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A Complete Guide to AAT Visa Refusal Appeals Administrative Appeals Tribunalmerits review

A Complete Guide to AAT Visa Refusal Appeals

If you disagree with a visa refusal decision, you may be able to apply for a “merits review” of that decision to the Migration and Refugee (M&R) Division of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). This article will take you through an in-depth explanation of how to appeal your visa refusal and navigate the AAT process. Why are visas refused? Visa…
Emily Young
6 September, 2024
Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) to commence in October 2024 reviewmerits review

Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) to commence in October 2024

Relevant legislation that will abolish the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and replace it with the new Administrative Review Tribunal (ART) passed Parliament in May 2024, and received royal asset in June 2024. The Attorney General has announced that the new ART will commence from 14 October 2024. What about existing matters with the AAT? All matters that are currently before…
Jordan Tew
8 August, 2024