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Immigration Blog and Latest News

Our staff have the knowledge to deal with all immigration problems, no matter how complex. Keep abreast of immigration updates with our blog posts below.
Visa application charge increases, concessions for Graduate visa applications and the introduction of Workforce Australia
Immigration blog
GraduateImmigrationLabour Market Testing

Visa application charge increases, concessions for Graduate visa applications and the introduction of Workforce Australia

As we approach the end of the financial year, a number of new legislative updates in Australian immigration law affect Graduate visas, visa application charges and the introduction of a new platform for Labour Market Testing (LMT). Visa application charges From 1 July 2022, visa application charges will increase across the board by 3 % (rounded to the nearest $5).…
Immigration blog
29 June, 2022
Global Talent Independent (GTI) program document checklist
Immigration blog
858Distinguished TalentGlobal Talent Independent

Global Talent Independent (GTI) program document checklist

On 29 November 2024, the Department closed the GTI program and are no longer accepting new Expressions of Interest (EOI). Interest applicants should review the criteria for the new National Innovation visa. The Global Talent Independent (GTI) program is a streamlined immigration pathway to attract highly skilled migrants to work and live permanently in Australia. The program targets specific, high…
Immigration blog
8 June, 2022
The E-3 Visa: A unique advantage for Australian businesses operating in the United States
Immigration blog
E3US Immigration

The E-3 Visa: A unique advantage for Australian businesses operating in the United States

Australia is one of the few countries in the world whose citizens have a unique United States work visa available only to their citizens. Australian citizens are the only nationality eligible to apply for an E-3 visa to work in the United States. Understanding why it is such an advantage to have the E-3 visa available requires an understanding of…
Immigration blog
30 May, 2022
Age exemption for legacy 457 workers applying for ENS visas and the removal of onshore renewal restrictions for certain TSS visa holders in STSOL occupations
Immigration blog
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Age exemption for legacy 457 workers applying for ENS visas and the removal of onshore renewal restrictions for certain TSS visa holders in STSOL occupations

Recent changes to Australia's employer sponsored program includes: an age exemption for "legacy 457 workers"; and removal of onshore renewal restriction for eligible Temporary Skill Shortage (Subclass 482) visa holders in occupations on the Short‑term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL). These are in addition to previous changes (see here) providing certain Temporary Work (Skilled) (Subclass 457) (Subclass 457) and Subclass 482…
Immigration blog
6 April, 2022
New pathway to permanent residence for short-term stream TSS / 457 visa holders (Updated 21 March 2022)
Immigration blog
457 visa482Employer SponsoredTSS

New pathway to permanent residence for short-term stream TSS / 457 visa holders (Updated 21 March 2022)

On 17 March 2022, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs (Alex Hawke) introduced a highly anticipated legislative instrument (LIN22/038) enabling short-term stream Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) Subclass 482 visa holders who remained in Australia during the pandemic with a pathway to permanent residency. This pathway will be available via the Temporary Residence Transition (TRT) stream of…
Immigration blog
21 March, 2022
Updates to the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa (and other temporary visas)
Immigration blog

Updates to the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa (and other temporary visas)

On 2 March 2022, Minister Hawke announced further concessions for holders of a number of visas in support of Australia's COVID recovery, including for the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa. These changes are in addition to previously announced enhanced pathways to permanent residence for TSS visa holders and concessions for Student and Graduate visa holders. COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass…
Immigration blog
3 March, 2022