my country while currently living in Australia?

      • admin says:

        Hi Yousef,
        You and your wife are required to provide police clearances from each country that you’ve lived in for 12 months or more in the last 10 years.
        If they are not in English, they should be translated (either official translation or NAATI certified).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • ES says:

      Dear Admin,
      According to the UPDATED automated response, it looks only PhD graduates who completed their PhD within the last 3 years is eligible to apply.

      What about people that submitted their EOI 6 months ago when they were still recent graduate but have not received their EOI yet and they are not recent graduate anymore?

      whether they will be removed from system like Master and Bachelor graduates? or whether date of EOI submission is important?

    • sew says:

      Dear Hannan,


      According to the automated response from the GTI , it says that Masters and Bachelor holding applicants will be no longer eligible for GTI program regardless of their EOI submission date. I have a number of publication (38 published articles and other under view papers) and other achievements (grants, conference attending, leadership (director) international health-economics and outcomes research society regional chapter). I am in the Med tech section. On the last July 2020, I have applied with masters degree though I am currently in the beginning of my second year PhD study in public health in one of G8 university in Australia. Is my application is going to be removed or am I still eligible? They have not responded back yet.

      Looking froward to hearing from you

      Thank you inadvance


    • Usman Khalil says:

      Hi Hannan,
      Please can you reply to this?

      • Jasmine says:

        Hi Hannan,
        I just wonder if the majority of processed EOIs from June is under Medtech. I saw on another forum that june applicant are getting response finally but it seems like nearly all of them applied under Medtech. I wonder if it is same for your clients, too. Thank you very much in advance.

      • Naz says:

        Hi Sew,
        It’s confusing to me that who receive such like automatic response. Those who are master graduates or all applicants.

    • Usman Khalil says:

      Hi Hannan,
      Please I have also submitted my EOI in July. I want to know can I update my EOI statement to link with new sectors added in the GTI sectors?
      Further, I have a new paper published and one teaching award last month, do I need to update these things, I have already updated my profile two times. Do I need to consolidate all these things and submit all details together?
      I am in my last few months of PhD degree submission, applied in the agriculture target sector, onshore, BSc Civil Engineering, master in Hydraulics and Irrigation Engineering. Few publications in Journal and conferences and 8 years of working experience. 3 recommendation letters I have attached. I am feeling that I should link my EOI with the new target sector and it can be improved under new additional sectors.
      Please, anyone in Agtech sector who got UID, share your experience
      Thanks in advance.

      • admin says:

        Hi Usman,
        Generally the new sectors match with the old sectors. It’s a bit confusing, but most of the old sectors appear to fit into the new ones.
        If you find your sector was not clearly described and captured in the new sectors, then its worth providing an update clarifying how you fit in.
        You could also provide further documents to support your application at that stage.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Brenda says:

      Hi Hannan, I am requested to provide evidence that my PhD qualification meets Australian standards. So what should I do to provide such evidence ? Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Brenda,
        We use CEP (link here).
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

        • Brenda says:

          Thanks a lot for your kind reply Hannan. So, I should subscribe the CEP and pick a country profile, then send it to the immigration officer? Anything I need to submit for CEP, like certifate of my qualifications? Thanks.

    • DS says:

      Hi Admin, could honorary position (Honorary fellow; academic level B) with an Australian University (University of Melbourne) be an indicator of recognition of my scientific achievements? I’ve just accepted this offer but not sure whether should I update the dept about this or not (this offer does not increase my salary). FYI, I am an recent PhD graduate (April 2020) and currently working as a post-doc in an Australian medical research institute. Submitted my EOI in August 2020 but have not received any outcome yet.


      • admin says:

        Hi DS,
        Absolutely, an honorary position is an indicator of your achievements.
        If you submitted your EOI in August it’s probably just in the queue, but certainly worth updating the Department with your new position.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

      • Ali says:

        Hi Brenda

        Did GTI contact you to provide evidence that your PhD qualification meets Australian standards?
        Thanks a lot

        • Brenda says:

          Yes, they did. I don’t know why as I have already submitted the copy of certificate to them.

          • Ali says:

            Thanks, Brenda for your reply

            This is a new update requirement for offshore who did his PhD outside of Australia

            May I know when did you submit your EOI

            Thanks again

    • Niro says:

      Hi Guys
      I received UID today.
      Application date : 17th of June
      Sector : Fintech
      PhD in 2020
      Working as a Lecturer( 90K)

    • Danielle Bolton says:

      Hi there – Please can you confirm for me as I’m getting conflicing information in my research and from MARA agents. Are you still eligible for 858 if you have “internationally recognised record of exceptional and outstanding achievement” in either a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research.” and it has nothing to do with the GTI programme?

      • admin says:

        Hi Danielle,
        Yes, you can apply for the Distinguished Talent visa directly (e.g. sports stars) but it has more onerous requirements and much longer processing times.
        Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you’d like to discuss.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • Niro says:

        I do have 5+ journal publication and 15+ national and international conferences presentations.
        They didn’t ask additional infor. Sent me the UID.

    • Shammie says:

      Hello Team,

      Do you know of anyone who is from cyber security and PhD got the UID recently (January or February 2021)? I applied on 8th July 2020.

      Also, do you think that changing the status from onshore to offshore will be affecting the chances of getting the UID? I am having an emergency situation to return to my home country. Just want some advise.

      Thank you.

    • Nuria says:

      I just submitted my EOI and wanted to know if there is any way to confirm that it has been sent correctly and that the documents I attached were uploaded correctly as well.
      My profile: PhD student in agricultural sciences in the last semester with publications in high impact international journals that have been cited by other authors, nominator in my field, stay at the University of Melbourne during 9 months as a PhD student, more than 4 years of experience in the agri-food sector and job offer to prove that I’ll be able to earn over FWHIT.
      Do you think I have high chances of receiving an invitation?
      Thanks so much in advance!

    • Anne says:

      Hi did any PhD student is Last semester got invitations? Do several international conferences and a fellowship would enough without publications to get GTI?

    • ES says:

      Dear Hannan,

      I found that the global talent contact form has been updated and several sectors has been changed.
      I have already applied in MedTech sector, but the sector has been changed to Health industries.
      Do you think I am still eligible for GTIP?

      • admin says:

        Hi ES,
        Our position is that MedTech will fit into the Health industries (it’s a broader sector).
        Assuming you have international recognition, you should still be able to get an invite.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

      • SKl says:

        Dear Hannan
        can you send us the link please ?

        • admin says:

          Hi Shakeel,
          There’s no link on the Department’s website, but it’s a document called Direction 89 which updates the order of processing (and target sectors).
          We’re still getting clarity on how it will apply but will publish further information when we do.
          Kind regards,
          Hannan Tew

      • SKl says:

        Can you send us the link where it says sector has been changed to health industries?

    • Julia says:

      Hi Hannan,

      Do u think the immigration officer will help to swap me from cyber security to education sector in EOI if he or she finds that my experience is more related to education field?Or do I need to do anything now, as I think my background is more related to education instead of cyber security.


      • admin says:

        Hi Julia,
        In your case, it might be worth emailing the Department with a brief summary of how you react with the new sector (on the basis that you say your appropriate sector is actually more education specific and not Cyber Security).
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Polly says:

      Hi all,

      I sent an update email yesterday to let the department know that I have got my PhD award. Previously any update email would receive an automated reply. But I didn’t receive any automated reply for the email I sent yesterday. I double checked the email address, it is correct. Does it mean my email did not reach them and I should resend? Or did the department stop sending automated reply? I wonder if anyone experienced the same. Thanks.


    • Ullah says:

      Where I can find details of GTI sectors mainly the new sector “Resources”? Is it means natural resources like forest, wetland, and so on? I knew someone who worked in the Forestry sector received a GTI visa in July 2020.

      • admin says:

        Hi Ullah,
        There’s no guidelines yet that we’re aware of, so submissions simply have to be creative.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Dan says:

      Hi Polly,

      I’ve sent them an update and received an auto reply as usual. Have you checked your spam?

      • Polly says:

        Hi Dan,

        Thanks for the reply. I checked my junk email, didn’t see any reply. I did receive their automatic reply before, so it shouldn’t go to my junk email. I ended up resending the email just now and got the automatic response. Not sure what went wrong with the email yesterday.


    • Julia says:

      Hi Hannan, Do you have any ideas on how long it does it take if GTO rejects an application? Thanks. Julia.

    • Shammie says:

      Hello Team,

      Sorry for posting this again.

      Do you know of anyone who is from cyber security and PhD got the UID recently (January or February 2021)? I applied on 8th July 2020.

      Also, do you think that changing the status from onshore to offshore will be affecting the chances of getting the UID? I am having an emergency situation to return to my home country. Just want some advise.

      Thank you.

      • admin says:

        Hi Shammie,
        We haven’t had any cyber security UID’s over that period.
        We also understand that being offshore / onshore doesn’t impact the EOI process.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Niro says:

      Hi admin
      Do you know whether we should attach nominators passport with our application for GTI even if he is a citizen of Australian.


      • admin says:

        Hi Niro,
        As best practice the evidence of Australian citizenship should be included with a Form 1000.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Jacy says:

      Dear Admin,
      Thanks for the informative blog. I received my UID in the 1st week of November under the sector Mining. But I’ve not submit my Visa application yet. With changes in target sectors (Direction No 89), can I submit my application?

      • WEI ZHANG says:

        High Jacy,
        Would you please share your profile?
        On shore or off shore?
        Have a postdoc job offer or not.
        Thanks very much.

      • admin says:

        Hi Jacy,
        The Energy and Mining Technology sector should align with resources, and in any case, if you’ve received a UID you should be able to go ahead and proceed based on that.
        Good luck,
        Hannan Tew

    • Shehzad says:

      Hi Admin,
      I am a PhD research fellow in Renewable energy and going to complete my degree by June-2021. I have 4 high impact journal publications, 2 highly reputed conferences, and 4 reports to the European commission as part of my PhD research. I won EU-H2020 Prestigious PhD scholarship in 2018 , and worked for one EU funded hydrogen energy based wind farm, and did one Italian government funded project in thermal and electric energy. I worked as a researcher with top energy companies of Europe (sinteff, hydrogenics, Technalia) as part of my PHD research. Could you please comment on my profile? whether its align with the Global talen visa requirement? and how long the home department is granting the UID? mean the processing time.

      Thanks in anticipation

      • admin says:

        Hi Shehzad,
        Looks like a decent profile. Department processing time is about 6-7 months at the moment.
        Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you would like a full assessment.
        Kind regards,
        Hannna Tew

    • Anand says:

      Hi admin,

      Can you please update on the recent UID receipt for the EOI submitted in Aug (Ag sector). Are present processing is still running for the June/July applications. Thanks

      • admin says:

        Hi Anand,
        Yes, most August applications are still processing.
        We’re seeing mid June applications being processed right now.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • kenny says:


      About the 858 visa, may I know if I am in Australia and my family is abroad, the visa will still be granted?
      or both me and family must be in Australia or aboard?

      Thanks very much.

      • admin says:

        Hi Kenny,
        The good news is that the visa can be granted if you and your family are in separate locations (Australia or abroad). You just need to make sure they meet the members of family unit requirements.
        Good luck!
        Hannan Tew

    • Andy says:

      Hi Hannan, what can be considered as international achievements other than research, publications, conference, recommendation letter, and salary? I am not an academic. Grateful if you could share some advice. Thanks.

      • admin says:

        Hi Andy,
        This will largely depend on your circumstances.
        Feel free to book a consultation through here to discuss your particulars.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • kenny says:

      Hi Hannan Tew,

      Thanks for your reply.
      I have lodged my application for 124 Distinguished Talent visa on 12 nov 2020.
      I receive an email last week and requested to leave Australia before a final decision can be made.
      May I know, I should leave Australia in this situation or there is another better solution?
      My family members are abroad.



      • admin says:

        Hi Kenny,
        I see – you’ve lodged an older offshore visa. The 124 visa will require you to be offshore at grant.
        There are some COVID-19 related concessions for certain offshore grant visas to now be lodged onshore (see here), but this does not yet apply to 124 visas. As it stands, you’ll need to go offshore for grant.
        Kind regards,
        Hannan Tew

    • Kim Jeong says:

      Hello Hannah, I have noticed that some countries a higher percentage of “Yes” on request for information (RFI), do you know what is the meaning behind of it? What is the purpose of GTO release this data to us? Thanks. Kim

    • Jessie says:

      Dear Hannah,

      Learnt from a friend who applied Fintech in late Jan and received an email early Feb that her application was rejected. How come the processing time is so short for her case? Does it mean that those who have been waiting have a greater chance of being accepted? Need your wisdom and professional sharing.

      Warmest regards,

    • John says:

      Hi Hannan Tew,

      Would it be advisable to have a nominator with a lot of achievements and credible reputation but is current retried?

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