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What is the New Zealand Family Relationship (Subclass 461) visa? a picture of a couple461FamilyNew Zealand

What is the New Zealand Family Relationship (Subclass 461) visa?

The New Zealand Family Relationship (Subclass 461) (461) visa is a 5-year temporary visa issued to Members of the Family Unit (MoFU) of New Zealand citizens. It allows family members of New Zealand citizens to live, work, and study in Australia. Who is eligible for the 461 visa? Generally, visa applicants must: be a MoFU of a New Zealand citizen;…
Annie Anderson
4 March, 2025
SCV (Subclass 444): What is a “Behaviour Concern Non-Citizen”? australian immigration practiceCharacter testImmigrationNew Zealand

SCV (Subclass 444): What is a “Behaviour Concern Non-Citizen”?

The Special Category (Subclass 444) visa (SCV) is a free temporary visa that is granted to New Zealand citizens to remain in Australia indefinitely. Normally, New Zealand citizens can obtain this visa on arrival to Australia or if necessary and eligible, can apply while inside Australia. To be eligible for the SCV, applicants must: have a valid New Zealand passport;…
Annie Anderson
23 October, 2024
New pathway for New Zealanders to acquire Australian citizenship CitizenshipHealthNew Zealand

New pathway for New Zealanders to acquire Australian citizenship

The government recently announced the long-awaited pathway through which New Zealanders can more easily acquire Australian citizenship. Starting from 1 July 2023, New Zealand citizens will be eligible to directly apply for Australian citizenship without having to first obtain permanent residency. What is changing? Currently, an applicant for Australian citizenship must be in possession of permanent residency. Upon arrival, New…
Edison Zhang
1 May, 2023
What were the 24 May 2021 changes to the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa in the New Zealand stream? australian resident visa189General Skilled MigrationImmigrationNew Zealand

What were the 24 May 2021 changes to the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa in the New Zealand stream?

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted Australia’s labour market, with many employees being stood down or having their hours reduced. This disruption extends to New Zealanders residing in Australia. On 24 May 2021, the Department released a legislative instrument to address the disadvantages to the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) (189) visa applicants in the New Zealand stream who would have,…
Emily Young
7 July, 2021
Australian citizenship and permanent residence for New Zealanders: A Quick Guide CitizenshipImmigrationNew Zealand

Australian citizenship and permanent residence for New Zealanders: A Quick Guide

New Zealanders who enter Australia on a New Zealand passport are granted a Special Category (Subclass 444) visa (SCV) upon arrival. This visa enables New Zealander to remain in Australia indefinitely, work without restriction, and study. New Zealanders in Australia enjoy access to many benefits which are not available to citizens of other countries, such as eligibility for Medicare, or…
Edison Zhang
29 April, 2020